World Literature Unit
Assignment Descriptions
Chart Chats-Each is worth a daily grade
Due April 30/May 1 & May 12/13
a. Glue chart template into your journal.
b. Follow the chart instructions by each due date so you are prepared to participate in a discussion with your literature circle about your reading.
Found Poem-2 daily grades
Due May 8/11
a. Choose 50-100 words that stand out in a powerful, moving or interesting passage.
b. Make a list of the details, words, and phrases you like, keeping them as you found them.
c. Cut out everything that is dull or unnecessary.
d. Make minor changes to create your poem. Change punctuation, add NO MORE THAN 2 WORDS, and space your poem however you’d like.
e. At the bottom of the poem, cite your source.
*See example based on Bless Me, Ultima*
Heavily Annotated Passage-2 daily grades
Due May 14/15
a. Choose a 1-2 page passage that exemplifies a major theme in your novel. Choose your passage thoughtfully, and make sure it is a passage that others will understand even if they have not read your book.
b. Photocopy your passage-See me PRIOR to the due date if you need me to copy this for you.
c. Heavily annotate the passage-Each page should have 10-12 markings. These markings can include connections to other readings, or literary labels with explanations of significance. Do not merely write “simile, imagery, metaphor” in the margins. Any literary label should include an explanation of why this stylistic technique is important to your understanding.
Related Material Schaffer Paragraph-Major Project Grade
Due May 18/19
a. Find some related material that connects THEMATICALLY to your book. Look for art, music, poetry, short stories, television shows, newspaper articles, or movie clips.
b. Write a two-chunk Schaffer paragraph in the following format:
i. Topic Sentence-Thematic statement that connects your book to related material. Remember to include titles and authors/artists in your TS.
ii. CD #1-Direct quote from your book that proves your thematic statement. This should be embedded with proper citation.
iii. CM #1 and CM #2-In your own words, discuss how this quote proves the thematic statement in your TS.
iv. CD #2-If your related material is a song, poem, short story, or newspaper article, include a direct quote that proves your thematic statement. This should be embedded with proper citation. If your related material is a piece of art, a television show, or a movie clip, specifically describe a certain scene in as much detail as possible.
v. CM #4 and CM #5-In your own words, discuss how this related material proves the thematic statement in your TS.
c. Type and submit your paragraph to by the above due date.
*Review thematic statement handout, and Schaffer notes to help you format this correctly.*
Presentations-Quiz Grade
Due the week of May 26
a. As a group: Prepare a 5-7 minute introduction to your novel. This can be a lecture, Prezi, Powerpoint, movie, or anything you think will be interesting. Your introduction to the novel must include a brief summary, description of the setting (location and time period), author biography, and review (would you recommend this?). Practice and time this group presentation, and plan to come in early to set up your presentation if it involves technology.
b. Individually: Choose an assignment from this unit to present to the class. At least one person from each group should present an annotated passage, a related material paragraph, and a found poem. If you have more than 3 group members, 2 of you may present the same assignment, but all work should be original.
Name: ______Group Members: ______
Presentation Rubric
-Group presentation is polished, professional and effective ___/20
-Group presentation includes:
Summary of the book ___/10
Setting ___/5
Author biography ___/5
Review/Recommendation ___/10
-Individual presentation is clearly prepared, polished,
professional and effective ___/50