Telephone3452 5333Mr J SlomanPrincipal

Student Absences3452 5306Mr F BrunettoA/Deputy Principal

Enrolments3452 5301Mrs E HamiltonDeputy Principal

Facsimile3452 5300Ms B ClarkeDeputy Principal



6 December 2011


The end of the year is looming; Santa’s elves are in last minute preparations and report cards are arriving this week. It is a time to reflect on the year, to appreciate the effort that has gone into our work and the outcomes we have all achieved. It has been a year where we have said farewell to long standing staff, set new and exciting directions for the school and continued to achieve outstanding results.

2012 sees a new strategic direction for the school. We will have an unrelenting focus on improving:

  • What is going on in the classroom with our curriculum, teaching and assessment
  • Literacy and numeracy for every child
  • The culture of care in the school
  • Performance and participation of everyone.

I wish everyone a terrific and safe holiday season and look forward to 2012 with optimism, that this outstanding school will continue to improve and our students will continue to achieve great results.

I would like to personally congratulate Mr Frank Brunetto on his permanent appointment to the position of Deputy Principal at Tully SHS and Ms Sue Pritchard who was successful in her application as Head of Department (The Arts) here at Mansfield. We will be welcoming Mrs Simone Fuller to the position of Deputy Principal for 2012.

Enrolment demand in the school continues to far exceed places in the school. With many hundreds on a waiting list, it is sobering to consider the responsibility that all of us have in ensuring that this school continues to be the finest that a school can be.

Keep shining!


As the end of the year approaches, this is a reminder that students need to be in full time attendance until 3pm on Friday 9 December. If there is a difficulty, please contact the relevant Deputy Principal.


The following dates apply:

  • From Monday 5 December -Year 12 References will be mailed out to students who requested them.
  • Wednesday 7 December - Year 10 and 11 Reports will be mailed out to studentswho have fulfilled school requirements. Students who have not done this, will need to fix the situation and collect their reports. (Entry to, and exit from, the school is via the Ham Road gate only). Students must be dressed in neat casual clothing. It is vital that the school has the student’s correct address.
  • Wednesday 7 December- Year 8 and 9 reports will be issued at 2.45pm in form class meetings to students who have completed all school requirements.
  • Friday 16 December – the QSA should mail out to Year 12s the Senior Education Profile which might include a QCE, Senior Statement, and if eligible, Tertiary Entrance Statement to arrive in home letter boxes from Monday 19 December. By using their LUI and password, Year 12 students may also access their OP and FP results earlier from 9am on Saturday 17 December online (). However students MUST know their LUI (Learner Unique Identifier) and their password. Along with their graduation certificates, on Friday 18 November students receivedtheir student assessment record which includes their LUI.


This year, SEQUEL BOOKS will supply text books and stationery to our families using the following ordering options:

  • Complete Orders Online at by Friday 9 December, OR
  • Complete a hard-copy order form & return it to our school’s Lower Office in an ENVELOPE with FULL PAYMENT by Friday 9 December, OR
  • In-Store & Late Orders can be made in Person, by Mail, Fax or Email (Details below).

Address:4 BANK STREET, WEST END / Phone: 3255 1488 / Fax: 3255 1644 / Email:

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 4.30pm

Christmas Trading: CLOSED from 3pm Thursday 22 December 2011 to 8.30am Tuesday 3 January 2012

Please note:

  • orders will be supplied on a pre-paid basis only
  • collection, delivery & payment details are located on the back page of the booklist
  • packs can be delivered to your nominated address for $8 per address
  • pack collection days at our school bookshop (beside the uniform shop)are from Monday 16 January until Friday 20 January from 8.30am to 12 noon.
  • packs will be delivered between Saturday 7 January and Wednesday 18 January 2012.

IMPORTANT: These forms are also on our website (). We have a new web address which contains a ‘d’ in mansfield.


Our school bookshop (beside the uniform shop) will still be open for secondhand books, but the hours of opening will be reduced as follows:

Last week of school: Monday 5 December to Friday 9 December8.30am to 11.30am

Last week of holidaysMonday 16 January to Friday 20 January8.30am to 12 noon
First week of schoolMonday 23 January to Friday 27 January (excluding 26 January)7.30am to 10am.


