Weekly Program - 1st Ermington Venturer Unit
Email your draft program to 2 weeks beforethe program is due to run. Contact your UC for help with the program as required.
Include details of:

  1. Time - when will it occur - most games normally last 10-15 minutes. Change the times below to suit the needs of your program.

  1. Activity - a detailed description of the activity being run. This should have enough detail so that anyone unfamiliar with your program could read and then run it.

  1. Responsible - who is in charge of this aspect of the weekly program - make sure you delegate roles to other Venturers in the program.

  1. Gear/Equipment - list the items required to run the activity. It is important to list everything required as this will help you to make sure you have everything you need. This column is especially important when your weekly program is being run away from the hall - as it then becomes your packing list.

Weekly Venturer Scout Program / Date: 6/03/2013
Theme: Card Night / Responsible: Rebecca
Time /


/ Responsible / Gear/Equipment
7.30 pm / Opening Parade
Possible investitures - perhaps this can be done out of doors - at nearby park etc. / Unit Chair / Flag
7.40 pm / Minute to Win It: Card Ninja
Throw playing card into a watermelon. / Rebecca / Half a watermelon, at least 1 deck of cards, throw line
7.50 pm / Activity: Card Games
Magic, normal card games etc
Alternatively - could play the back-up Minute to Win It Activities / All / Cards, card games book, tables and chairs
8.40 pm / Minute to Win It: Yank Me
Stack 5 cups and 4 index cards in a tower, then remove cards from the top down, until cups are assembled in 1 stack on the table / Rebecca / 5 plastic cups, 4 index cards
8.50 pm / Activity: Heritage Talks
Venturers that have come prepared may do their 5 minute talk on some aspect of Australia's heritage. / Interested Venturers
9.00 pm / Minute to Win It: Sharp Shooter
Use rubber bands to knock over 3 ace playing cards standing on 3 clothespins. / Rebecca / Rubber bands, 3 ace cards, 3 clothespins
9.10 pm / Venturer Goals Planning
Update any books that are missing signatures.
Sign off completed tapes - V1s and passbook. / Unit Council
9.20 pm / Closing Parade
Badge Presentations:
Deb - VA Pursuits
Mitchell - VA Citizenship. VA Lifestyle, QS Pursuits
Rebecca - VA Outdoor, QS Leadership
Darren - 2 years service
Announcements / Unit Chair / Flag
Back Up Activity:
Extra Minute To Win It Activities
Christmas Cliffhanger
Don't Blow the Joker
Don't Blow the Kings
Paper Scraper
Wheel of a Deal / See separate instruction sheet
The games during the night are Minute to Win It Games. See separate sheet for full instructions.