Parish Councillors present: A. Norman; G. Cracknell, P. Dawnay(Vice-Chair), L. Rowntree, I. Ansell and R. Ashe.

2 members of the public were present.

  1. Election of Chairperson and signing of Chairperson’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office:

Councillor Dawnay was appointed as Chair. (Prop: AN; Sec: GC) all in agreement.
PD signed the Chair declaration of acceptance.

  1. Election of Vice-Chairperson:

Councillor Norman was appointed as Vice-Chair (Prop: PD; Sec: GC). All in agreement.

  1. Chairperson’s Welcome:
  2. There were no apologies.
  3. Interest declared: none.
  4. Members of the public recorded as present: 2 members of the public attended J. Crowfoot, District County Councillor K.Billigwere also present.
  5. Recruitment of new councillors:
  6. Lydia Keep expressed an interest in co-option. After some questions were asked it was agreed to co-opt Lydia Keep. (Prop: PD; Sec: IA) all in agreement
    LK signed the declaration of acceptance.
  7. Some councillor training dates were discussed. It was agreed that LR and LK went on the 22nd November 2017. Action TP to book two places for them.
  8. Minutes of report and action points from 10th May 2017 meeting:
    Item 6a: IA stated that he had not volunteered to join the Finance Working Party. It was agreed to strike this out of the minutes. (Prop: AN; Sec: RA) All in agreement.
  9. Matters to report and action points from last meeting:
  10. Update on Barn4Norfolk: People have put their names down that have expressed an interest. BN told that Barn4Norfolk has joined a national group.
  11. Update on Bank Signatories:
    PD has been added to the bank signatories. AN, RA and PD are now signatories, taking GC and JRO off. Action TP to source the mandate for PD title change.
  12. Update on River Footpaths: The river footpath was discussed at length. Each Sluice gates are the responsibility of one of the following agencies: Environment Agency, IDB and Broads Authority. Action AN to have a look for the mapshe may have, and to contact the environment. Action TP to write to the Dowsons, County Council, Environment Agency and the Broads Authority. It was also noted that the footpath grass needs cutting. Action TP to send a customised letter to the Ashfields, Peter Clarke and the Dowsons. There is also a tree that needs attention with regard to telephone lines, this is also Dowsons responsibility.
  13. Chairs report: Due to the fact that this meeting appointed a Chair, there is nothing to report.
  14. New Issues:
  1. Reports from the County Councillors: A report from District County Councillor K. Billig which consisted of:
    The District Council is looking at things that will stop the precept from raising.
    The Early help hub, has helped families before they become homeless. The Hub has helped 1875 families.
    Still looking at broadband, there is some money in the budget to produce hot spots for village halls, libraries etc to help to increase the broadband. There are vouchers available for people below a certain level.
  2. Parish 10: JC reported that a Parish Plan survey 2004, published in 2006 stated “A great number of traffic danger spots and speeding. 1) Station Road, this has changed now as there is a 30mph speed limit. 2) The corner near to Dunburgh Farm has also been improved. 3) Old Yarmouth Road by west end. This is the only place in Geldeston where someone has been killed. If there was a 40mph limit, this would be effective.
  3. To consider roles for the Councillors: The inspection of the play equipment was discussed. Technically this should be done once a week. However, due to the removal of some of the damaged play equipment, it was considered that we only need to do this on a monthly basis. Action TP to contact the insurance company to change the inspection schedule. IA nominated himself to undertake the safety checks, RA to be stand in. All in agreement.
  4. To review and agree the Councils policies due for review: It was agreed to change the name of the Financial Committee to Financial Working Party. Action TP to amend these and re-issue. The Council reviewed the other documents (Communications Policy, Complaints Policy, Data Protection and Training and Professional Development) and found these to still be correct. All in agreement
  5. To discuss the clearing of the village hall items in the ladies toilet: After some discussion it was agreed for the filing cabinet to go the TP garage (Prop: RA; Sec:IA) all in agreement. Action AN to speak to BN about the other items.
  6. Update on the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations): This comes into force in May 2018. The Government has confirmed that the UK’s decision to leave the EU will not affect the commencement of GDPR. This is all about processing and keeping of personal data. The Information Commissioners Office will keep us updated on the regulations. Action TP to write a disclaimer of the email signatures.
  7. Review of Budget: RA stated that we are in line within the budget.
  8. Branches and twigs on the Clumps: This was mentioned and JC stated that they are his. He will remove them when he has the time.
  9. To discuss acquiring a detailed map of the Parish: We need a map of the parish showing boundaries, flood lines, Action TP to source an ordnance survey map, the biggest scale as possible. Maximum limit £100. All in agreement.
  10. Issues from Councillors: Thank you to P. Cracknell for repairing the noticeboard. It was mentioned that the hinges are in need of attention. IA has volunteered to look at it.
  11. Clerk’s report: TP mentioned that the highways have requested a list of things that need doing.
  1. Finance:
  2. To approve invoice for payment, since last meeting:

15/05/2017 / HMRC / NI/TAX / 101017 / 39.80
31/05/2017 / Tina Page / Salary May / SO / 176.44
10/06/2017 / HMRC / NI/TAX / 101019 / 39.80
22/06/2017 / Anglian Water / Playfield / 101023 / 13.45
12/07/2017 / Tina Page / expenses and mileage / 101024 / 55.69

(Prop: RA; Sec:AN) all in agreement.

  1. Bank Balances @ 14th June 2017
    Community Account £16,625.82
    Business Premium£ 6,293.19
  1. Updates from village committees and groups:
  2. Village Hall Management Trustees: actively fundraising for the roof. South Norfolk County Council agreed that PVC windows were permitted. Action TP to look for the email showing Village Hall accounts.
  3. GREEN project: Progress with the new notices etc. has been made but no notices are up yet. J. Langran has kindly put up some posts for notices and has strimmed the entrances. Two allotmenteers want to take their dogs to the allotment area. So a ‘no dogs’ sign for the allotments won’t work. Judy Hall has sadly stepped down as the allotment lead and no successor found as yet. JO will step in temporarily, a thank you to JO was recorded. Ragwort is growing as usual and we will try and organise clearance before seeding.
  4. Footpath Group: none.
  5. Composting Group: none
  6. Planning applications and other planning matters:

a.South Norfolk District Council.

2017/0219 Erection of 13 residential units, amendment plot 3 affordable dwelling
the 40mph speed restrictions were discussed for Yarmouth Road. This has been put before the district planning meeting on 19th July 2017. Parish Council’s decision is still an objection to the plans on the grounds that the entrance is via Kells Way/Geldeston Hill. The Councillors agreed we would like access from Yarmouth Road and a 40mph speed limit in place. The Parish Council also objects to the loss of an affordable house. However we welcome a new development in the village. The Council does not want heavy traffic through the village.
2017/1345 Geldeston Memorial Hall, new door to store room: The Parish Council cannot comment on this application.

b.Broad Authority:
BA/2017/0112/FUL 16 Fishing pegs and construction of parking area. Approved with conditions
2017/0893 The Knowle, The Street, withdrawn

  1. Correspondence:
  2. To note correspondence sent and received: noted.
  3. To note additional correspondence: noted.
  4. Date of next meeting

Date of the next council meeting was confirmed as 13th September 2017 at 7.30 pm

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm.

Signed:(Chairperson)13th September 2017)

July 2017 Minutes Page 1