Name: ______Date: ______Per.:_____
Civics End of Course Exam Online Benchmark Review
- Visit First time only – follow the prompts to create an account using your school email.
- Scroll down to see a list of Civics Benchmarks grouped into nine categories. Under “Citizen You!” click on the hyperlink for Benchmark SS.7.C.2.1
- Click to watch the Video: Defining Citizenship. Answer each Video Viewing Guide question in the box below labeled Benchmark SS.7.C.2.1. (For benchmarks with no video, refer to the Readings/Questions.)
- Scroll down to the Practice Quiz. You will be given three Example EOC Questions (Low, Moderate and High). For each question, summarize the correct answer and reasoning in the large box labeled “Correct answer and reasoning”. After you answer all three questions, record your quiz score in the box below. Then exit the Practice Quiz.
- Now, scroll down and click on the Quizlet Civics Vocabulary Games link. First select the TAB that says “Flashcards” and go through all of the flashcards. Once you have done that, check the line by “Flashcards” below. After you click “back”, then select the TAB labeled “Test” and take the Vocabulary Test. After you take the “Test”, record your grade on the line labeled “Test”. Click “back” again and now select the TAB labeled “Match” and play the matching game. Now list your “time” by the line that says “Match”. You should know ALL of these words for the EOC!!! For a better understanding of the benchmark, feel free to use any of the other resources available on this page. When you are finished learning about this benchmark, click the “x” at the top to return to the Civics 360 site.
- Now, repeat steps 3-5 for all remaining benchmarks!!!
- This Packet will count as a Project GRADE worth 74 points and is due on Wednesday, May 2nd. This packet will also be checked weekly according to the schedule below.
If you do not have a computer or internet access at home, computers are available every morning before school in the Learning Commons or in your Civics Teacher’s classroom.
Week # / Date / Benchmark #’s to Complete1 / 3/30 – 4/4 / Citizen You!
SS.7.C.2.1; SS.7.C.2.2; SS.7.C.2.3; SS.7.C.2.14; SS.7.C.1.9
Engaged Citizens
SS.7.C.2.10; SS.7.C.2.11; SS.7.C.2.12; SS.7.C.2.13
2 / 4/4 – 4/11 / Running for Office!
SS.7.C.2.8; SS.7.C.2.9; SS.7.C.2.7
Founding: From Colonies to United States
SS.7.C.1.1; SS.7.C.1.2; SS.7.C.1.3; SS.7.C.1.4; SS.7.C.1.5
3 / 4/11 - 4/18 / Federal Government
SS.7.C.1.6; SS.7.C.1.7; SS.7.C.1.8; SS.7.C.3.3; SS.7.C.3.5; SS.7.C.3.8 & 3.9; SS.7.C.3.14
4 / 4/18 – 4/25 / Florida State and Local Government
SS.7.C.3.8 & 3.9; SS.7.C.3.4; SS.7.C.3.13; SS.7.3.14
My Rights and Liberties
SS.7.C.2.4; SS.7.C.2.5; SS.7.C.3.6; SS.7.C.3.7
5 / 4/25-5/2 / The Legal System
SS.7.C.3.10; SS.7.C.3.11; SS.7.C.2.6; SS.7.C.3.12
The U.S. & the World
SS.7.C.3.1; SS.7.C.3.2; SS.7.C.4.1; SS.7.4.2; SS.7.C.4.3
WEEK 1 – due 4/4!
Citizen You!
Benchmark - SS.7.C.2.1Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
Which amendment defines citizenship?
Explain the concept of the Law of Blood.
Explain the concept of the Law of Soil.
What are the qualifications for participating in the naturalization process?
Based on what you learned from the video, how did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 impact voting by naturalized citizens and why?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmarks - SS.7.C.2.2, SS.7.C.2.3 & SS.7.C.2.14
Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
What is the difference between an obligation and a responsibility?
What is the common good?
How does the responsibility of voting help the common good?
Why is fulfilling our obligations as citizens important for the common good?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.1.9
Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
What is the Rule of Law?
What role does the Constitution and its amendments play in ensuring that the United States has the rule of law?
Why is serving on a jury important to ensuring the rule of law?
What would life be like if we did not have the rule of law?
Does the President of the United States have to follow the laws of the country?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Engaged Citizens
Benchmark – SS.7.C.2.10Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
Which amendment plays a key role in influencing and monitoring government?
What are four ways that individuals can influence government?
In what ways do interest groups work to influence government?
What are four ways in which the media can monitor government?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.2.11
Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
Define bias.
What are some of the ways that the media presents biased information?
Define symbolism.
What are some common symbols used in political campaigns?
