ECE II – Unit 8 Vocabulary Name______
Matching: Use the textbooks, dictionary, or internet to match the terms with the correct definition:
Acute stage Incubation stage
Air borne illness Lymph glands
Antibodies Microbe
Blood borne illness Organisms
Childhood diseases Pathogens
Communicable disease Prodromal stage
Convalescent stage Respiratory stage
Fecal-oral transmission Universal infection control precautions
Food borne illness Vaccination
1. ______- an illness that can be transmitted or spread from one individual to another
2. ______- illnesses commonly caught during childhood
3. ______- an illness that is spread when
germs are expelled into the air through coughs or sneezes and transmitted to
another person via tiny moisture droplets
4. ______- an illness that can be spread by contact with blood Ex – HIV, Hepatitis B and C
5. ______- a food infection due to
ingestion of food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, some molds, or parasites
6. ______- when germs are transferred to the mouth via hands contaminated with fecal material
7. ______- the interval of time between exposure to infection and the appearance of the first signs or symptoms of illness
8. ______- the appearance of the first nonspecific signs of infection; this stage ends when the symptoms characteristic of a particular communicable illness begin to appear
9. ______- the stage of an illness or disease during which an individual is definitely sick and exhibits symptoms characteristic of the particular illness or disease involved
10. ______- the stage of recovery from an illness or disease
11. ______- a microorganism that can cause disease
12. ______- a microorganism capable of producing illness or infection Ex – bacteria, fungus
13. ______- any living individual, animal, or plant
14. ______- specialized groupings of tissue that produce and store white blood cells for protection against infection and illness
15. ______- pertains to, and includes, the nose, throat, trachea, and lungs
16. ______- shots of a small amount of a dead or weakened disease-carrying germ given in order that the body may build resistance to the disease
17. ______- same as immunization
18. ______- substances produced by the body to fight off germs
19. ______- special measures taken when handling bodily fluids, including careful hand washing, wearing latex gloves, disinfecting surfaces, and proper disposal of contaminated objects