Kindergarten Learning Centers


Station#1 Seed
Use glass to draw the seed. / Seed Drawing
Station #2 Corn Plant / Does the plant smell like corn?
Circle one
a.  Yes
b.  No
Station #3 Ear of Corn / What does the ear of corn feel like?
a.  rough
b.  silky
c.  smooth
d.  gritty
Station #4 Full Grown Plant
Station #5 Pick a Corn Product off the table (pictures) /

Ø  There are 5 stations set up around the classroom

Ø  Group students in groups of 3 or more

Ø  Each group goes to each of the stations

Ø  The stations require the students to use their senses

Ø  Station #1 the seed of a corn. Magnifying glasses available during this station so the students can see what the seed looks like. Then students draw a picture of the seed on their guide sheet.

Ø  Station #2 small corn plant. Students smell the plant to see what it smells like. Record by circling the answer on the guide sheet.

Ø  Station #3 ear of corn. Given several options student circle what the corn husk feels like.

Ø  Station #4 full grown corn plant. Encourage students talk to among their group on what they see and use inference to make assumptions on the ending results of the corn cycle.

Ø  Station #5 Pick a picture off the table that is a product of corn. The pictures are of items that students have a connection with. Ex. Ketchup, cereal, shoes, glue sticks, hand soap, gasoline, popcorn, chair, couch, bed etc… The students will discuss with a partner why they think item picked is made from corn.