Jennifer Crocker Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

January, 2014

Jennifer Crocker, Ph.D.

Ohio Eminent Scholar in Social Psychology

Professor of Psychology

The Ohio State University

Department of Psychology

The Ohio State University

1835 Neil Avenue

Columbus, OH 43210



1979Ph.D. in Psychology and Social Relations, Harvard University, Major: Social Psychology

1975B. A., Michigan State University, Major: Psychology

1970-1971Reed College, Major: Mathematics

Previous Employment

1995-2010University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

September, 1995-2010: Professor, Department of Psychology

July, 1996- September, 1998: Chair of Social Psychology Area

September, 1995-August, 2004: Faculty Associate, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research

September, 2004-2010: Research Professor, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research

July, 2006- June, 2010: Faculty Member, University of Michigan Depression Center

September 1, 2006-June 30, 2010: Claude M. Steele Collegiate Professor of Psychology

1985-1995State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Psychology

August, 1989 - August, 1995: Professor

August, 1985 - August, 1989: Associate Professor

July, 1986 - June, 1988 and August, 1989 - July, 1992: Associate Chair

1979-1985Northwestern University

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology

Winter, 1985University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology

Honors and Awards

1975-1977Harvard University Fellow

1982Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Summer Institute on Stigma and Interpersonal Relations,

1988Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize, awarded by the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (Division 9 of APA) for the best paper on intergroup relations.

1992SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

1988Fellow, American Psychological Association

1990Fellow, American Psychological Society

1988Fellow, Society for Personality and Social Psychology

1990Fellow, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues

1998LS & A Excellence in Research Award, University of Michigan, 1998

2000-2001President, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (and Division 9 of APA)

2000-2005Independent Scientist Award, National Institute of Mental Health

2006Institute for Social Research Excellence Award

2006-2009President, International Society for Self and Identity

2006-presentClaude M. Steele Collegiate Professor of Psychology

2008Distinguished Service Award, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues

2008Distinguished Lifetime Career Award, International Society for Self and Identity

2009Fellow, Society for Experimental Social Psychology

2010President, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (and Division 8 of APA)

Professional Association Memberships and Activities (selected)

Society for Experimental Social Psychology (SESP)


1988-1991Member, Executive Committee

1989Member, Dissertation Award Committee


1989-1990Chair of Executive Committee

1993Chair of Program Committee

2013Member, Program Committee

Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues

1977-1979Student Member


2002-presentLifetime Member

1996-1999Elected to Council

1998-1999Chair, Fellows Committee

1998Member, task force for formation of an electronic journal

1998-1999Member, search committee for editor of Journal of Social Issues

1998-1999 Member, nominating committee

1999Member, Kurt Lewin Memorial Award Committee

1999-2002President-elect, President, Past-President

2009Chair, Distinguished Service Award Committee

Professional Association Memberships and Activities (continued)

Society for Personality and Social Psychology

1998-1999Member, Fellows Committee

2004Member, Theoretical Innovation Prize Committee

2005Chair, Theoretical Innovation Prize Committee

2007-2008 Chair, Campbell Award Committee


2008Member, Open Access Task Force

2008-presentChair, Finances Task Force

2009Chair, Executive Officer Search Task Force

2009-2011President-Elect, President, Past-President

2011Chair, Awards Committee

2012Chair, Task Force on Responsible Conduct in Research

2012Chair, Task Force on Reorganization of Central Office

2012-2015Representative to the Consortium for Social and Personality Psychology

2013Chair, Working Group on Central Office

2013Member, Executive Director Search Committee

International Society for Self and Identity

2002 & 2003Co-organizer, SESP Preconference on the Self

2003-2006Member, Executive Committee

2004Chair, search committee for editor of Self and Identity


2009Chair, Lifetime Career Award Selection Committee

2010Chair, Lifetime Career Award Selection Committee

2013Member, Lifetime Career Award Selection Committee

American Psychological Association

1989Judge for APA Distinguished Scientific Award for an Early Career Contribution in Social Psychology

2000-2001President, Division 9

2009-2010President, Division 8

2009-2015Member, Publications and Communications Board (P&C Board)

2009-2010Chair, Editor Search Committee for Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition

2010-2012Chair-elect, Chair, P&C Board

2010-2011Chair, Editor Search Committee for School Psychology Quarterly

2011-2012Chair, Editor Search Committee for Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied

2011Chair, P&C Board Task Force on Data Sharing

2013Member, P&C Board Retraction Guidelines Task Force

2013Co-chair, P&C Board Task Force on Replications and Data Sharing

2013-2014Chair, Editor Search Committee for Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual Differences

2013Co-chair, Editor Search Committee for Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment.

