For the Week of: February 9, 2015
Mrs. Solari’s Class
Monday: Day 4~ Happy 100th Day!Parent initials ______
1-Write word wall words in sentences.
2-Math- Practice addition and subtraction math facts with triangle fact cards or on Xtra Math website.
3-Study guide in the SS section of your child’s binder for SS test on Wednesday.
4-Parents, please read Barter Day reminder notice. Work on your poster tonight!
Tuesday: Day 1~ Parent initials ______
1- Read “Dear Mr. Blueberry” with an adult and answer questions.
2-Math- P 149-150
3-Study guide in the SS section of your child’s binderfor SS test tomorrow.
4-Bring in Barter Day bag with goods tomorrow.
5-It’s Dine-Around at Vinny’s!
Wednesday:Day 2~ Parent initials ______
1-Read“The Tool Room” to an adult and make a list of –oo words. Share some inferences with an adult.
2-Math-P 151-152
3-Bring in Barter Day poster tomorrow. The sign will be part of a SS grade.
4-For the Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Day tomorrow, wear red or pink!
Thursday: Day 3~ It’s Barter Day and HealthyHeart Day in 2S! Happy Valentine’s Day!
We’re going to do some healthy YOGA in class today, TOO!
1- No Homework!
Friday: No School today! It’s a Teacher Inservice! No School on Presidents Day! See you on Tuesday!
Classroom News
Reading: This week we will be reading“Dear Mr. Blueberry.” Thisselection is an informational story. An informational story gives facts about a topic through a story plot. This week’s story will give us information about whales with the help of the vivid imagination of a young girl. As you read the story with your child, have your child look for characters that tell facts, and have them retell the beginning, middle, and end. This week our readingfocus skill is “make inferences.” You can help at home by asking your child to make inferences or “read between the lines” as he/she is reading. Good readers use story clues to make inferences to understand what is happening in a story. Please emphasize to your child that good readers always pay attention to whether they understand what they are reading. This week our reading focus strategy is “read ahead.” When your child is having trouble understanding the ideas or details in what he/she is reading, he/she can read ahead a bit to look for clues to help him/her make sense of things that confuse them. Please practice these skills and strategies when you read at home with your child.
Word Wall Words: here, don’t, not, too, and write
Vocabulary Words: oceans, information, stroke, forcibly, and details
Phonics:We will focus on words with thevowel digraphs: oo anduethis week. Our spelling words are blue, glue, clue, due, true, too, zoo, room, rooftop, and noontime.
Grammar: Describing words
Social Studies: Barter Day is on Thursday! Your child should be gathering “goods” at home they are willing to part with so they can barter to receive another classmate’s “goods.” The goods are due on Wednesday. Your child will also need to make a poster to advertise their wares. The poster, due on Thursday, will be part of a SS grade. The children will surely have an awesome time experiencing bartering first-hand!
Healthy Heart Day:We will be exchanging valentines on Thursday. If your child chooses to participate, he or she should provide a valentine for everyone in the class. A class list was sent home last Tuesday. For our Healthy Heart Celebration we will learn about the heart, have a yoga lesson as a class, and enjoy a heart healthy snack together!