(Constituted and Incorporated 1792: Reconstituted 1934)

Scottish Charity Number: SCO 08760


(Incorporated by Order in Council 1969)

Scottish Charity Number: SCO 06938

The object of the Society and of the Trust is to assist in the education and advancement of the children of Ministers of the Church of Scotland by making annual grants from their funds in cases where such assistance is required. Grants from the Society are available for both boys and girls. Grants from the Trust are for girls only but the daughters of missionaries appointed or nominated by the Overseas Council of the Church of Scotland and of widowed deaconesses are also eligible.

Except in special circumstances no boy or girl shall be eligible for a grant until attaining the age of 12 years, or shall be continued as a beneficiary after attaining the age of 25 years.

To apply for a grant a parent or guardian (‘The Applicant’) should submit the accompanying application fully completed. In particular, the amount of the family income should be accurately stated and its sources detailed. Where application is made on behalf of more than one member of the family, a separate form should be completed for each, but particulars common to all members of the family need only be inserted in one of the application forms.

Grants are made for one year only. Should a renewal of the grant be desired an application form must be lodged each year.

A report may be requested on how the grant has been used and the achievements of the beneficiary.

Applications for grants to be lodged with:-

Jennifer Law


Exchange Place 3

Semple Street

Edinburgh EH3 8BL

not later than 31st day of May.

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Address of Applicant ……………………………………………………………………………………………...



Telephone number ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Email address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

This is an application on behalf of ………………………………………………………………………………

for a grant from the Society/the Trust (delete as necessary).

I confirm that the information given in this application form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand the information will be used to assist in proceeding with this application and I hereby give consent to its use for that purpose.

Signature of Parent or Guardian …………………………..……………………………... Date ……………


A.Beneficiary1.Name of person for whose benefit theapplication is made. (The Beneficiary).2.Date of birth.3.Home address.4.Email address.5.Mobile phone number.6.School/University/College to be attendedduring year.7.If studying in England, reason for choice of this university/college8.Subject to be studied9.Degree or other qualification to be gained.10.Year of course to which this application refers, e.g. 2nd year of 4 year course.11.Is this in preparation for Ministry or mission work of the Church of Scotland?12.If fee-paying, amount of estimated feesfor term.13.Other courses to be attended duringnext academic year.14.If the beneficiary is to be in Hall of Residenceor Boarding, state approximate charges. Ifregular travelling is involved, state estimatedtravelling expenses. / (ANSWERS)
  1. Name of applicant.
  2. Home address.
  3. Relationship to beneficiary.
4.Name of the applicant’s Parish, charge or station
  1. Are both parents alive?
  2. Names and ages of other dependents, giving in each case the name of the School/University/ College to be attended next session and the fee to be paid.

  1. Family Income for year ending 5th April
N.B if applicant has retired or is a widow, information regarding pension income etc. should be included in G(1) opposite.
  1. Applicant’s gross stipend or salary (excluding allowances for expenses or car allowance).
  1. Applicant’s gross income from investments or
  1. Applicant’s spouse/partner’s gross earned income or salary.
  1. Applicant’s spouse/partner’s gross income from investments or savings.
  1. Regular contributions received from relatives.
E.Emoluments1.Is manse or other accommodation provided?2.The amount received for expenses.3.The amount received as car allowance.4.Any other expenses or allowances.
F.Additional IncomeState amount from:1.Hospital or prison chaplaincy.2.Pay Office of HM Forces.3.Broadcasting fees.4.Literary work.5.Royalties.6.Tutorial or teaching fees.7.Any other source.
G.Benefits and Allowances for any member of Family1.Pensions(a)Retirement(b)Invalidity(c)Service(d)Widows(e)Occupational2.Child Benefit.3.Guardian’s allowance.4.Fostering allowance.5.Other allowances.(a)Mobility(b)Attendance(c)Invalid Care(d)Educational maintenance(e)Other / (ANSWERS)
H.Other applications for help1.For beneficiaries at School(a)Is the applicant in receipt of an Education Maintenance Allowance(EMA)? If so, how much?(b)Has an application been made to anyother Trust, Society etc. for assistance? If so, what is the outcome of application?2.For beneficiaries in Further or HigherEducation(a)How much do you receive (or expectto receive) from the following sources:(i)Young Students Bursary/Higher Education Grant fromStudent Awards Agency forScotland (SAAS)/Local EducationAuthority (LEA)/Department forEducation & Skills (DfeS)(ii)Student Loan from Student LoansCompany(iii)Financial Assistance from anyother source (e.g. University Bursary/Scholarship, Trust,Society).
I.Are there any special circumstances, other than those disclosed above, which support the present application?