Consortium for Social and Personality Psychology


Grant Review Panels

1988-1989National Science Foundation, Social and Developmental Psychology,

1992Member, Committee of Visitors for oversight of the National Science Foundation

Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences

1995-2001Russell Sage Foundation Advisory Committee, group on Cultural Contact

1997Member, Special emphasis panel in Social and Group Processes, NIMH

1998Member, Special emphasis panel in Social and Group Processes, NIMH

1999Member, Special emphasis panel in Social and Group Processes, NIMH

1997-1998Reviewer, B-START proposals in Social and Group Processes, NIMH

2004 Reviewer, B-START proposals in Social and Group Processes, NIMH

2000Personality and Social Psychology Advisory Group, Behavioral and Social Research, National Institute of Aging

2000-2003Member, RPHB-4 Personality, Social Psychology and Inter-Personal Processes study section, NIH

2002Member, NIMH panel to review Minority Predoctoral F31 applications, July.

2004Member, NIMH Special emphasis panel for translational research centers, March.

2005Member, NIMH panel to review Minority Predoctoral F31 applications, February.

2009Member, NIMH ZRG1 RPHB A 58 review panel to review Challenge Grant applications

2010Member, College of CSR reviewers

Editorial Activities (selected)

1996-1998Associate Editor, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

1988-1991Associate Editor: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

1999Guest Editor: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Issue on “Social Stigma: Perspectives of Experimental Social Psychology,” January.

2012-2015Associate Editor, American Psychologist

2012-2014Associate Editor, Archives of Scientific Psychology

2014-2016Editorial Board, Personality and Social Psychology Review

2008-2014Editorial Board, Psychological Review

2014-2016Editorial Board, Personality and Social Psychology Review

2013-2015Editorial Board, Social and Personality Psychology Science

Reviewer for

Administrative Science Quarterly, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Australian Research Council, British Journal of Social Psychology, Child Development, Cognitive Therapy and Research,

Developmental Psychology, European Journal of Social Psychology, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Journal of Adolescence, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Personality, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Research in Personality, Journal of Research in Adolescence, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Journal of Social Issues, NIMH B-START Awards, NIMH Personality and Group Processes Panel, National Science Foundation, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, PLOS ONE, Prentice Hall, Psychological Bulletin, Psychological Review, Psychological Reports, Psychological Science, Russell Sage Foundation, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Sex Roles, Scott Foresman, Self and Identity,Social Cognition, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Sociology of Education.

External Reviews:

2011Department of Psychology, University of Arizona

2011Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Scarborough

Invited Colloquia

1980Loyola University

1981Kellogg Graduate School of Management

1982Carleton College

1983New York University, Michigan State University, University of Iowa, Ohio State University, University of Illinois at Chicago

1984DePaul University, UCLA Graduate School of Management, Carnegie-Mellon University, Department of Marketing, Bell Laboratories (Indian Hill), Purdue University

1985Bell Laboratories (Indian Hill), Michigan State University, University of Minnesota, Duke University Department of Marketing, SUNY at Buffalo, Villanova University, St. Bonaventure University


1987Wake Forest University

1988University of Wisconsin

1989University of Toronto, Pennsylvania State University


1991Johns Hopkins University, Ohio State University

1992University of Pittsburgh, University of Michigan, Cornell University, University of Kansas

1993Case-Western Reserve University, Stanford University, University of Waterloo, Yale University, New York University

1994New York University

1995Northwestern University

1996DePaul University

1997Miami University of Ohio

1998University of Kentucky, Dartmouth College, Purdue University, Williams College

1999University of Georgia, University of California at Berkeley, Research Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University; Stanford University Department of Psychology

2000University of California at Santa Cruz, University of California at Santa Barbara, Ohio State University, University of Chicago

2001Northwestern University Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Michigan State University, University of Pittsburgh, University of Toronto, Texas A & M University, Albion College

2002La Laguna University of the Canary Islands, Spain; Oakland University; Georgia Institute of Technology; University of Waterloo

2003Columbia University

2004Michigan State University; Fuqua School of Business, Duke University

2005Arizona State University; Duke University Department of Psychology

2006Oberlin College; Ohio State University

2007Ross School of Business, Positive Organizational Studies Series, University of Michigan; Research Center for Group Dynamics Seminar Series; Nijmegen University; Leiden University.