These will only be available at our school uniform shop, which is located under the Administration building. Opening times are:

LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL5 - 9 December 20117.30am to 12 noon

LAST WEEK OF HOLIDAYS16 - 20 January 20128.30am to 12 noon

FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL23 Jan – 27 Jan 20127.30am to 12 noon (not 26 January)

SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL30 Jan – 3 Feb 20127.30am to 9.15am.

The uniform shop is also open on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week throughout the year from 7.30am to 9.15am.


It would be appreciated if all subject cost payments could be finalised this week. If there is a concern regarding this, please contact the relevant Deputy Principal (Yr 8 Mrs Hamilton; Yrs 9 &11 Mr Brunetto; Yrs 10,12 Ms Clarke) to discuss the matter. Thank you for this.


The school office will re-open on Monday 16 January 2012.


Rauchle Service Club - Mater Children’s Hospital Visit

The last Tuesday of the Year 11 term saw the Executive of the Rauchle Service Club board the City Council bus for our annual visit to the Mater Children’s Hospital to present a cheque as a gift to the Mater Foundation for improvements to the Children’s Hospital. Pictured is President Naomi Rowland presenting the cheque for one thousand five hundred dollars, ably supported by Vice President Natasha Abeysekera and Treasurer Tyler Nobelen. We were delighted to be met by Joan Bremner, wife of the late John Bremner, who was the Head of Department (Science) at Mansfield High for twenty five years before he lost his battle with cancer. Each year the John Bremner Memorial Trophy is given to the top Year 12 Science student for the year at Presentation Evening. Joan was thrilled to meet the Rauchle Executive and to join us on our tour of parts of the Children’s Hospital including the Field of Dreams and the Captain S.


We have just received the wonderful news that Whim our Brood Dog has had her first littler of pups the ‘L’ Litter and we hope you enjoy the photo opposite. This is very exciting news for us and we will be able to follow the litter and take pride in her pups that become fully working guide dogs.

This has once again been a very successful year for the Rauchle Service Club and there are some very interesting ideas being promoted for raising funds in 2012. Congratulations for a great result.

Distribution for 2011

Funds this year were raised through various avenues including the very popular ‘Pancake Day’, the ‘5 Cent Drive’, ‘Slushies’ for Sports Day, Musical Rehearsal Canteen, Soap Drive and Wishart Rotary.

Students assisted in raising much needed items for flood victims early in the year.

Seven Year 9 and 10 students participated in the Smith Family S2S Reader2Reader programme during Terms 2 and 3. Students and parents also assisted in the May and October Book Sales by Wishart Rotary.

  • $2,000Guide Dogs Queensland for “Whim” our Brood dog. (This amount included $400 from the plastic guide dog situated at the canteen.)
  • $332.61Emmanuel Kelabo our student at the NewErimaPrimary School, PNG
  • $250Nathanael House for homeless youth, Mt Gravatt
  • $638Laurine, our student in Tanzania
  • $1,500Mater Children’s Hospital Trust
  • $250One child to attend the Special Needs Christmas Party
  • $500CanTeen Queensland for teens with cancer.

The total monetary gifts for 2011 amount to $5,470.61.

The Great Debate – Wishart Rotary v Mansfield High

A short time ago several of our students took part in the highly contested Annual

Debate between Mansfield High and the Wishart Rotary Club. The Mansfield High Team

consisted of: Adjudicator, Ashley Nielson; Chairperson, Joshua Rosentreter; Time Keeper, Reearna Janke; Speakers, Sam Cree, Prisca Ochan and Bethany Cave.

The Debate topic for 2011 was: “That Society is more important than individuals” with the Rotarians debating in the affirmative. Although the Rotarians are improving every year, once again our debaters won the debate handsomely and Mansfield High continues victorious. Mr Sloman attended this Debate and was given the opportunity to speak to Rotary on behalf of our School. This event is an annual highlight between Wishart Rotary and Mansfield High and is always a very special occasion. Well done Mansfield Team!