Define propaganda.
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.2.12
Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
What are public policies?
What kind of problems would local governments try to solve?
What is a public agency?
Based on what you have learned, what is the role of government agencies in solving public problems?
What is the difference between government solutions to problems and individual or community solutions?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.2.13
Benchmark Readings
Questions from Readings / Answers
What are some groups that might influence public perspectives on an issue?
Think of a public and current issue that you have heard two or more groups disagree about (at home, in the media, etc.) Describe each group’s perspective on that issue.
How do multiple perspectives shape participation in the political process?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
WEEK 2 – Due 4/11!
Running for Office!
Benchmark – SS.7.C.2.8Benchmark Video
Questions from Video 1 / Answers
Describe the core beliefs of the Democratic
Describe the core beliefs of the Republican Party.
Describe the core beliefs of the Libertarian Party.
Describe the core beliefs of the Communist Party.
Describe the core beliefs of the Socialist Party.
Questions from Video 2 / Answers
Why do political parties fight so hard for control of Congress and state legislatures?
What is the difference between a majority party and a minority party in Congress or state legislatures?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.2.9 & SS.7.C.2.7
Benchmark Readings
Question from Readings / Answers
What are the constitutional requirements to run for President / Vice President?
What are the constitutional requirements to run for the House of Representatives?
What are the constitutional requirements to run for the Senate?
What are the constitutional requirements to run for governor / Lieutenant Governor?
What are the constitutional requirements to run for the Florida the House of Representatives?
What are the constitutional requirements to run for the Florida Senate?
List five qualifications / characteristics you find important for someone in public office to have.
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
The Founding: From Colonies to United States
Benchmark – SS.7.C.1.1Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
How were the Founding Fathers influenced by the idea of natural law and natural rights?
How were the Founding Fathers influenced by the idea of social contract?
How were the Founding Fathers influenced by the idea of separation of powers?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.1.2
Benchmark Readings
Questions from Readings / Answers
What is one important idea from the Magna Carta?
What is one important idea from the English Bill of Rights?
What is one important idea from the Mayflower Compact?
What is one important idea from Common Sense?
How did the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, the Mayflower Compact, and Common Sense impact the purposes of government?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.1.3
Benchmark Readings
Questions from Readings / Answers
How did British policies and responses to colonial grievances affect the writing of the Declaration of Independence?
In what way was the American desire for independence affected by English colonial policies concerning taxation, representation, and individual rights?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.1.4
Benchmark Video 1
Questions from Video 1 / Answers
What were two purposes of the Declaration of Independence?
What are the natural rights specifically listed in the Declaration of Independence?
What is the relationship between the government and the natural rights of the people?
Questions from Video 2 / Answers
Summarize each of the following grievances from the DOI and describe the natural right being violated:
"He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries."
"For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us..."
."For imposing taxes on us without our consent..."
"For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury..."
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.1.5
Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
What system of government was established under the Articles of Confederation?
Describe the relationship between states and the central government in a confederal system of government.
Summarize the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
How did Shays’ Rebellion help lead to the writing of the U.S. Constitution?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
WEEK 3 – Due 4/18!
Federal Government
Benchmark – SS.7.C.1.6Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
What is the purpose of the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution?
What part of our government works to ensure that we establish justice?
What do we mean when we say something is ‘common to a community’? For example, ‘The park is for common use.’
When you care about someone’s welfare, what are you caring about? For example, if someone says to you ‘I was concerned about your welfare and wanted to make sure you were okay.’
If you are concerned about your posterity, what are you concerned about?
For example, ‘My grandparents often say that they are proud of their posterity when they see what good jobs their grandkids have.’
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.1.7
Benchmark Readings
Questions from Readings / Answers
Explain the concept of limited government as set forth in the
U.S. Constitution.
Describe the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances. How do they differ?
How does the Constitution limit government power?
Provide two examples of checks and balances.
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.1.8
Benchmark Video
Questions from Video 1 / Answers
Which system of government does the United States have as a result of the U.S Constitution?
Which Enlightenment ideas did the Federalists believe would keep the government from getting too powerful?
Why did the Federalists oppose a bill of rights?
Why did the Anti- Federalists want a bill of rights?
Questions from Video 2 / Answers
What are three things the Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagreed on in the proposed Constitution?
Why was this necessary and proper (or elastic) clause a concern to the Anti- Federalists?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.3.3
Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
According to Article I of the Constitution, what is the main role and responsibility of Congress?
According to Article II of the U.S. Constitution, what is the main role and responsibility of the executive branch?
What is the main role and responsibility of the judicial branch?