2008California State Polytechnic University; Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

2009Ohio State University

2011Carnegie Mellon University; Princeton University

2012Kyoto University; Hosei University

2013University of Missouri Distinguished Lecture; Purdue University

2014Villanova University; University of California at Davis Distinguished Lecture

Service (Ohio State University)

2010-2013Psychology Department Diversity Committee

2010-presentPresident’s and Provost’s Advisory Committee

2010-2012College of Arts and Sciences Salary Grievance Committee

2011-2012Member, Selection Committee, Distinguished University Professors

2011-2014Member, Social and Behavioral Sciences Diversity Committee

2012Member, Search Committee, Wayne Woodrow Hayes Chair in National Security Studies

2012, 2013Chair, Social Neuroscience Search Committee

2013-2015Psychology Department Tenure and Promotion Reading Committee

2013ASC Faculty Advisory Council

Service (University of Michigan)

1996-1998Area Chair of Social Psychology

1996-1997Member, Social Area Search Committee

1996-1997Chair, Katz-Newcomb Committee

1997Chair, Brickman Award Committee

1995-1996Member, Graduate Studies Committee

1995-1996Member, Social Area Admissions Committee

1995-1996Member, Social Area Prelim Committee

1997-1998Member, ISR Data Confidentiality Committee

1998-1999Chair, Social Area Admissions Committee

1998-1999Member, Augmented Departmental Executive Committee

2000-2001Chair, Social Psychology Outplacement Committee

2001-2003Member, Department Executive Committee

2003-2004Chair, Social Psychology Prelim Committee

2004-2005Expedited Review Co-Chair, Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board

2004-2005Member, Augmented Departmental Executive Committee

2004-2005Co-Chair, Social Area Admissions Committee

2004-2007Member, Behavioral Science Institutional Review Board

2005-2007Member, LS&A Undergraduate Admissions Committee

2006-2008Member, Executive Committee, Research Center for Group Dynamics

2006Member, Social Psychology Search Committee

2006-2007Chair, Psychology Mentoring Committee

2007 Co-organizer, Winter Research Center for Group Dynamics Seminar Series

2007-2008Member, Executive Board, Rackham Graduate School

2007-2009Member, Psychology Department Mentoring Committee

2008-2011Member, LS&A Curriculum Committee

2008-2011Member, Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, Research Policy Committee

2008-2009Member, Mentoring Committees for Terri Conley, Steven Garcia, Pamela Davis-Kean, Ethan Kross

2010Member, ISR Situational Review Committee to search for director of SRC

2009-2010 Member, Executive Committee, Research Center for Group Dynamics



Advanced Social Psychology

Social Stigma

Self and Self-esteem


Introduction to Social Psychology

Introduction to Psychology

Scientific Inquiry in Psychology

Social Psychology of the Self

Social Stigma

Grant Support

Research Grants

1980-1981Northwestern University, "Intuitive judgments of covariation," $6,000.00, (PI).

1981-1983Northwestern University, "Stereotypes and social isolation," $1,800 (PI).

1983-1984Northwestern University, "Self-esteem, cognition, and the threat-derogation effect." $1,500 (PI).

1985-1988National Science Foundation, "Self-esteem, cognition, and social derogation." $155,000 (PI)

1987-1990National Science Foundation, "Social stigma and self-esteem. " $260,000. (PI).

1990-1994National Science Foundation, "Social Stigma: The consequences of attributional ambiguity." $241,800 (PI).

1991-1992BRSG "Self-esteem and coping among the handicapped." $3,600 (PI).

1994-1998National Science Foundation. “Reactions to stigma: The mediating role of deserving.” $294,000 (PI).

1998-1999U of M Office of the Vice President for Research. “Contingencies of Self-Esteem.” $12,900 (PI).

1998-2004National Institute of Mental Health, 1R01 MH58869. “Contingencies of self-esteem.” $966,040 direct costs. (PI).

2000-2005National Institute of Mental Health, K02 MH01747-01. “Contingencies of self-esteem.” Independent Scientist Award for Jennifer Crocker. $641,520 direct costs. (PI)

2004-2009National Institute of Mental Health, 2R01 058869. “Contingencies of self-esteem.” $1,087,274 direct costs. (PI).

