Hosting NCNST Trail Day Event Guide
- The Annual North Country National Scenic Trail Day is held on the 4th Saturday of September, 9/24/16. Each hosting organization will host an event on the trail this day in seven [soon to be 8] states. Please use #NCNSTDay and #nationalpubliclandsday when talking about your events on social media. Remind your attendees that hikes held on the NCNST also count for their Hike 100 Challenge this year.
- Objective: The objective is to raise the profile and awareness of the NCNST as a trail of national significance and a valuable recreational resource to local communities. We also hope the event will support membership recruitment and renewal, local partnerships and your local marketing efforts of the local trail as part of the National Scenic Trail system.
- Brainstorm the type of event your chapter/ affiliate would like to host. It may be in conjunction with National Public Lands Day and/or National Hunting and Fishing Day. It can be a walk, day hike, work trip, picnic, demonstration, workshop, exhibit, ….
*There is a long list of outreach event ideas on the NCTA website. Maybe one of these might interest your chapter. *Checkout:
*Consider partnering with a local group ex: park, museum, outing club, youth group, outfitter, college group, tour bureau or Meet Up Group.
*Food and refreshments always draw people, YUM!
- Planning: Form a committee, name a chair and start planning in early spring before trail work starts. Start small as your event will evolve and grow annually. As soon as you have decided on the type of event you would like to host, please register it with Headquarters and Mary Coffin by filling out the form here:
- Please also register for National Public Lands Day even if your event is on private land as it should count since we are a National Scenic Trail.
- Inviting public participation through publicity. Please use the NCTA logo and full name of the trail so it is recognized that we are one of the National Scenic Trails. Start promoting your Sept. event NLT July in the local communities encouraging families and the public to participate.
*Sample Website, Facebook, Twitter, Meet Up promo on pages 2 & 3: Add specifics of your event. Lots of photos, especially with families is encouraged.
*Sample press release: See page 3 and website Communications Handbook
- Event day: As the participants gather at the meeting place or trail head……
*Share information, membership brochures and maybe a map of the hike for that day as a brief tailgate session just before the event.
*Introduce yourselves and participants.
*Have participants sign a sheet
*Take lots of photos that can be added to the website, North Star, and local media.
*Count number of participants and consider a sign up sheet including name, phone number/email for follow up contacts.
- Post Event:
*Evaluate the event and consider changes you might implement next year.
*Send photos and brief descriptive review to local media, North Star and Chapter/affiliate website and newsletter and to Volunteer Membership Committee Chair, .
Sample Website (alsoFacebook, Twitter, Meet Up promo).
Add specifics of your event in the logo box below:
Annual North Country National Scenic Trail Day
Sept. 24, 2016
Join the fun. Fall is a great time to enjoy an outdoor adventure and to experience this trail. At 4600 miles and crossing the 7 northern tier states from North Dakota to Vermont, the North Country National Scenic Trail is the longest National Scenic Trail. Yet your adventure starts nearby.
Who, what, when, where, contact.
Also add some pictures that will invite diverse participation
*Sample press/media release: Who, what, when, where, contact, picture of people/families outdoors having fun.
Community & Family Hike and Picnic to celebrate
Annual North Country National Scenic Trail Day
September 24, 2016
Join the fun. Fall is a great time to enjoy an outdoor adventure and to experience this trail. At 4600 miles and crossing the 7 northern tier states from North Dakota to Vermont, the North Country National Scenic Trail is the longest National Scenic Trail
Free and open to the public.
Meet at 10:00 am at Big Buck County Community Center
5 Fawn Lane, Big Buck, NY
Hosted by North Country Trail Assoc. [NCTA] Deer Run Chapter
Bring kids and grandchildren for a fall fawn walk on a section of the North Country National Scenic Trail [NCNST]. The NCNST spans 4600 miles from North Dakota to the NY VT border. NCTA chapters and trail maintainers in all seven states are hosting events on the trail this day.
Pack lunch, water and a snack to pass/share in a small day/school pack. Wear sturdy shoes or boots and dress in layers for the weather.
Deserts and soft beverages will be provided.
Contactfor more information: Jane Doe, , 345-222-3434
Check out