Annual Report of Faculty Activities
School of Science and Engineering
Tulane University
Due Date: February 1, ______
Academic Rank______
Calendar Year_____
Faculty Load
The faculty load should be determined in consultation with the Department Chair.
Professional &
Public Service_____%_____%
Institutional Service_____%_____%
Other Activities:
TOTAL 100 % 100 %
Purpose of this Report
This report has several purposes. It will be used by the Department Chair and the Dean of Science and Engineering in the annual evaluation of the faculty member’s performance and in the determination of her/his merit raise. It will be used to aggregate productivity data for the School of Science and Engineering and its individual units. And it will be used as a source of information for annual reports and other publications that will be distributed internally and externally.
For the purpose of merit raise considerations, productivity data over the preceding two to four year period will be considered. No specific weights are assigned to each of the reported items but it is understood that, within each reporting category (Research, Teaching, and Professional and Institutional Service), the items are generally listed in descending order of importance.
List all reviewed journal papers (research) that appeared in print during the calendar year.
List all reviewed journal papers (research) that were accepted for publication during the calendar year.
List all patents that were issued during the calendar year.
List all reviewed conference proceedings papers (research) that appeared in print or were accepted for publication during the calendar year.
List all books and monographs that appeared in print during the calendar year.
List all book sections or chapters that appeared in print during the calendar year.
Report on all current research funding in the following table.
Sponsor / PIs / Co-PIs / Title / Start &End
Dates / External
Percentage of
The Grant/Contract
Attributed to You / Percentage of
Your AY Salary
Supported / Full-Time
Equivalents of
Graduate RA’s
Supported / Number of
Undergraduate RA’s
Supported / Number of
Report on other proposals pending and declined in the following table.
Sponsor / PIs / Co-PIs / Pendingor
Declined / External
List all awards for excellence in research that were received during the calendar year.
List all published reviews of books or journal papers that appeared in print during the calendar year.
List all non-reviewed journal papers that appeared in print during the calendar year.
List all non-reviewed conference proceedings papers that appeared in print during the calendar year.
List all presentations and seminars during the calendar year that did not appear nor will appear in conference proceedings.
List all other creative works that were published during the calendar year (such as reports, bulletins and documented software packages).
List all postdoctoral researchers advised during the calendar year.
List all PhD students advised and, if the degree was awarded during the calendar year, provide the dissertation title and date. If the degree was not awarded during the calendar year, provide the general dissertation topic and expected completion date.
List all MS thesis students advised and, if the degree was awarded during the calendar year, provide the thesis title and date. If the degree was not awarded during the calendar year, provide the general thesis topic and expected completion date.
List all BS senior thesis and honors thesis students advised and, if the thesis was completed during the calendar year, provide the thesis title and date. If the thesis was not completed during the calendar year, provide the general thesis topic and expected completion date.
Report on all courses taught in the following table.
Semester / CourseNumber / Number
Credits / Number
of Lab.
Sections / Number
Students / Student
Briefly describe planned improvements in your teaching based on feedback received this calendar year (include the source of feedback, i.e. student evaluations, student comments, faculty mentor, course round-up):
Briefly describe the effectiveness of improvements made based on feedback received last calendar year (include the source of feedback, i.e. student evaluations, student comments, faculty mentor, course round-up):
List all independent study and reading courses directed during the calendar year.
List all scholarly publications in the area of teaching that appeared in print during the calendar year.
List all conference presentations in the area of teaching during the calendar year.
List all invited lectures in the area of teaching during the calendar year.
List all awards for excellence in teaching that were received during the calendar year.
List all education conferences and teaching workshops attended during the calendar year.
Professional and Public Service
List all positions held as journal editor during the calendar year.
List all positions held as associate journal editor during the calendar year.
List all positions on journal editorial boards held during the calendar year.
List all professional meeting sessions organized during the calendar year.
List all symposiums organized during the calendar year.
List all service on federal agency proposal review panels during the calendar year.
List all elected offices held on professional society committees during the calendar year.
List all journals for which manuscripts were reviewed and the number of manuscript reviews per journal during the calendar year.
List all conferences for which proceedings manuscripts were reviewed and the number of manuscript reviews per conference during the calendar year.
List all agencies for which proposals were reviewed and the number of proposal reviews per agency during the calendar year.
List all licenses issued for patented work during the calendar year.
List all external consulting activities during the calendar year and hours associated with each.
List all committee memberships in professional societies during the calendar year.
List all other book reviews (non-published) during the calendar year.
Institutional Service
List all PhD dissertation and MS thesis committees on which you served during the calendar year (not as advisor).
List all M.S. non-thesis students advised during the calendar year.
List all undergraduates advised during the calendar year (not senior thesis advisor).
List all university committees on which you served during the calendar year and the dates of service. Indicate if you served as committee chair.
List all School of Science and Engineering committees on which you served during the calendar year and the dates of service. Indicate if you served as committee chair.
List all departmental committees on which you served during the calendar year and the dates of service. Indicate if you served as committee chair.
List all student organizations or groups advised during the calendar year.
List all internal proposals reviewed during the calendar year.
Other Activities
Indicate here any other activities that are indicative of commitment to research, teaching and service. For example, you may want to make note of:
national recognition, major honors or awards not listed elsewhere;
publications under review, or in preparation;
proposals in preparation;
pedagogical developments;
courses introduced or redesigned;
classroom innovation;
outreach and community service activities not listed elsewhere;
mentoring of new faculty;
continuous improvement initiatives not listed elsewhere;
development of collaborative projects;
faculty development activities.
Achievements and Plans
If youwould like, include here brief statements on integrated achievements and on goals and strategies. It would also be appropriate to include a needs assessment.