2003-2005Consultant, NIMH R21 grant on “Measuring the Paradox of Self Stigma in Mental Illness,” Patrick Corrigan, University of Chicago, PI.

2005-2009National Science Foundation, BCS-0446567. “Contingent self-worth and learning goals.” $375,000 (PI).

2009-2014Consultant, NCI R01 grant, “Resources, Parent-Child Communication, and Adjustment to Pediatric Cancer.” Louis Penner, Karmanos Cancer Institute, PI.

2012-2015National Science Foundation, NSF SES-1155924. “Manipulating numeracy: Causal effects on judgments and decisions.” $369,735. Co-Investigator. Ellen Peters, PI.


2014-2017National Institute of Mental Health, “Understanding the role of interpersonal processes in mood disorders.” (Crocker and Quinn, PIs). $550,000 direct costs requested.


National Institute of Mental Health. “Social comparison processes and collective self-esteem.” Individual NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship for Hart Blanton. 1/96-8/97.

National Institute of Mental Health. Individual NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship for Nicole Shelton. 5/1/98-4/30/01.

National Institute of Mental Health. Social Psychology. (Institutional NRSA training grant for Social Psychology at the University of Michigan). 7/1/99-6/30/04 $1,102,685. (PI).


Alumnae Board of Northwestern grant to develop a course on "The Psychology of Gender Stereotypes," $2,500. Summer, 1984.

UB Computing and Information Technology Learning Technologies Project, “Computerized presentation materials for social psychology,” 5/1/94-8/31/94. (Principal Investigator). $1500.


"The origins and consequences of social prejudice." SUNY at Buffalo, Conversations in the Disciplines. March, 1988. $2,500.00. Co-Principal Investigator with Marilyn Hoskin.

“Defensive Routines in Intergroup Relations.” Russell Sage Foundation, Cultural Contact Program. Conference held in Palo Alto, CA, February, 2005. $38,305 direct costs. Co-organizer with Claude Steele, Robin Ely, and Debra Meyerson.

“Translational Research: Bridging Basic and Applied Perspectives” National Institute of Mental Health, Division of AIDS and Health and Behavior Research. Co-organizer with Bernice Pescosolido.

“Developing Alternatives to Self-interest.” Center for Advancing Research and Solutions for Society grant for an interdisciplinary working group. Co-organizer with Stephanie Brown.


Publications: Articles in Refereed Journals Jennifer Crocker Curriculum Vitae


Articles in Refereed Journals

Canevello, A., Granillo, M. T., & Crocker, J. (2013). Predicting change in relationship security: The roles of compassionate and self-image goals. Personal Relationships.

Niiya, Y., Crocker, J., & Mischkowski, D. (2013). Compassionate and self-image goals in the US and Japan. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44, 389-405.

Hsu, D. T., Sanford, B. J., Meyers, K. K., Love, T. M., Hazlett, K. E., Wang, H., Ni, L., Walker, S. J., Mickey, B. J., Korycinski, S. T., Koeppe, R. A., Cocker, J. K., Langenecker, S. A., Zubieta, J.-K. (2013). Response of the µ-opioid system to social rejection and acceptance. Molecular Psychiatry, 18, 1-7. doi:10.1038/mp.2013.96

Bahns, A. J., Crandall, C. S., Canevello, A., & Crocker, J. (2013). Deciding to dissolve: Individual- and relationship-level predictors of roommate breakup. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35, 164-175.

Mayer, S., Erickson, T., Briggs, H., Crocker, J., Liberzon, I., & Abelson, J. L. (2012). Brief cognitive intervention can modulate ACTH response to the Trier Social Stress Test. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 3, 1-1.

Bushman, B. J., Moeller, S. J., Konrath, S., & Crocker, J. (2012).Investigating the link between liking versus wanting self-esteem and depression in a nationally representative sample of American adults. Journal of Personality, 80, 1453-1469.

Burson, A., Crocker, J., Canevello, A., & Mischkowski, D. (2012). Two types of value affirmation: Implications for self-control following social exclusion. Social and Personality Psychology Science, 3, 510-516.

Crocker, J., & Canevello, A. (2012). Consequences of self-image and compassionate goals. In P. G. Devine & A. Plant (Eds.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, pp 229-277. New York: Elsevier.

