Wildlife Ecology Scavenger Hunt Updated 26 August 2009
Find the following animals or objects. (If you cannot find it, give an example after you are done looking. Label those seen and those just listed.)
Hint: Check outside, check the Wildlife Museum; also check displays in hallway and in the library entrance.
Birds (inside or outside, double points for both):
1. wading bird
2. fish-eating waterfowl
3. non-fishing eating waterfowl
4. predator bird – how can you tell?
5. seed-eating bird
6. bird in flock
7. solitary bird
8. example of sexual dimorphism
9. immature bird – how can you tell?
10. “exotic” bird (i.e., one that is not native to the US)
11. bird that pecks wood
Mammals (inside or outside, double points for both):
1. herbivore
2. carnivore
3. sexual dimorphism
4. mammal adapted to aquatic existence
5. mammal adapted to underground existence
6. mammal adapted to living in a tree
7. mammal adapted for living in a runway
8. marsupial (pouched)
9. mammal that “flies”
10. mammal with webbed feet
11. mammal with antlers
12. mammal with horns
13. mammal with vibrissae (whiskers)
14. mammal with hair modified into quills
1. poisonous animal
2. examples of different color morphs
Evidence of Animals (Outside):
1. nest – for every kind of animal you can find (e.g., bird, rodent, insect)
2. squirrel leaf nest
3. gopher mounds
4. ant hills
5. animal tracks
Outside Animals – find animal and describe the habitat and/or behavior:
1. gray squirrel
2. red squirrel
3. fox squirrel
4. chipmunk
5. any other nonhuman mammal
6. evidence of any arthropod (not the arthropod itself)
Outside Other:
1. any reptile or amphibian – and describe habitat
2. arthropods – as many different kinds as you can find
(do not collect them, just record what and where)
3. something that is really cool (animal or plant) that is not on this list
1. Find out 1 thing Teddy Roosevelt did for conservation in the US.
2. Who was Gifford Pinchot and why is he important to Wildlife Biology?
Team Members: ______