Post your response to the following: What is the connection between moral character and political activism? Do you think there should be a link between good moral character and political activity?

A person’s moral character can be viewed as negative or positive to different people. A way someone may view one thing, can be viewed totally different by another person. Moral character helps to shape a person. A person with moral character is one who has values, usually based on how they were raised. Characteristics such as integrity, honesty, and courage are just some of the signs of moral character. The connection with moral character and political activism would be for example someone who has moral factors and at the same time is practicing political activism, such as abortion or same sex marriages.

I think there is no right or wrong when it comes to good moral character or judgment. Everyone should be entitled to their own views and moral values. For example, it would be wrong to say that someone who is against abortion is wrong and the one who is for abortion is right. People are brought up differently, and depending on how and where they were brought up, their moral values may be different. One’s moral views on something may be one way now, and then 10 years into the future it may change. As people change, so do their moral values and character.

What is the connection between habit and moral character? Do you think a bad habit is indicative of bad moral character, or are habits, by definition, more objective in their scope?

A habit is something that is done repeatedly. When I think of habit, I think of annoying. For example, a person may have a habit of grinding their teeth. They may not mean to do it, but it is a habit that they picked up. Because they do it so much, it becomes part of their moral character. That is the connection. Habits can be good or bad. Sometimes a person has to force themselves to make something a habit so they can remember something. For example, I try to make it a habit to take my vitamins first thing in the morning when I wake up so I will not forget. If I do it long enough, it will become part of my daily routine. In the long run, this will help me to stay healthy, because I am taking care of my body. My moral views on health are to take care of myself so I will be able to take care of others.

Everything is not always cut and dry. You have to sometimes create habits to have a positive outcome. In the end, it is all about what a person believes and how their moral views fit into their lifestyle.