September 15, 2011
A regular meeting of the Louisiana POST Council was held Thursday, September 15, 2011, at the Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Sheriff Jeff Wiley, Chairman, called the meeting to order.
The following members were present (or represented): Constable Reginald R. Brown, Sr., Mr. Mike Thompson (proxy for Mr. James D. “Buddy” Caldwell), Col. Dole Dempsey (proxy for Sheriff Larry Deen), Lt. Kelly Feet (proxy for Col. Mike Edmonson), Chief Hunter Grimes, Mr. Dion Young (proxy for Mr. Jerry Jones), Chief Chad Leger, Mr. Harry J. Morel, Jr., Ms. Cindy Chadwick (proxy for Sheriff Steve Prator, Vice-Chairman), Mr. Joey Watson, and Sheriff Jeff Wiley (Chairman).
Staff members present: Robert Wertz, Rebekah Taylor, and Scott Murrell.
Guests present: Capt. Wendell Raborn (Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office), Maria Pollage-Toups (Probation & Parole), Derek Ellis (Probation & Parole), Chuck Reed (Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office), Harry Hoppin (Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office), Daniel Judson (LA State Police), Sgt. Troy Whitney (St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office), Major Bruce Teutsch (Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office), Val Salino (Ouachita Parish District Attorney’s Office), Capt. Paul Venable (East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office), Sgt. Jason DiMarco (Gretna Police Department), Lt. Richard Carroll (Shreveport Police Department), Sgt. J.D. Leach (Baton Rouge Police Department), Lt. Julie Theriot (St. Martin Parish Sheriff’s Office), Capt. Curtis Soileau (Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office), and Sgt. Roy McCann (Slidell Police Department).
Mr. Morel made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Sheriff Wiley requested that all Council members review the minutes before approval. After some discussion, Chief Leger seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Ms. Taylor presented all the items on the Consent Agenda to the Council.
The Firearms Instructor Status requests for Retired Major Charles Jones (Jefferson Parish Constable’s Office) and Sgt. Irv Bellanger (Kenner Police Dept.) were recommended for approval. The Certification Extension Request for Officer Adam Baker (Winnsboro Police Dept.) was recommended for approval. After some discussion, Mr. Brown made a motion to approve all items on the Consent Agenda. Chief Leger seconded the motion and the motion passed.
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In-Service Training Program Update
Prior to the meeting, Mr. Wertz emailed in-service curriculum information to the Council Members. Tracy Dahmer (LA Attorney General’s Office) informed the Council that the Domestic Violence modules would be advanced training. Ms. Dahmer stated that during her basic Domestic Violence trainings, four (4) necessary topic areas have been identified, and modules were created for each of those topics. Mr. Wertz requested approval for the four (4) Domestic Violence modules created by Ms. Dahmer. After some discussion, Mr. Thompson made a motion to approve the curriculum content for the four (4) proposed modules to be developed by the end of this year. Mr. Brown seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Sheriff Wiley suggested that POST Staff draft a letter to all law enforcement agencies informing them of the future requirements for In-Service Training so they can begin to make the necessary preparations to participate.
POST Basic Patrol Rifle Curriculum/Course Update
Ms. Taylor presented the request for approval to the Council members. POST Staff requested a provisional approval of the Basic Patrol Rifle Course for presentation at the 2011 POST Firearms Instructor Retrainers. This would allow time for all POST Certified Firearms Instructors to give input/feedback to the POST Firearms Curriculum Committee to consider at their January 2012 meeting. Ms. Taylor informed the Council members that a final version of this curriculum/course would be presented at the February 2012 POST Council Meeting. Mr. Brown made a motion to approve the Basic Patrol Rifle curriculum/course on a provisional basis. Col. Dempsey seconded the motion and the motion passed.
POST Basic Manual Updates
Mr. Wertz presented the updates to the “Legal Aspects” block of the POST Basic Manual. All proposed updates are from the 2011 Regular Legislative Session. Chief Leger made a motion to approve the updates. Mr. Young seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Mr. Brown asked for the Council to consider “Process Server Training” for an in-service module, and offered to help with the curriculum development. Mr. Wertz requested the Council refer this to the POST Staff for further research. Mr. Brown made a motion to allow POST Staff to research this topic for possible curriculum development. Mr. Morel seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Ms. Taylor invited all the Council members to the upcoming sessions of the 2011 POST Firearms Instructor Retrainers to be held throughout the month of October.
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Sheriff Wiley made a call for any other business, and none was heard.
Col. Dempsey made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chief Leger seconded the motion and the motion passed.