Gospel Meeting Announcement
East Hill church of Christ
2078 East Nine Mile Road
(At the Corner of 9 Mile & Camberwell)
Pensacola, Florida
Brother Andy Alexander from Bowling Green, Kentucky, will be with us to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel Meeting will begin on Sunday, June 17 and continue through Friday night, June 22. The theme for the lessons will be: “Seeking The Lost”.
Our service times and the lesson topics will be as follows:
Sunday / TopicsBible Class – 10 A.M. / Moral Courage
Morning Worship – 11 A.M. / What the Sanhedrin Saw in Peter and John
Afternoon Worship in Song 3:30 to 4:30 P.M. / Songs Centered Around
“Seeking The Lost
Evening Worship – 5 P.M. / God is Not (Mistaken Concepts of God)
Week Nights
Monday – 7 P.M. / Why Belong to a Denomination?
Tuesday – 7 P.M. / Almost Persuaded
Wednesday – 7 P.M. / Judgment
Thursday – 7 P.M. / Salvation From Sin
Friday – 7 P.M. / 1st Century Morals for the 21st Century
You and your guests are cordially invited to join us in these periods of worship.