SNMMI-TS Executive Board
September 2014
Membership Committee Report
SNMMI-TS Membership Committee Charges for 2014-2015
1. Strategic Review of Membership
- Indentify trends of membership and work to manipulate them into membership growth
- Determine what the future of the TS membership looks like (what type of individuals are currently members, what types of individuals are not members)?
- Identify key programs and/or benefits to attract new members?
- Develop/Revise Annual Membership Recruitment and Retention Plan
Establish and implement goals of membership recruitment and retention plan. - Determine and respond to members' needs
- Assist with Member Outreach Efforts (member-get-a-member, etc.)
- Review dues discount programs.
- Joining discounts: Are they feasible: i.e. joining as an entire department.
- Review SNMMI-TS member benefits
- Provide a strategic overview/report of SNMMI-TS membership, yearly, to include:
- Track retention rates and improve overall statistical gathering to use toward marketing.
- Determine why members leave, why they do not purchase certain educational materials, etc.
- Focus marketing initiatives specifically to members and nonmembers based on their unique needs.
2. Enhance Marketing
- Increase the perceived value of the SNMMI-TS fellow credential status. Recognize and promote SNMMI-TS fellows publicly for their dedication and expertise within the profession.
- Improve communication between national and chapter leadership and membership.
- Work with local organizations (not necessarily affiliated with the SNMMI), gain access to tabletops, make presentations at meetings, etc
Additional Goals for 2014-2015:
New Membership Benefits
The Membership Committee discussed the creation/development of several new benefits for members. The following ideas are being explored by staff for feasibility. Staff will report back to the committee on the next conference call.
- Free webinar – CE (quarterly) - on relevant topic (stay relevant and current)
The first webinar was held on September 15, 2014 with over 107 registrants. The webinar was titled Preparation and Compounding of Radiopharmaceuticals for Nuclear Medicine Professionals and given by
D. Scott Holbrook BS, CNMT, RT(N), FSNMMI-TS and Jeffrey P. Norenberg, PharmD, PhD.
- Free CE to non-members with purchase of membership.
- Other discounts (discount from target or other companies)
- Market affinity program better
- Market deeper discount between member and non-member prices
- LLSAP Modules – Review older modules for valuable information without CE.
Progress on Goals To-Date:
First committee conference call is scheduled for September 23, 2014.
Fellow Applications
Fellow Status—In order to recognize members of the Technologist Section who have demonstrated leadership and have made a significant contribution to the profession of Nuclear Medicine Technology at the national level, the Technologist Section has instituted a Fellow Member Category. Submission deadline is November 1st each year.
Emeritus Applications
List of applications submitted are included below. The SNMMI-TS National Council of Representatives will be reviewing this information on their next conference call:
1850 Samuel Morse Drive, Reston, VA 20190-5316 P: 703.708.9000 F: 703.708.9015
1850 Samuel Morse Drive, Reston, VA 20190-5316 P: 703.708.9000 F: 703.708.9015
- Diane M. Pieknik
- Oscar A. Fernandez
1850 Samuel Morse Drive, Reston, VA 20190-5316 P: 703.708.9000 F: 703.708.9015