Logomania – Lessons 8-9

(Answer the questions using the Greek words at the bottom of the page. The words in italics are clues.)

1. My Pa blamed me for the window that was broken by my brother, Hugh. Under a cloud of suspicion, I protested, “Why is it that you never blame !”

2. Because of the flood we have to build another house. We’ll just chalk up the old one as.

3. “Are we there yet?” asked the impatient toddler from the back seat. The father replied, “He have less than 20 minutes to go. You will be with Grandma and Grandpa .”

4. My good friend Robert Tidzo asked me to baptize his son, Robert, Jr. In order to avoid confusion during the service, I used a shortened name for his son, calling him .

5. A student in the “Human Sexuality” class raised his hand and asked, “Would a quarrel between two homosexual men be called ?”

6. Ray and Kay were experts at making animal sounds. Kay’s specialty was a peaceful dove. No one could mistake “a Kay coo.” Ray’s horse imitation was famous too. No one could mistake .

7. Everyday I order food delivered from an Italian restaurant. The cook sends me my favorite dish, an odd combination of pasta and Jello. They call it .

8. I find that on rare occasions a man may take his wife’s name, as in the case of my friend, Hugh Smith, who married Janet Risko and became .

9. The saloon owner got fed up with tobacco stains all over the floor. Therefore he put in a spitt- .

10. In a strange ritual the natives would gather once a year and throw an owl up in the air. Since the bird always makes its characteristic sound before flying off, this ritual became known as the .

11. One year at the same owl-ritual just mentioned, the bird clawed the man’s hands with its sharp talons before flying away. The man himself let out a cry, so that year the ritual was called the .

12. When Noah began his boat-building, he didn’t know what he was doing. Plans A through N failed. The boat that succeeded in rescuing his family from the flood was known as .

13. “Ninety Nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall” can become rather tiring after singing it for two hours, so I was surprised when someone called for an encore. Astonished, I said, “Sing it a- !”

14. The new sheriff in town, Mr. Os Lincoln, was too timid to confront the lawbreaking gunfighters. But the people in the town insisted, “You’ve got to uphold the !”

15. Hamor was a sinner and an evil king (see Genesis 34). When he was killed for his evil deeds, he was struck on the foot, losing a digit. The incident became known as the .

a[llo~, aJmartwlov~, ajpokrivnomai, ajpostevllw, a[rcw, aujtov~, baptivzw, givnomai,
dievrcomai, duvnamai, ejgeivrw, eijrhvnh, eijsevrcomai, ejkei`no~, ejxevrcomai, ejxousiva,
e[rcomai, euJrivskw, krivnw, laov~, oujdev, ou\n, ou|to~, ou|tw~, poreuvomai, provswpon,
suvn, uJpov