Ceng 492 – Graduation Project

Test Specification

Project:Wireless Door Security System

Group:OneTouch Solutions


Emin Tolga Akgöz 1297373

Swaleh Kavuma 1272079

Doguhan Ilgaz Dikmen 1295070

Volkan Onur Gürsoy 1128891

Module: GUI
Objective: Verify functionality of GUI
Test Case #1 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of text boxes / Enter text into box.
Expected Result:
When trying to overflow the text by typing too many characters, it should be stopped. SHIFT and Arrow should select characters. Selection should also be possible with mouse. Double Click should select all text in box.
Test Case #2 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of check boxes / Click on the box or text.
Expected Result:
Clicking with the mouse on the box, or on the text should SET/UNSET the box. SPACE should do the same
Test Case #3 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of drop down list boxes / Press the arrow and try to type text in the box.
Expected Result:
Pressing the Arrow should give list of options. This list may be scrollable. You should not be able to type text in the box.
Module: Login Screen
Objective: Verify functionality of Login
Test Case #4 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Login / Enter admin password.
Expected Result:
Passwords should show * and go to the main menu when a valid password is given. Otherwise a warning message should appear telling to enter a valid password.
Module: Doors Part of GUI
Objective: Verify functionality of the management of the doors
Test Case #5 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of drop down list box showing the doors in the system / Click the arrow to show the list.
Expected Result:
A drop down list showing the current doors in the system should appear. There should not be any missing door in the list.
Test Case #6 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Remove Assignment function / Choose an assigned table from the drop down list and click Remove Assignment button.
Expected Result:
After clicking the button, assigned table is removed from the list of tables assigned to the current door in the database. So when you again check the list, you should not see the table name there.
Test Case #7 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of State option / Click the button beside State to change it to CLOSED or OPENED.
Expected Result:
After clicking the button, the current door should behave according to the state appearing on the button.
Test Case #8 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Fire Alarm Behaviour option / Click the button beside Fire Alarm Behaviour to change it to CLOSE or OPEN.
Expected Result:
After clicking the button, the current door should behave according to the state appearing on the button in case of a Fire Alarm
Test Case #9 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Theft Alarm Behaviour option / Click the button beside Theft Alarm Behaviour to change it to CLOSE or OPEN.
Expected Result:
After clicking the button, the current door should behave according to the state appearing on the button in case of a Theft Alarm
Module: Permission Groups Part of GUI
Objective: Verify functionality of the management of permission groups
Test Case #10 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Assign function / Choose a permission group from the list and a door from the list below to whom you will assign to.Then click Assign button.
Expected Result:
After clicking the button, the permission group should have been assigned to the door. To verify that, click LOAD button and choose the door in the Doors part and control the Assigned Tables list there.
Test Case #11 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Create Group function / Click Create Group button and fill the fields in the pop-up window.
Expected Result:
After clicking the button, a pop-up window should appear. In this window you give the name of the group and if you wish, write information related to the group.You must fill at least the Name field otherwise when you click the Create button a warning message will appear. To check the result, click LOAD and then control the permision groups list to see the new group there.
Test Case #12 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Remove Group function / Choose a group from the list and click Remove Group button .
Expected Result:
After clicking the button, a pop-up window will appear asking if you are sure to apply this action. Click Yes and after that click LOAD. When you check the permission groups list this time, you should not see that group there which means that the group has been removed from the database.
Test Case #13 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Add Users To Group function / Press Add Users To Group button and a new window will appear. Here in the CardID drop down list, either choose Exact option to add a user or Interval to add users ranging from one ID to another. And fill other fields if you wish.
Expected Result:
·  you write nonintegers in the UserID(Exact UserID, From, To) fields
·  do not enter data to the related fields although you enable the Name, Surname, Adress, Phone, Exact UserID, From or To options
·  do not choose a group or set of groups although you enable the Group Memberships filter
an error message will pop up to tell the related fault. Otherwise the user or users should have been added to the current group.
Test Case #14 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Remove Users From Group function / Press Remove Users From Group button and a new window will appear. Here in the CardID drop down list, either choose Exact option to remove a user or Interval to remove users ranging from one ID to another. And fill other fields if you wish.
Expected Result:
·  you write nonintegers in the UserID(Exact UserID, From, To) fields
·  do not enter data to the related fields although you enable the Name, Surname, Adress, Phone, Exact UserID, From or To options
