Minutes – Committee Meeting 79

Monday 14th May 2012. Start time – 16.00

CBRE, London

1.  Attending

Charles Norman (); Colin Cottage (); Matthew Bodley (); Meyric Lewis (); Philip Maude (); Richard Honey (); Barry Denyer Green (; Colin Smith ();; Paul Astbury (); Keith Murray (); Charles Lazarevic ()

2.  Apologies for absence

Paul Singleton (); Richard Guyatt ();

3.  Previous Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

4.  Matters Arising

KM has telephoned R Asher and M Orlick re West Midlands merger

5.  Regions

South Wales

It is anticipated that Rob Peters of Turley Associates will take over as Convenor of South Wales

KM and RH are due to speak at their event on 17th September 2011

West Midlands

Their event took place on 29 March and went down well. They have since asked to be able to work up a position paper for the HS2 consultation. A balanced paper is welcomed and should be sent to PA for it to become part of the development of the CPA view.


MCB reported that an enthusiastic Scottish committee met in March and they have identified a number of areas for reform. They also plan to have a Scottish Conference in October, to ideally coincide with the Scottish Law Commission’s launch of CPO.

6.  CPA Reforms

o  Localism Act

o  PA is seeking to speak with CLG on a number of matters, particularly on transitional arrangements

o  PA has prepared a note that should be posted onto the website on transition

Electronic Communication Code - Telecom code

o  CS attended stakeholder meeting. Its expected that this reform will be fast tracked.

o  Welsh Reforms

o  KM to speak to SE on Welsh matters and for report on where Wales is in its reform plans

Scottish Reforms

o  These will be listed in their minutes which shall be circulated separately to these minutes

o  HS2

o  HS2 will publish their consultation plans soon.

o  The CPA will need a press statement, as we may well be approached. PA to prepare

o  PA will also convene a working party to look at the expected and actual issues. Members will include PA, KM, BDG, ML, CN, RH.

The Lands Chambers

o  The lower chamber will be called the property chamber

o  No timetable of changes to the procedures, mergers or launch have been announced

o  RH to approach LT for a CPA and LT liaison meeting.

o  Blight

o  Blight is likely to be a major issue in the HS2 land assembly, and the CPA should prepare a position paper for possible reform options. However, blight is also a major issue in urban areas.

Professional liaison meetings

o  With the RICS not being forthcoming on dates, it was agreed this should be postponed until there is a subject to bring us together.

Stakeholders meeting

o  Similarly, this should only take place when we have something substantial to progress

o  PINS and PRG

o  This meeting has been postponed a few times, but we shall strive to have the meeting before the next committee meeting

Light Touch Review

o  The Government recently announced this planning review and RG is drafting a response, which will be circulated separately

o  Wayleaves

o  DECC had done a pre consultation on this subject involving Ben Lenton. CS has been in contact with DECC and BW and decided to wait till the public consultation before involving the CPA; a position endorsed by the committee.

Budget Announcement

o  Unexpectedly, The Chancellor announced changes to Special Parliamentary Procedures in his budget of last week. This may provide a legislative opportunity, but we need to discover more.

7.  Scottish Developments and Reforms

o  These have been referred to elsewhere in these minutes

8.  Events

Inter professional liaison and stakeholder meetings

o  See reform agenda

o  Dinner

o  There were a few issues; slow service which meant late speeches

o  Despite that, it was preferred to stay at VSC than to go to a larger venue which undoubtedly will cost substantially more. The committee also agreed not to let the dinner become larger.

o  It was agreed to start the dinner earlier but also to ensure the staff provide swift service

o  The food wasnt as good as the previous year and we agreed to spend more to ensure the food is better next year; and that cost should be passed on with a modest price rise.

o  The pre drinks room worked well.

o  Conference

o  The conference is being advertised and bookings coming in.

o  One speaker slot remains unfilled and after consideration. MCB to circulate the other options considered at the planning meeting

AGM 2012 celebrations - Monday 15 October 2012

o  Agreed we should have a photographer. MB to follow up a lead he has.

9.  CPA Committee nomination, elections and Succession planning

o  RH indicated he was still intending to take up the chair for the coming year.

o  Attention turned to a vice chair. For clarity, it should be recognised that any member can and should be able to stand for the committee or as an officer. But The committee does take the lead to ensure their are candidates standing. It should not however, imply that any one person has the support of the committee or members in it. In respect of a Vice chair, its important that this person should work closely with the chair and past chair, as the 3 posts give direction and stability in the organisation.

o  PS has indicated his willingness o be put forward for Vice Chair.

o  RH has indicated his intention to review the Constitution and make up of the committee during his year of office.

10.  IRWA

o  There are 70 international delegates attending.

11.  Website

·  There was a period when the links stopped working on the CPA website. This was due to upgrades on Google Docs, the programming of the website. Everything is now working again.

12.  Membership Update

·  No longer forms part of the agenda or minutes of the committee

13.  AOB

o  It was proposed CPA should have a Twitter account. Though no member of the committee Tweets, RH does use it as a means of collecting relevant developments. He agreed to set up an account and investigate further, and report back.

14.  Dates for future meetings

·  Monday 2 July, at Moore Stephens 16.00 (near the Barbican tube)

·  Monday 1 October

Thanks are recorded for CBRE in hosting the meeting

Meeting closed at 18.27

Compulsory Purchase Association

4a Woodside Business Park, Whitley Wood Lane, Reading. RG2 8LW Tel: 0118 987 3345 Fax: 0118 987 3366

Email: www.compulsorypurchaseassocation.org