Crocker, J. (2011). Safety in numbers: Shifting from egosystem to ecosystem. Psychological Inquiry, 22, 259-264. DOI: 10.1080/1047840X.2011.624978

Crocker, J. (2011). Presidential Address: Self-image and compassionate goals and construction of the social self: Implications for social and personality psychology. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 15, 394-407. DOI: 10.1177/1088868311418746

Canevello, A., & Crocker, J. (2011). Changing relationship growth belief: Intrapersonal and interpersonal consequences of compassionate goals. Personal Relationships, 18, 370-391. PMCID: PMC3176594. DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.2010.01296.x

Sanchez, D. T., Moss-Racusin, C. A., Phelan, J. E., & Crocker, J. (2011). Relationship contingency and sexual motivation in women: Implications for sexual satisfaction. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40, 99-110. PMID: 20174863

Canevello, A., & Crocker, J. (2011). Interpersonal goals, others’ regard for the self, and self-esteem: The paradoxical consequences of self-image and compassionate goals. European Journal of Social Psychology,41, 422-434. DOI: 10.1007/s12646-011-0064-3

Abelson, J. L., Erickson, T., Mayer, S., Briggs, H., Crocker, J., & Liberzon, I. (2011). Compassionate goal orientation can modulate cortisol response to the Trier Social Stress Test. Biological Psychiatry, 69, 87S-87S.

Canevello, A., & Crocker, J. (2011). Interpersonal goals and close relationship processes: Potential links to health. Compass: Health, 5, 346-358.

Lawrence, J. S. L. & Crocker, J. (2011). Stigmatized and dominant cultural groups differentially interpret positive feedback. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, 165-169.

Crocker, J. (2011). The paradoxical consequences of interpersonal goals: Relationships, distress, and the self. Psychological Studies.

Bushman, B. J., Moeller, S. J., & Crocker, J. (2011). Sweets, sex, or self-esteem? Comparing the value of self-esteem boosts with other pleasant rewards. Journal of Personality, 79, 993-1012. PMID: 21204844. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.2011.00712.x

Niiya, Y., Brook, A. T., & Crocker, J. (2010). Contingent self-worth and self-handicapping: Do contingent incremental theorists protect self-esteem? Self and Identity, 9, 276-297.

Canevello, A., & Crocker, J. (2010). Creating good relationships: Responsiveness, relationship quality, and interpersonal goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99, 78-106. PMID: 20565187. DOI: 10.1037/a0018186

Reprinted in H. T. Reis (Ed.), Psychology of close relationships. London: Sage.

Crocker, J., Canevello, A., Breines, J. G., & Flynn, H. (2010). Interpersonal goals and change in anxiety and dysphoria: Effects of compassionate and self-image goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 1009-1024. PMID: 20515255

Moeller, S. J., Crocker, J., & Bushman, B. (2009). Creating hostility and conflict: Effects of entitlement and self-image goals. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 448-452. PMID:20126295

Moeller, S. J., & Crocker, J. (2009). Drinking and desired self-images: Path models of self-image goals, coping motives, binge drinking, and alcohol problems. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 23, 334-340. PMID:19586150

Lawrence, J. A. S., & Crocker, J. (2009). Academic contingencies of self-worth impair positively- and negatively-stereotyped students’ performance in performance goals settings. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 868-874.

Crocker, J., & Hughes, S. (2009). Ecosystem perspective and Barack Obama’s campaign for the Presidency. DuBois Review, 6, 125-136.

Crocker, J., Olivier, M.-A., & Nuer, N. (2009). Self-image goals and compassionate goals: Costs and benefits. Self and Identity, 8, 251-269. PMID: 21218194

Niiya, Y., Ballantyne, R., North, M. S., & Crocker, J. (2008). Gender, contingencies of self-worth, and achievement goals as predictors of academic cheating in a controlled laboratory setting. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 30, 76-83.

Crocker, J., & Canevello, A. (2008). Creating and undermining social support in communal relationships: The role of compassionate and self-image goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 555-575. PMID 18729694

Niiya, Y., & Crocker, J. (2008). Mastery goals and contingent self-worth: A field study. International Review of Social Psychology, 21, 135-155.

Crocker, J., Niiya, Y., & Mischkowski, D. (2008). Why does writing about important values reduce defensiveness? Self-affirmation and the role of positive, other-directed feelings. Psychological Science, 19, 740-747. PMID 18727791

Garcia, J. A., & Crocker, J. (2008). Reasons for disclosing depression matter: The consequences of having egosystem and ecosystem goals. Social Science and Medicine, 67, 453-462. PMID:18450349