Shalford Parish Council Finance Committee Meeting

on Friday 17thJuly 2015 at 2pm

at the Parish Council Office

1)Attendance and apologies.Cllr Bill Birkett (Chairman), Cllrs Nigel Keane andDavid Thomson

In attendance: Nuala Livesey (Clerk)

Apologies : Cllr Mark Hallam

2)Local Code of Conduct – Disclosure of Interests: None

3)Minutes of the last meeting:the Committee considered and approved the minutes of the last meeting. The Chairman then signed the minutes.

4)Tendering of Grounds Maintenance Contract for ShalfordCemetery and St Mary’s Churchyard: The Committee considered the three tenders for the grounds maintenance contract from September 2015 for a period of four years and to make recommendations to the full Council meeting on Thursday 23rd July. The following tenders were received: G Burley and Sons £15,400.56 +VAT

Grasstex Ltd £9212.00 + VAT

Harold Wakeford and Sons £8750.00 +VAT

Consideration was given to the detail of each tender and the Committee agreed to award

the contract to Harold Wakeford and Sons for the next four years

5)Cemetery Chapel Restoration fund: the Clerk explained that the chapel restoration fund was held in the PC deposit account which held all the reserves of the Council. It was therefore not easy to see exactly what money was allocated to, and being held for the Chapel restoration and what was held as reserves for the rest of the Council’s work. It was therefore agreed that this money should be separated out and would improve transparency of the Council’s financial arrangements. The Clerk agreed to look at appropriate arrangements for separating out the different reserve headings.

6)St Mary’s Church wall insurance: the Committee consider whether additional insurance cover should be provided for the grade 2 listed wall at the church under the arrangement that the Parish Council was responsible for the maintenance of the closed churchyard and the wall. It was agreed that quotes should be obtained for adding to the next Insurance renewal and that allocation of some of the reserve should be made specifically for maintenance of the wall at the annual finance budget meeting

7)Bank account signatories: the Committee agreed to add Nigel Keane to the list of bank account signatories to replace Cllr Jackie Young who had stood down at the May election.

8)Members reports: None.

