ChemistryJohn Harold2007-09 Assessment Report
Outcome 1 / MeasurableCriteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will think Critically about chemistry and chemistry related issues and problems. / A baseline critical thinking rubric score will be established Spring, 2008. Improvement will be measured in subsequent quarters. / Specific problems and questions designated as Critical Thinking in course tests assessed according to SPSCC critical thinking rubric. / Continuously throughout quarter, summative analysis at end of each quarter.
Results:The baseline comes from the composited scores of the selected Lab write-up incorporating results from W06,Sp06,W07,Sp07: The composited and weighted average for the selected Lab write up is 83.9% population is 125 students (four different classes – quarters).
Analysis and Action:The baseline hoped for value is in fact met and exceed in this baseline group. Continued monitoring for the subsequent 3 classes (W08, W09,Sp09) resulted in a composited score of 80.9% - an overall decrease, which is notable. Action has been to include an online Homework component to increase overall conceptual and analytic capabilities. This was initiated W09 and the results are only in for W09 and Sp09. This is an inadequate sample as the initiation of any such program is fraught with uncertainties during any initiation phase as structuring and use needs to be assessed so as to fine tune the process, both from the student and instructor standpoint. Continued work in this area will proceed.
Outcome 2 / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students will be able to properly do kinetics problem analysis. / Students will score 80% or higher on the kinetics lab project. / Perform experiment and do a lab book write-up of the kinetics lab, including results and analysis. / Evaluation of the lab book write-ups and analysis of the composite graded results for the class.
Results:Grading and analysis of the specific Kinetics lab activities and the necessary student analysis of data resulted in a successful completion/understanding/performance rate of: Winter08 – 82.7%; Spring0876.3%; W09/Sp09 composite of 80.0% normalized for the difference in class size: 80.9% success rate for the 08/09 two year period.
Analysis and Action:The minimum success criterion was in fact met. Of note is a general decrease. This may well be a statistical blip due to variations in the student population. Another possibility is simply that the number of students who have transitioned to 162 from 161 has in fact grown during this same time frame – i.e. class size has increased. It is possible that the increase has at this point been in the students less capable. The addition in 05/06 of a second sequence start W/Sp/Su has consistently demonstrated an overall lower performance level from these “off sequence” students; i.e., they are less capable overall in the majors Chem sequence. This tracks with similar results from the same style of class structure I had at WCC ’97 through ’05. Continued monitoring and a further refinement of the Online Homework component is the current actions being taken.
Outcome3 / Measurable
Criteria / Measurement
Tool / Time Frame
Students desiring to do so, will transition to the next course in the Chemistry sequence. / 80% of students will receive a “C” or better, which is necessary to transition to next sequential course.. / Initial survey of students to determine those desiring to transition to next course in sequence, compared to those achieving the requisite grade to do so at end of quarter. / Survey at beginning of quarter, analysis at end of quarter of the class.
Results:The composited transition rate for W06 through Sp 07 , as the baseline, was 76.39% achieved the minimum grade necessary (C+) to transition to the next class, 163. The composited/weighted average for the W09 through Sp09 shows a 78.32% successful achievement of transition grade.
Analysis and Action: We are not yet at the desired 80% success rate but improvement has occurred. When broken down quarter by quarter both the W08 and the W09 classes were 80.6% and 80.4% respectively. The smaller class 0f Sp09 was an anomaly low 68.4%, which pulled the weighted average below the hoped for 80%. The Sp09 is the lowest success rate by move than 5% points than any other. As noted previously the Sp class is the “off sequence” class and as such has always shown a mid-70% range for success. The hope here is that this one was strictly a statistical blip. Continued monitoring will help establish the veracity of this. The Online homework component is now in it’s second year and has changed (by the Publisher) both structure and format. It appears to be better – more user friendly. In addition I have more experience with the overall system and have further refined its’ implementation.
Natural and Applied Sciences Division1