Academic Excellence Scholarship

Pictured is Year 12 student, Grace Ngu who has been awarded a Griffith Connect Partner School Academic Excellence Scholarship valued at three thousand dollars. Mansfield High is a Partner school with GriffithUniversity in the Griffith Connect Program. Once the OPs are released, as a recipient of this GriffithUniversity scholarship, Grace will also automatically be considered for the Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarship (valued at approximately twenty thousand dollars) and entry to the GriffithHonoursCollege. Another Year 12 student, Ashleigh Thomas , has been awarded guaranteed entry into her chosen course at GriffithUniversity as part of the Griffith Connect Partner School Program. Ashleigh will be studying Bachelor of Business (Event Management).

Southside Sport & Community Club Prostate Cancer Breakfast 2011

Pictured above are seven wonderful Year 10 Hospitality students who gave their time and talents freely to assist as waitpersons at the annual Prostate Cancer Breakfast last Saturday for over five hundred people at the Southside Sport and Community Club.

Year 10 students Teresa Hsieh, Lily Goegan, Emily Richmond, Courtney Friedrichs, Zoya Daryau, Marina Nassif and Mikaela Williams commenced work before 7am and worked very hard for several hours waiting on tables, serving hungry and thirsty customers, and even assisted in the clean up and rearranging of the Club rooms. They were beautiful ambassadors for our School and we are very proud of them and their contribution to this worthy cause. Over fifty thousand dollars was raised for Prostate Cancer research through the event and our students helped make it possible. Well done students!

Pauls Collect a Cap’ Promotion

This promotion is ongoing for 2012 and we are asking that our families continue to collect the especially marked caps on Pauls milk cartons for the ‘collect a cap’ drive over the holidays. Every marked cap is worth ten cents to our School and the proceeds will be equally divided between Chaplaincy, Student Council and the Rauchle Service Club. We have forwarded our first full bag of caps to Pauls and we hope to follow this with several full bags next year. Thank you so much for your collections this year and we hope you enjoy many cartons of fresh Pauls milk over the holidays and remember to keep the specially marked caps.

Environmental News

Mobile Muster

We were delighted to be advised that Mansfield High is leading this programme in Queensland and at present we are 8th in Australia. Mobile Muster collected a further box from our School last week, so we hope this will mean good news for our students and School. We have two MP3 Players for the top two students who have brought in the most old phones and accessories. These prizes will be awarded early next year.

In the meantime, please remember to look for those old mobile phones and accessories over the holidays and have them ready to deliver to the Library early next year. This is such an easy way to help our environment and even better, the old phones and accessories can be recycled and reused.

Environmental Holiday Tips

If you are holidaying away from home this year, please ensure everything is turned off at the wall and unplugged; this saves power and minimises the risk of fire in case of storms. It saves power and our environment turning off lights, fans and appliances when not in use.

Reduce, recycle and reuse over the holidays and the savings will be enormous.

We take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy, safe and joyous break and good wishes for the coming year.


Monday 5 DECEMBER / Tuesday 6 DECEMBER / Wednesday 7 DECEMBER / Thursday 8 DECEMBER / Friday 9 DECEMBER
S Stanton / G Redding / C Wood / R Tucker


Monday 5 December / Bookshop/Uniform Shop Open this week (see this Newsletter or website for opening times)
Yr 8&9: MUST BE AT SCHOOL for final week activities
Yr 12 References mailed home
Tuesday 6 December / Newsletter available on website
Yr 11 Reports mailed home
Wednesday 7 December / Yr 10 Reports mailed home
2.45pm Yr 8&9 Reports issued in form classes
Thursday 8 December / Per 4 Concert in Hall for all Yr 8&9 students
Friday 9 December / Yr 8&9 students come in casual dress
(long shorts, appropriate shirt, socks and joggers and hat/cap…
this will be discussed with students)
Lunchtime: Form picnics for Yrs 8&9
School finishes at 3pm
Monday 23 January / Year 8 and 11 students commence school
Tuesday 24 February / Year 9, 10 & 12 students commence school
