SouthwestCollege Bookstore Association

Conference Call

April, 15, 2011

  1. Call to Order by David Ritz, President
  2. Roll Call by Starla Clawson, Administrative Assistant


David Ritz, President

Rita Widder, Past President

Tom Fox, President-Elect

Todd Cragg, Arkansas Trustee

Brenda Bartlebaugh, Louisiana Trustee

Melanie Sparks, New Mexico Trustee

Brenda Reinke, Oklahoma Trustee

John White, Texas Trustee

Arlinda Bush, Associate Trustee Non-Book

Corrie Thibodeaux, Associate Trustee Book

Arlinda Bush, Associate Trustee Non-Book

Starla Clawson, Administrative Assistant


Jacque Ochs, Sec/Treasurer/NACS Trustee

Tammy Smith, At-Large Trustee

  1. Approval of Agenda

Motion was made to approve agenda by Corrie Thibodeaux.

Motion was seconded by Rita Widder.

Motion carried.

  1. Approval of March 10 – 11, 2011 Minutes

Motion was made to approve March 10 – 11, 2011 minutes by Brenda Bartlebaugh.

Motion was seconded by Tom Fox.

Motion carried.

  1. Presidents Informative Report
  2. Store Pictures/Displays on Web

David asked board members to send pictures of displays from their stores and/or stores they visit to be posted on the web.

  1. Trustee Letters on Web

David reminded board members to send letters to be posted to the web.

  1. NACS Information link on SWCBA site

David asked board members for approval to post the NACS link on the SWCBA website. Board members approved the link to be added to the website.

  1. Do we want to add Albuquerque to web site as 2012 meeting site?

Motion was made for Melanie to work with Eddie on the Albuquerque, NM meeting by Tom Fox.

Motion seconded by Brenda Bartlebaugh.

Motion carried.

  1. Lifetime Achievement Recipient picture add to website.

David would like to have all previous recipients of the Lifetime Achievement award’s picture be posted on the website. Todd Cragg will take on that task.

  1. Administrative Assistant’s Report
  2. Due dates for Vendor Packets July 8th
  3. Due dates for Store Packets July 22nd
  4. Due dates for tentative Program July 8th
  5. Status on Membership Renewals
  6. Stores - 53
  7. Associates – 43

Starla will forward an updated membership list to the trustees so they may start making phone calls to stores/vendors that have not paid their dues.

  1. Approve New Store
  2. MississippiGulfCoastCommunity College

Motion was made to accept MississippiGulfCoastCommunity College as a new store member by Tom Fox.

Motion was seconded by Corrie Thibodeaux.

Motion carried.

  1. Value and Resources for Membership of the SWCBA (Todd)
  2. Fixture Shopping on Web

Todd is going to look into this.

  1. Freight Program on Web

Need to add link from Partnership.

  1. Customer Service Survey on Web

Todd will look into finding something to help stores come up with a survey. But it was discussed that NACS does offer these surveys to its members.

  1. Penn Security

Table until next meeting. Starla will send another copy to board members.

  1. Do we need to form a committee?

Discussed forming a committee but it was decided to leave as a board decision.

  1. Update on Bylaws and Procedures Manual (Tom)

Tom Fox will make a few more changes and present again to the board at the next meeting.

  1. Nominating Committee (Rita)
  2. Arkansas Trustee
  3. Oklahoma Trustee

Motion was made to accept Gail Vaughn as the new Arkansas Trustee and Teresa Morphew as the new Oklahoma Trustee by Todd Cragg.

Motion was seconded by Corrie Thibodeaux.

Motion carried.

  1. Non Book Trustee

Waiting on voting to end on April 28, 2011

  1. President-Elect

Motion was made to accept Todd Cragg as the new President-Elect by Corrie Thibodeaux.

Motion was seconded by Melanie Sparks.

Motion carried.

  1. October Regional Meeting Update
  2. Network Get Together—Saturday Night (Todd & Corrie)

Work in progress

  1. Opening Night—Sunday Night (Brenda B & Corrie)

Working on pricing difference

  1. Closing Night – Monday Night (Arlinda & Rita)

Nothing to report

  1. Education – (Starla, Tammy, Corrie)

Need to make a few phone calls but for the most part it is done.

  1. Trade Show (Arlinda & Corrie)

Nothing to report.

  1. Van Service (Starla & Rita)

Working on it.

  1. Sponsorships (Starla & Tammy)

Nothing to report

  1. New Business
  2. Old Business
  3. Adjourn

Motion was made to adjourn by Rita Widder.

Motion was seconded by Brenda Bartlebaugh.

Motion carried.