Things to Do the First Week in Mrs. Nite’s Math 141

1.  Save this file to your desktop so you can keep the active links at the bottom of the page handy. You can follow them from the website as well.

2.  Go to the Computer Module Info webpage and follow the instructions to take the diagnostic quiz. This is NOT optional!

3.  Download, save, and print for your notebook the following documents:

·  First Day Handout (save the file in case you lose your copy)

·  Computer Module Information

·  Suggested Homework List

·  Help Session Schedule

4.  Download, print, and sign “Authorization to Receive Graded Papers in Class”.

Things to Do EVERY Week in Mrs. Nite’s Math 141

1.  Check the class schedule on my website and read the sections before class.

2.  Attend class regularly. It is much harder to learn the material by reading the book without the lecture. Note also that pop quizzes could (and will) be given at any time.

3.  Work the assigned computer homework.

4.  Work the suggested homework from the textbook.

5.  Work extra problems on the computer (these have immediate feedback).

6.  Download and print Kilmer’s Week in Review Problems.

7.  Attend the Week in Review on Monday from 7-9 p.m. or check the posted answers.

8.  Attend help sessions and office hours as needed.

9.  Take computer quizzes as assigned.

10.  Take practice quizzes on materials covered so far (you can choose which sections).

Here are some active links you might need:

Mrs. Nite’s Website /
Mrs. Nite’s Email / or
Math 141 Course Webpage /
Computer Module Info /
Computer Homework/Quizzes /
Suggested Homework (Text) /
Help Session Information /
Practice Quizzes /
Week in Review—Kilmer /
Aggie Code of Honor /