Global Geography 12 Independent Study Essay

Essay Due Date:

Global Geography 12 consists of many units of study, including an independent study (essay). Throughout the units of study, while learning about and coming to understand social issues, identity and culture, you are also expected to use the content material to learn, practice, and hone general literacy and thinking skills.

Length: Write a double-spaced 1200 - 1500 word essay (typed)that outlines and explores the relationship between location and population for a global issue. A list will be posted in the class for students to sign-up for a global issue.

Sources: You must use at least five sources and all source material must be current and credible. Neither Wikipedia nor general information websites (ex: about.com) are credible sources for this paper.

Evaluation: The evaluation for this essay will be based on a number of factors, including: topic selection, an essay outline and annotated source list and final draft. Due dates and point values will be assigned for each step. Plagiarism will be dealt with as per the student code of conduct.

Independent Study Submission Order

In submitting your essay, make sure that the below order is followed.


1.  Title Page

2.  Introduction

3.  Section 1: Overview of Location

4.  Section 2: Overview of Population

5.  Section 3: Critical Relationships Between Location and Population

6.  Conclusion

7.  APA Works Cited Page


1.  Font - 12 point – (Times New Roman, Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet, Calibri, Helvetica)

2.  Double – spaced

3.  APA Format


The opening paragraph of your essay should introduce the issue you will explore in your essay. It should contain a clear thesis that states a clear position about the relationship between location and population in the topic you have selected. Finally, it should outline the key ideas you will discuss/analyze in each of the three required sections for this essay to provide a “road map” of the progression of your thoughts for the entire paper.

Section 1: Overview of Location

In this section of your essay, you should define the setting for your issue. Your exploration in this section should consider, range (total area affected, number of countries/communities involved) as well as noteworthy physical features and properties of these that have played a role in your issue.

Section 2: Overview of Population

In this section of your essay, you should define populations and perspectives involved in your issue. Your exploration in this section should considerdemographic aspects of population (nationality/language/race/socioeconomic status, etc.) along with cultural perspectives (corporate, government, military, civilian, activist, non-profit, religious, etc.).

Section 3:Critical Relationships Between Location and Population

In this section of your essay, you will explore the relationship/interplay between people and place as it pertains to the issue you’re studying.Concepts you have learned in this course that are applicable here include: demographic analysis (population density and distribution), indicators of development and quality of life, human/environmental interaction (where applicable). This section should also provide a sense of the historical andpresent relationship between location and population and project how you see this relationship changing in the futurebased on current trends or knowledge.

In Text Citations

As a research paper, it is expected that you will make reference to the full range of required sources through quotations (in line, block, ellipsis) and, where appropriate, paraphrasing sources. Each reference to your sources should be noted with an in text citation properly formatted according to APA standards. Refer to the APA guide provided for tips on how to cite works in text in APA.


You are to use this space to finalize your thoughts. Restate your thesis. Summarize the key arguments that support your position on the issues outlined in your essay. You are basically providing a brief, yet conclusive overview of your thesis defense. No new points are to be introduced at this time. The finished version of the conclusion should be approximately quarter of a page in length.

Works Cited

This is a formal listing of the sources quoted in your essay. Refer to the APA guide provided for tips on how to create a works cited list in APA.

Assessment Checkpoints

Topic Selection: due

Topics are posted in the classroom and on the website. Students are to choose a topic and narrow down the broad topic to one that can be supported or refuted.

Essay Plan & Annotated Source List: due

Given the three section composition of this research essay, students will draw up, in point form, a plan for each of the required sections. Along with this, students will be required to present a list of the sources they have located and read to inform their thinking; evidence of annotation of these sources will be monitored as well.