·  do not choose a group or groups although you enable the Group Memberships filter
an error message will pop up to tell the related fault. Otherwise the user or users should have been removed from the current group.
Test Case #15 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Name and Group Information fields / Change the text in the Name field to define a new name for the permission group and write anything in the Group Information field. Then click LOAD button.
Expected Result:
After clicking the button, you should see the permission group with its new name in the list and when you choose it, the edited group information should appear in the Group Information field.
Module: Project Archives Part of GUI
Objective: Verify functionality of the management of project archives
Test Case #16 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Query Archives function / Press Query Archives button and a new window will appear. Here in the Doors check box list, choose a door or doors, in the Actions field, select Pass or Fail option and in other fields make your selection as you wish. Lastly press Query button.
Expected Result:
You must select at least one door and at least one of Fail or Pass actions. Otherwise an error message should pop-up to inform this.
And if you
·  write nonintegers in the UserID (Exact UserID, From, To) fields
·  do not enter data to the related fields although you enable the Name, Surname, Adress, Phone, Exact UserID, From or To options
·  do not choose a group or set of groups although you enable the Group Memberships filter
an error message will pop up to tell the related fault. Otherwise a report will be output containing the list of user activities.
Test Case #17 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Clear Archives function / Press Clear Archives button and a new window will appear. Here in the Doors check box list, choose a door or doors, in the Actions field, select Pass or Fail option and in other fields make your selection as you wish. Lastly press Clear button.
Expected Result:
You must select at least one door and at least one of Fail or Pass actions. Otherwise an error message should pop-up to inform this.
And if you
·  write nonintegers in the UserID (Exact UserID, From, To) fields
·  do not enter data to the related fields although you enable the Name, Surname, Adress, Phone, Exact UserID, From or To options
·  do not choose a group or set of groups although you enable the Group Memberships filter
an error message will pop up to tell the related fault. Otherwise the determined list of user activities will be removed from the user activity archives of the selected doors.
Module: Users Part of GUI
Objective: Verify functionality of the management of user database
Test Case #18 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Create User function / Click Create User button and fill the fields in the popup window and select
Group Memberships filter if you wish. Lastly click Create button.
Expected Result:
In the popup window, you should both fill the Name and CardID fields, otherwise an error message should pop up to inform this mistake. Other fields are optional.
And if you
·  type a noninteger in the CardID field
·  do not give a unique CardID number
·  do not choose a group or set of groups although you enable the Group Memberships filter
an error message will pop up to tell the related fault. Otherwise a new user will be created.
Test Case #19 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Edit User function / Click Edit User button and type the CardID of the user in the popup window and click Fetch. Another window will popup. Fill the fields in this window and select Group Memberships filter if you wish. Lastly click Edit button.
Expected Result:
In the last popup window, you should not leave any of the Name or CardID fields blank, otherwise an error message should pop up to inform this mistake.
And if you
·  type a noninteger in the CardID field in the first or second windows
·  do not change(edit) the CardID as a unique CardID number
·  do not choose a group or set of groups although you enable the Group Memberships filter
an error message will pop up to tell the related fault. Otherwise the user data will be edited.
Test Case #20 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Delete Users function / Click Delete Users button and a new window will appear. Here in the CardID drop down list, either choose Exact option to delete a user or Interval to delete users ranging from one ID to another. And fill other fields if you wish.
Expected Result:
·  you write nonintegers in the UserID(Exact UserID, From, To) fields
·  do not enter data to the related fields although you enable the Name, Surname, Adress, Phone, Exact UserID, From or To options
·  do not choose a group or set of groups although you enable the Group Memberships filter
an error message will pop up to tell the related fault. Otherwise the user or users should have been deleted from the database.
Module: Project Part of GUI
Objective: Verify functionality of the password change and load options
Test Case #21 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of LOAD function / Click the LOAD button at the end of one of the Test Cases 6,10,11 or 12 and check whether the changes made in these cases have been applied .
Expected Result:
You should see that the changes you made have been applied to the system .
Test Case #22 / Description: / Test Steps:
Test functionality of Change Administrator Password function / Click the Change Administrator Password button and in the popup window type the current password in the Current Password field and the new password twice in the following fields. At the end, click Change.
Expected Result:
If you
·  type your current password wrong
·  type a password less than 6 characters
·  your new password does not match with eachother in the last 2 fields
You will get an error message regarding one of the above situations, otherwise your current password will change to the new one.