Archived Documentation for the UF Digital Library Center

Hardware Documentation forSelected, Local Equipment
(Harvested from web as historical documentation in Jan. 2014)

The following lists equipment used by the UF Libraries’ Digital Services.This list should not be taken as an endorsement of any manufacturer's product.Those using this list as a guide for their own purchases should be cautioned that equipment suited to UF’s specific needs, source documents, orfitness-for-purposedeterminations may not be suited to another institution's needs, the source documents they intend to image, or meet otherfitness-for-purposerequirements.


  • Bound Book & Newspaper Scanners
  • Digital Camera Backs (oversized source documents)
  • Digital Single Lens Reflex (dSLR) Cameras (book cradles, 3D objects, etc.)
  • Equipment for Museum Objects / Artifacts
  • Flat-Bed Scanners
  • Sheet-feed Scanners
  • Slide Scanners

Book Scanners

i2S CopiBook
24-bit color
Camera:35MP for each of three color channels
Platen:15.5 x 23 inches
Pixel Resolution:300 ppi maximum
Connections:ethernet network connectivity (not used - scanning to external hard drives that travel with source documents to other processing stages, e.g., quality control, text conversion, mark-up, and archiving)
Lighting:not used with ambient lighting, instead work area lit byFluorescent Work Light(day light balanced; mounted individually) and with hood made of black 40x60 foamboard
Remarks:to mitigate ambient shadow, unit is mounted with a flat black foam-core hood
Deployment:seven (7) units deployed within DS for bound book and newspaper scanning
Primary Use:bound books, unbound newspapers, and periodically other oversized materials
Example Projects, Used for:UFDCChildren's Literature(selected items); Florida Digital Newspaper Library (selected titles)
CopiBooks in Use
Device ID # / Base # / Head # / ID# / Activation Code / Version
1 / 261700 / 272701 / 261117 / 1ZGOWGROG663G / 2.6.5 RGB
2 / 271660 / 271406 / 270741 / 1XABH88VVYKPK / 2.6.5 RGB
3 / 261405 / 261704 / 261111 / 2OKKIWNQBG5EI / 2.6.5 RGB
4 / 261404 / 261402 / 260606 / 1V1MXGQYD42W2 / 2.6.5 RGB
5 / 262700 / 262801 / 260621 / 21NJD8AA4JLPI / 2.6.5 RGB
6 / 271162 / 264411 / 264411 / 1XA5X0H8CHWT8 / 2.6.5 RGB
7 / 262701 / 262701 / 262701 / 1YDQIJEN0EA3Q / 2.6.5 RGB
Konica Minolta PS7000
with grayscale up-grade
Platen:17 x 23 inches
Pixel Resolution:400 ppi at 17 x 23 inches
Connections:ethernet network connectivity (not used - scanning to external hard drives that travel with source documents to other processing stages, e.g., quality control, text conversion, mark-up, and archiving)
Lighting:internal fluorescent lighting
Deployment:one (1) units deployed within the Department of Special and Area Studies Collections + another unit on Access Services Department inventory is maintained by the InterLibrary Loan Unit.
Primary Use:bound books
Example Projects, Used for:UFDCOpen Stacks Project(selected items)
Staffing:used by trained Special Collections staff for in-department projects feeding intoUFDC

Camera Backs

Super 8K-HS(purchased in 2008)
Pixel Resolution:8,000 X 10,600 pixels
Mounting and copystand:mounted on locally constructed pole mount with ZBE mechanized raising/lowering device (no longer manufactured) (approximately $1,000)
Connections:Running under Apple OS-X (USB2) for color management but in tandem with Windows XP workstations for image management and processing
Lenses:RodenstockRodagon 135 mm professional enlarging lens (f/5.6) is used in conjunction with an AR-1 high aspect ratio filter for filtering infrared (large format view camera, approximately $3,000)
Lighting and stands:eitherFluorescent Work Light(day light balanced) orVidessenceIcelight 360 (fluorescent light banks) (approximately $2,000)
Imaging Surface:vacuum easleto hold large object flat and in place during imaging
Deployment:one (1) units deployed within DS
Primary Use:flat paper (e.g., large maps, large photographs, herbarium specimens, newspapers, etc.)
Example Projects, Used for:UF Map Collections


Kodak DCS 14n
Models and Specifications(no longer manufactured; replacement for new purchases has not yet been made)
Digital Photography Review (TM)and specifications
Pixel Resolution:4500 x 3000 pixels
Connections:tethered bia USB 2 to Windows XP workstation
Lenses:a variety of Nikon Nikor lenses
Mounting:Manfrotto (IFF) Super Repro copy-stand (table mounted)
Lighting:Fluorescent Work Light(day light balanced;mounted individually)
Book Cradle:Riser book cradle
Deployment:four (4) units deployed within DS
Primary Use:fragile bound volumes; tightly bound volumes
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Models and Specifications
Digital Photography Review (TM)and specifications
Pixel Resolution:5616 x 3714 pixels (raw)
Lenses:a variety of Canon EF lenses

Equipment for Museum Objects / Artifacts

Ortery ORPC360L PhotoCapture 360L Turntable(with Digital Single Lens Reflex (dSLR) Cameras)
Model and Specification
Capacity:250 lbs (113.6kg)
Deployment:one (1) units

Flatbed Scanners

MicrotekScanMaker 9800XL

Connections:FireWire or USB 2
Remarks:Reliable; Good tonal range; Scanner interface supports optimal control of image creation; Color calibration is easy to use.

This scanner is available in two configurations:with a transparency adaptorandwithout a transparency adaptor. Units purchased with the transparency adaptor ship with an alternate, easily interchaged reflective-media-only cover. UF purchases with transparency adaptors. Most units, however, are configured for reflective media; and, covers are interchanged as needed.

Deployment:thirteen (13) units deployed within DS; 1 unit, in the Map & Imagery Library; 1 unit, in the Department of Special & Area Studies Collections.
Primary Use:flat paper (e.g., small maps, typescripts, letters, etc.); volumes that open flat (e.g., volumes sewn or stapledthrough-the-fold; pamphlets, brochures, etc.)
Example Projects, Used for: UFDCChildren's Literature

Epson Expression 10000XL

Models and Specifications
Connections:FireWire or USB 2
Remarks:Reliable; Excellent tonal range; Scanner interface supports optimal control of image creation; Color calibration is adequate but not easily used.
This scanner is available in two configurations: agraphic arts editionand aphoto edition. UF utilizes the graph art edition.

Deployment:three (3) units
Primary Use:photographs; flat paper (e.g., small maps, typescripts, letters, etc.)
Example Projects, Used for:UFDCUniversity Archives Photograph Collection(selected items only)

Sheetfeed Scanners

Panasonic KV-S2046C


Pixel Resolution: 600 ppi (up to 24-bit images)
Connections: USB 2
Remarks: requires an active maintenance program; micro-dust from brittle paper causes sheet feed failure over time: requires roller cleaning.
Deployment: five (5) units deployed within DS + one (1) unit deployed for retrospective dissertations conversion and pre-binding scanning of public domain resources
Primary Use: flat paper (e.g., large maps, large photographs, newspapers, etc.)
Example Projects, Used for: UFDC Samuel Proctor Oral History Collections (items converted from paper)

Slide Scanner

Nikon Super CoolScan 5000 ED (with Nikon SF-210 slide feeder attachment)
Specifications (scanner)
Pixel Resolution: up to 4000 ppi
Connections: USB 2
Remarks: slide feeder attachment supports up to 50 slides for automated imaging.
Deployment: five (5) units deployed within DS
Primary Use: slides in mountings