Criteria for Assessment: Final Draft due

Category / 15-12 / 11-8 / 8-5 / 4-1 / Score
Depth and Range of Research / The paper makes critical and thoughtful use of the full number of sources required; sources reflect a concerted effort to read widely, establishing an understanding of the topic that appreciates several perspectives. / The paper makes effective use of the full number of sources required; sources reflect some effort to read widely, establishing an understanding of the topic that identifiesa few perspectives / The paper makes vague or general use of some, but not all sources required; sources reflect a limited effort to read widely;surface deep understanding of the topic deals with stock perspectives / The paper makes problematic or inaccurate use of a small amount of sources required; little meaningful evidence of attempt to read widely, or establish an understanding of the topic that takes into account several perspectives
Analysis, Synthesis / abundant evidence of sophisticated, critical analysis of topic; creates a comprehensive picture of the issue that demonstrates cohesive synthesis of how factors influence one another / solid evidence of competent analysis of topic; creates a fundamental picture of the issue that demonstrates effective synthesis of how factors influence one another / adequate evidence of simple analysis of topic; creates a general picture of the issue that demonstrates attempt to synthesize how factors influence one another / limited evidence that analysis was attempted; parrots or summarizes stock information, ignoring need to synthesize how factors influence one another
4 - Excelling / 3– Proficient / 2 – Struggling / 1 – Poor
APA Formatting / Adheres to APA formatting in all aspects: title page, font/spacing/margins, page numbering/running head, quotation formatting, in-text citations, works cited list / APA formatting is largely intact, with minor errors in some aspects: title page, font/spacing/margins, page numbering/running head, quotation formatting, in-text citations, works cited list / APA formatting is flawed, with blatant errors across several aspects: title page, font/spacing/margins, page numbering/running head, quotation formatting, in-text citations, works cited list / Little evidence of meaningful effort to format research essay according to APA standards.
Correctness / Mechanics and grammar are clean; no errors that impede communication of ideas. / Mechanics and grammar are largely clean; minor errors are present with minimal impact on communication of ideas. / Mechanics and grammar lack polish; several errors that impede communication of ideas are present. / Little evidence that any attention was paid to the impact of errors in mechanics and grammar; communication of ideas is problematic.
Organization / The introduction is inviting, states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper. Details are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively keeps the interest of the reader. A variety of thoughtful transitions are used and clearly show how the ideas are connected. / The introduction is inviting, states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper, but is not particularly inviting to the reader. Details are placed in a logical order, but the way in which they are presented/introduced sometimes makes the writing less interesting. Transitions clearly show how ideas are connected, but there is little variety. / The introduction states the main topic, but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the reader. Some details are not in logical or expected order and this distracts the reader. Some transitions work well but connections between other ideas are fuzzy. / There is no clear introduction of the topic/structure of the paper. Many details are not in logical/expected order. There is little sense that the writing is organized. The transitions between ideas are unclear or non-existent.
3 - Excelling / 2– Proficient / 1 – Struggling/Poor
Clarity / Language/word choice used to present and analyze topic is dynamic and specific, enlightening and engaging the reader. / Language/word choice used to present and analyze topic is basic and effective. / Language/word choice used to present and analyze topic is vague, general or repetitive OR problematic or confusing.

Suggestions for Independent Study

1.  Famine 10. Displaced People/Refugees

2.  Religious Belief and Conflict 11. Women’s Rights

3.  Foreign Aid 12. Free Trade

4.  Environmental Action Groups 13. Health Issues

5.  Non-Governmental Organization 14. Child Soldiers

6.  Genetically Modified Foods 15. Modern Day Slavery

7.  Tariffs and Subsidy 16. Debt Forgiveness

8.  Conflict Minerals 17. Other

9.  Immigration Policies

This list is not intended to be exclusive. If there is a topic you wish to pursue that is not included on this list, please discuss it with me and we will likely be able to create a topic for you.In addition, there is leeway within a topic to create a thesis that matters to you. For instance, under the topic “Health Issues” you may be interested in a topic such as H1N1, HIV/AIDS in Africa, Tuberculosis or another disease. Please feel free to specify a topic under a heading for research.