The Berea City Council met in a regular session, Tuesday, July 7, 2015; Mayor Steven Connelly presiding. A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Powell, Kerby, Little, Farmer, Wagers, Caudill, Terrill
ABSENT: Hembree
OFFICIALS: J. Gilbert, Stone, Adams, Gregory, Curtis, VanWinkle, Meeks, Jackson, Fortner, Brumley, Hurt
VISITORS: Beth Meyers, Steve Wilkins, Sasha Zaring, Jimmy Owens, Valerie Owens, John Steinmetz, Tim Taylor, J.B. Marcum, Craig Williams, Bill Robinson, Henry Pinkerton
A work session was held prior to the business meeting at 6pm to discuss the tree trimming contract the city has with W.A. Kindle.
Farmer moved, Caudill seconded to approve both sets of minutes; June 10, and June 16, 2015. All ayes.
One bid was received from The Allen Company in the amount of $398,724.20. Powell, Chairman of the Public Works Committee motioned to approve and award the bid; all ayes. A contract will be prepared for the project.
The Public Works Committee received a quote from Parrett Brothers for small jobs, side streets, street cuts, etc., Labor and cost included is $85.00 a ton. Projects for the year should come in the allotted amount of under $20,000. Any big projects expected to be over $20,000 will be bid out.
Councilman Little presented the council with information he feels should be addressed for the city’s future power supply/electricity; key attributes of importance was noted: 1) Reliable service to customers, 2) Sustainability/Resources/Infrastructure, 3) Reasonable cost, 4) Risk, (how much risk are we willing to take). Mr. Little addressed Mr. Fortner, Utility Director, with a list of questions and concerns as we move forward in purchasing our wholesale electric. The Utility Department is currently performing a cost of service study on the water & sewer, once the FERC Hearing is completed, the department will then focus on an electric study. Much work needs to be done before we make a final decision on who will be our power supply source. Powell suggested the council hold additional work sessions to finalize a decision soon. Fortner addressed the concerns that are pending; once the RFP’s are received, further information will be provided. Fortner stated his interest is to make the best recommendation to the council for our citizens.
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Audit & Finance; J. Little – No report.
Personnel; V. Farmer – the committee met on June 23rd to interview for the GIS Technician Position; Tom Moreland was recommended for the position. He will be begin Friday. Susan Meeks, Finance Director introduced Andrea Holmes, the new tax administrator.
Public Works – C. Powell – the committee met last evening to discuss the blacktop maintenance, water drainage issues, and speed humps on Haiti Road. The city will conduct a traffic count and speeds on Haiti, a cost study will need to be addressed. A priority list for street projects that will addressed in the near future was established; Scaffold Cane Road topped the list. A sidewalk plan is being reestablished; signage on the walking trail is being installed for emergency purposes.
Economic Development – no report.
Craig Williams researched and sent the council copies of the federal and state regulatory perimeters associated with “speed humps”, but he did not find liability issues. He understands under the KY Regulations that if the correct signage was placed prior to, and at the speed humps that the city would not be held liable for any vehicular damage. Powell understands his concerns, but further information needs to be gathered. Williams thanked Mr. Little for his concerns with the electric issue.
Steve Wilkins also thanked Mr. Little for his concern of the importance of the city’s electric issue. He suggested to the council some possible options to offer the utility customers; one being a rate design/inclining block rate, this would allow the electric/utility to be a more efficient utility, meaning the more electricity a person uses, the higher their bill. Customers could also be charged a minimum bill each month, this could benefit both the city and the customer. A time of use rate could also be an option, when times are at peak, charges increase, this would encourage people to reduce their usage. Pre-paid billing is another option. He can provide the council with more information from the research he has been working on during the past months.
Henry Pinkerton thanked the police department for the traffic control they have been conducting. Heavy truck traffic in town has greatly decreased. Roadside mowing is contributing to ponding of water along both city and county roads; the grass is stopping up the drains, can someone address this issue?
Jimmy Owens, 103 Meadowlark Drive; is still having a flooding issue. Approximately three years ago he came and addressed the council, and city came and removed much of the brush and trees, but the problem has not been fixed, sewer water comes into his basement. Much of the water off of US25 comes onto Meadowlark. The sewer department previously offered him a check valve, and he was asked to sign paperwork that it would be his responsibility, he refused the offer. Caudill stated this water issue
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has been discussed during the Public Works Committee meeting. He has a video of the sewer over-flowing into the drainage system, the lid of the manhole nearly comes off during the flooding. Powell & Caudill stated the committee will re-address the issue.
No additional reports.
- Legacy Carting has sold their business to Poff Carting; Todd Hopper will still be our contact person, but the billing address and phone number will change. They will notify the garbage customers of the changes; and changes with Waste Connections will be made.
- By mid-August a recycling truck will begin being parked at the Transfer Station for residents to take their recycling items there. I will update every one of any future changes. Plans for up-grading the transfer station is being reviewed, cost is more than anticipated. Two new concrete pads are being considered. Residential recycling containers will be reviewed again.
- Hyw595 Project is due for the bid letting in August, but the By-Pass is delayedto September due to some legal matters with some of properties.
- We plan to have a report soon to present to the council with the plans/uses for the Football Stadium.
- The July 3rd festivities were cancelled due to the extreme weather we experienced prior to the start of the event; the new date for the celebration will be on August 7th, and will be part of our First Friday events.
- This is fair week-end at Indian Fort Theater; set-up will begin on Thursday with the fair opening Friday morning and running through Sunday afternoon. The “Learnshops” will also begin this week-end, and we expect a lot of visitors coming to town.
- The auditors will be here July 29th and 30th.
- There will be a meeting on Friday, July 10th regarding the Ellipse Street Shared Use Path to prepare the final plans
- We will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, July 9th at 6pm for the new Police and Fire building concerning theCDBG Grant.
Powell – why was the July 4th date changed to the 3rd? Stone replied the company we use requested us to hold it on the 3rd due to them being extremely busy, they offered us a significant savings; Terrill stated he would rather spend the extra money to confirm that we hold it on the 4th in the future.
Powell – asked if the fill-in dirt at Exit 77 is causing the flooding on HWY595; the water has no-where to go? VanWinkle stated the developer went to the Division of Water and FEMA to fill it in; FEMA directed their engineers to be there and approve it in order to
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get the area out of the flood plain; it was approved by the people who have jurisdiction over the streams. We did disagree with them on this area. Stone reminded the council that the up-grade of HWY595 does not address drainage, there is no curb or gutter. It is widening of the road with turn lanes only. Many tributaries go towards 595. Mayor Connelly added that more retention ponds are needed to try and manage the increasing water we get in certain areas as a possible long term answer. Stone statedwe have studies of six water sheds in the city, one recommendation is of a holding station at the old sewer pump station location at Exit 77.Little suggested a regional retention area for developers might help. Could the State be called to run a grader alongside of the roads to help divert the water?
Kerby – We have talked about a lot of important things tonight and quality of life issues; I will like to have the Human Rights Commission to meet with the council in a work session regarding the parades of pick-up trucks with Confederate Flags and yellingobscenities and being disruptive. It is a quality of life issue for our citizens; that we create a more inclusive community, we should have discussions how we can do this. It is also an Economic issue, with the Crafts Fair and Leanshops going on with many visitors coming to Berea; this is an image they are going to take back with them about our town. This issue affects all of us; and we should think seriously about what we can do to start dialog to create an inclusive community.
Mayor Steven Connelly
City Clerk