Dear Parent/Guardian and Students:

Welcome to the 2009-2010 school year! I would like to introduce myself as your child’s 8th grade English teacher and provide important information about my class.

Course Description

The major emphasis of this course is to promote communication skills through a balanced language arts program consisting of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking. Content knowledge and skills gained during this course will support student achievement of the California State Language Arts Standards. (These standards are posted in our classroom; a copy of these standards will be provided to you at your request). Mastery of grade-level standards will be assessed throughout the year by the administration of L.AU.S.D. Periodic Assessments in four areas of study: Narrative, Exposition, Literary Response and Analysis, and Persuasion.

Course Materials

Language of Literature (class set and one copy sent home)

Language Network (class set only)

Various short stories, poems, and language exercises selected by the instructor

A book has been checked out to your child to keep at home. Please make sure that your child keeps his/her books in a secure place so that you are not responsible for loss or damage.

Students are expected to come to class with a 3-ring notebook (with a section for English),

extra paper, agenda book, blue or black pens, a red pen (recommended), and an Accelerated

Reader book in their reading level.

Grading Policy

Grades for this course will be comprised of the following:

Assignments (Classwork & Homework):50%

Power Reading/Accelerated Reader10%

Assessments (tests, quizzes, and essays):40%


Homework is assigned Monday-Thursday. Students with an excused absence have one

week from their return to class to make up missed work. Unless special arrangements are

made with me in advance or I receive a note from a parent/guardian, I do not accept late



Regular attendance leads to more learning and success in school. Absences should be kept to a

minimum for illness or emergencies only. It is a student’s responsibility to find out what was

missed due to an absence. Any work that is not turned in or made up within a week of an

absence, including tests, will be entered as “missing” (0%).

Computer/Typing Skills

To be competitive in today’s world, students need to have proficient computer skills and access to a computer. If you do not have a computer at home, please make sure that you can provide access through a library, relative, or friend. Computer games to teach typing can be purchased for under $20. I can not stress enough the benefits of being able to type quickly and properly.

Class Rules

Every child deserves time for instruction, a clean classroom, and feeling respected by the

teacher and his/her classmates. Our class rules reinforce appropriate behavior for an academic

and civil environment.

1) Be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings

2) Bring all required materials to each class

3) Raise your hand for permission to speak or to get out of your seat during a lesson

4) Discard gum, food, and beverages before entering the building

5) Be respectful to all members of the class

6) Keep your belongings that are not related to our class silent and out of sight

Restroom Passes

Students will be granted restroom passes twice a semester for emergencies only. Additional passes will result in time after class and/or mark down your Work Habits grade. Unused passes will earn extra credit points. If a medical reason exists for additional restroom passes, please inform the nurse.

Quality of Work

Turning in quality, neat work will be emphasized.

1. Assignments must be completed in blue or black pen. No pencil (except for scantron tests)

2. All papers turned in should have a proper heading in the upper right corner.

Last name, First

English, Per. –


Papers without names will be thrown away.

3. Students should not turn in papers torn out of a spiral notebook. If it is torn on a perforated line cleanly, that is acceptable, but there should be no “fringe” hanging off of papers.

4. Writing needs to be legible and easy to read. If a student has problems printing neatly, extra work will be assigned to practice penmanship.

Contact Information


Phone: Leave a message with the main office (310) 257-4500

Website: You can check my calendar, agendas, homework, help your child study for

tests, and find useful links by going to my website:

Thank you for taking your time to review this course information. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have throughout the year.


A. Sasaki