Dear Parents and Carers,
Can you believe that another year is over?
Our Year 1, 2 and 6 children have done so well in their phonics check and SAT exams. They all deserve to be well and truly congratulated. We have been totally blown away by their achievements. All of the children have experienced a ‘Transition’ morning where they have met their new teachers and had a taste of the next years lessons. I know that everyone will have a great time next year.
The Summer Fair was a fabulous success thanks not only to the BRILLIANT weather and your fabulous support but also the incredibly hard work of the Friends of Fazakerley. This small but keen to grow group, organised it all ably guided by Mrs Jacques. The final fabulous total after all expenses had been deducted was £1,008.29
Mrs Jacques would like me to remind you that if you think that you can help raise funds for school or want to help in any way please get in touch. The money raised becomes part of our school fund allowing us to subsidise school trips, buy rewards and invite visiting drama groups to enhance the children’s experiences.
This summer we are saying goodbye to some very special people. Firstly we celebrate Mrs Proudman’s next step in her career as she will be starting teacher training in September. On behalf of all of the children, but especially those in KS2 we wish her well and thank her for the many philosophical discussions in our classes. She has been truly inspirational to many of our children. We also say good bye to Mrs Diamond in Reception and Ms Nelson in Year 2, both have shown enthusiasm and dedication to our children. They have truly enjoyed loved working with your children. We wish both of them much success in their new school.
As you may have noticed we also have some staff members who are expecting. To ensure that there is as little disruption for your children, two teachers have been appointed to start in September. They are Ms Scillio in Year 5 and Ms in Year 1. A huge welcome to them. Finally we are delighted to have Ms Stewart back who returns as a our KS1 Manager.
Can I take this opportunity to thank Mr Green and all of the staff for organising our Sportsday, Granted it was a little wet. And occasionally felt more like a swimming Gala but I think that everyone still had a great time and showed great team spirit.
I hope that by now all with younger children will be fully aware and hopefully benefitting from the Universal FREE SCHOOL MEAL offer. Please remember that you should still (if you are in receipt of certain benefits) claim for your free school meals because this means that your child will also be entitled to free milk. If you are not entitled there is a charge for milk. However you should also be aware that everyone who is entitled to Free School Meals ensure that school receives an extra £1600. It’s a bit of a no brainer really, put your application in you get a free meal, free milk and school gets extra money to spend on your child. Not sure if you can claim then speak to the wonderfully knowledgeable Ms LAITE in the office. For more information please go to the school website (
As I am sure you all know, our school uniform is on sale at our usual two retailers. The children have looked great this year with only school shoes continuing to cause a problem. Remember not to give to ‘pester power’ with regard to shoes, please avoid Nike or Adidas type trainers that claim to be ‘Back to school shoes’ this is a marketing ploy. They are ‘trainers in disguise’. As a rule of thumb, school shoes should have No stripes, NO ticks, NO names NO colour, No sparkles. If they do they are not an acceptable school shoe. Please be aware that at the High school if children turn up with unacceptable shoes they are SENT HOME! If your child comes to school with unacceptable shoes they will be asked to put on a pair of school pumps. PE kits for KS1 and KS2 are simply plain white shorts and t-shirts. Children should have pumps for PE.
In the KS 2 (Juniors) we encourage children to bring trainers in to school so they can change into them during lunchtime, that way we can protect their school shoes from the rigours of football. Remember jewellery is not allowed with the exception of watches and simple gold studs for pierced ears and these must be removed for PE. Hair bands should be plain ‘Alice-type’ bands, black, not bows and sparkle free. Please support us with this school policy. Again the Uniform Policy can be viewed on the school website.
As usual Fazkids is open during the holiday period should you need child care and this can be arranged by calling Mrs Gregory on 07763152383 or (0151) 522 2555.
We hope that you have a great summer break, stay safe, take care and we look forward to seeing you all in September.
Mrs. J. Carter and everyone at Fazakerley Primary School.