What does it mean when it is said that the Supreme Court addresses issues around constitutionality?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.3.5
Benchmark Readings
Questions from Readings / Answers
Describe the process for amending the U.S. Constitution.
Create a chart that illustrates each amendment process.
Why does a formal amendment process for the U.S. Constitution matter?
Why might the Constitution be so be difficult to amend?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.3.8 & SS.7.C.3.9 (Federal)
Benchmark Videos
Questions from Video 1 / Answers
What are elected members of the House of Representatives called?
What are elected members of the Senate called?
What term is used to describe both Senators and Representatives?
Questions from Video 2 / Answers
What is the role of committees in the lawmaking process?
What is the role of the Senate in Presidential Appointments?
Questions from Video 3 / Answers
What options does Congress have if they don’t like a president’s executive order?
What role does the president play in the lawmaking process?
What are three powers of the President discussed in this video?
Questions from Video 4 / Answers
How is judicial review a check on the legislative and judicial branches?
Why might a judge issue a summary judgment?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.3.14 (Federal)
Benchmark Readings
Questions from Readings / Answers
Create a scenario of your own that shows which level of government would provide a specific service of your choice.
Based on what you have read and learned, which level of government do you believe has the most important role in your daily life and why?
Based on the reading, where do we find the obligations of the federal government listed? What about state governments?
Explain the difference between reserved, concurrent, and expressed/enumerated powers and give an example of each.
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
WEEK 4 – Due 4/25!
Florida State and Local Government
Benchmarks – SS.7.C.3.8 & SS.7.C.3.9 (State & Local)Benchmark Video
Questions from Video 1 / Answers
How is the Florida Legislature structured?
What are members of the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate called?
What is the term for state laws passed by the Florida State Legislature?
Questions from Video 2 / Answers
What are the terms for lawmakers at the city and county level?
Describe the process for creating laws at the local level.
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.3.4
Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
How does federalism divide the power of government?
What is the purpose of the necessary and proper clause?
What is the role of the 10th Amendment in federalism?
How does federalism limit the power of the national, or federal, government in the United States?
How does the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution limit the power of state governments?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.3.13
Benchmark Videos
Questions from Video 1 / Answers
What are three ways that the structure of U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution are similar?
Why do both the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution begin with ‘We the People’?
Where will we find the rights of Florida citizens in the Florida Constitution?
Questions from Video 2 / Answers
List the five different ways an amendment gets on the ballot in Florida.
How are amendments to Florida’s constitution ratified?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.3.14 (State & Local)
Benchmark Video
Questions from Video / Answers
What kinds of services do state tax dollars provide?
Scenario: A citizen moved from Casper, Wyoming to Tallahassee, Florida and needs driver’s license.
Which level of government would he or she contact to get a driver’s license?
Why do local governments provide more services to the people than state or federal government?
What kinds of services do local governments provide?
Scenario: You go to brush your teeth and realize there is not any water.
Which level of government do you contact to solve this problem?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
My Rights and Liberties
Benchmark – SS.7.C.2.4Benchmark Videos
Questions from Video 1 / Answers
What are the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution called?
What are the five freedoms in the First Amendment?
Questions from Video 2 / Answers
What are the big ideas from Amendments 2, 3, and 4?
Why is due process an important civil right?
How does the 9th Amendment add to constitutional rights and liberties?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.2.5
Benchmark Readings
Questions from Readings / Answers
In what way does the Constitution ensure that rights are protected but not unlimited?
What are some reasons for limiting individual rights?
Create a scenario of your own that shows the impact of limits on individual rights.
How does the judicial branch protect individual rights?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.3.6
Benchmark Videos
Questions from Video 1 / Answers
What do we mean when we say our First Amendment rights are both political and social?
The Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments all protect citizens from abuse of power by the government. How do the Fourth and Fifth differ from the Fourteenth?
What is the restriction the government has if it wants to take your property for the public good?
Questions from Video 2 / Answers
What rights were Williams, Lewis, and the Selma Marchers practicing in 1965?
What was the outcome of Korematsu vs. United States? (1944)
When might the government impose limits on individual rights?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
Benchmark – SS.7.C.3.7
Benchmark Readings
Questions from Readings / Answers
List the rights outlined in Amendments 13, 14, 15, 19, 24, and 26.
Describe how two of the amendments you read about have impacted social movements.
Create a scenario that shows how these amendments you studied have affected participation in political process.
Why were new amendments to the Constitution necessary?
Practice Quiz
Correct answer and reasoning
Practice Quiz Score: ______ / Flashcards: _____ Test: _____ Match:______
WEEK 5 – Due 5/2!