Return Form To: The UPS Store Email: AX: (504) 670-8887

Phone: (504) 670-8941

MobilityScooterRentalReservation Form


Name / Address
Phone / City
Email / State/Zip Code
D / Iwillbepickingupthescooterat The UPS Store inside the ConventionCenter / D
Name of Show (if aoolicablel / Rental START Date/Time
HeightWeightofperson usinascooter / Rental END Date/Time
Scooter Rental rates are $50 a day for persons up to 4001bs.
$10 Lost Key Fee


Foryourconvenience,wewillusethisauthorizationtochargeyourcreditcardfor yourscooterreservation.Ifforany reasonthescooterisnotreturned,thisauthorizationwillbeusedtopayresaleamountofscooter.

Please complete the information requested below :

Please check one: D Ame ric a n Express D Dis cover D Vis a Ov, a s ter Card

Account Number / Expiration Date
Cardholder's Name:
Cardholder's Billing Address: / Address / State
City / Zip Code
Cardholder's Signature

Mailing Address: 900 Convention Center Blvd.•New0rleans,LA7013 0 Phone:504-6708-941•Fax:504-670-8887•Email:

UPS Store #6216 Scooter Rental Agreement Terms and Conditions and Release of Liability

  1. Definitions.

"Agreement" means all terms and conditions found in this form.

"You" or "your" means the person identified as the .customer on the Mobility Scooter Rental ReservationForm,anypersonsigningthisAgreement,andanyAuthorizeduseroftheMobilityScooter. All persons referred to as "you" or "your" are jointly and severally bound by thisAgreement.

"We", "our" or "us" means "The Ernest N. Moria! New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority" and the New Orleans Public Facilities Management, Inc. {"NOPFMI") d/b/a as Ernest. N. Morial Convention Center New Orleans.

"AuthorizedUser"meansthe customeridentifiedontheMobilityScooterRentalReservationForm andanyadditionalpersonyouallowtousetheScooter.

"Scooter"meansthemobilityscooteridentifiedinthisAgreementandallitstires,tools,accessorie,s equipment,keysandScooterdocuments.

"Lossofuse"meansthelossofourabilitytousetheScooterforanypurposeduetodamagetoit duringthisrental.LossofuseiscalculatedbymultiplyingthenumberofdaysfromthedatetheScooter isdamageduntilitisrepaired,timesthedailyrentalrate.

  1. Rental,IndemnityandWarranties.

Thisisacontractfortherentalofmobilityscooter(the"Scooter").WemayrepossesstheScooterat your expense without notice to you, if the Scooter is abandoned or used in violation of law or this Agreement.Youagreetoindemnifyus,defendusandholdusharmlessfromallclaims,liability,costs andattorney feesweincurresultingfrom,orarisingoutof,thisrentalandyouruseoftheScooter.We make no warranties, express, implied or apparent, regarding the Scooter, no warranty of merchantabilityandnowarrantythattheScooterisfitforaparticularpurpose.

  1. Condition and Return of theScooter.

YoumustreturntheScootertoourrentaloffice{theUPSStorelocatedintheConventionCenter)or other location we specify, on the date and time specified in this Agreement, and in the same condition that you received it, except for ordinary wear. The Scooter remain s our property and failure to return it on the agreed date may constitute theft and/or unauthorized use of a movable. If the Scooter is returned after closing hours, you remain responsible for the custody of, and any damage to, the Scooter until we inspect it upon our next opening for business.Service to the Scooter or replacement of parts or accessoriesduringtherentalmusthaveourpriorapproval.

  1. ResponsibilityforScooterDamageorLoss;ReportingtoPolice.

You are responsible for all damage to or loss of the Scooter, including the cost of repair, or the actualcashretailvalueoftheScooteronthedateofthelossiftheScooterisnotrepairableorifwe electnottorepairit,whetherornotyouareatfault.YouareresponsiblefortheftoftheScooter,lossof use,diminishedvalueoftheScootercausedbydamagetoitorrepairofit,andareasonablechargeto coverouradministrativeexpensesconnectedwithanydamageclaim,whetherornotyouareatfault. Youmustreportaccidentsorincidentsoftheftandassoonasyoudiscoverthem.

  1. Charges.

You will pay us, on demand, all charges due us under this Agreement, including: (a) charges for rental of the Scooter; (b) optional products and/or services you purchased; (c) any applicable sales,use and other taxes; (d) all expenses we incur in locating and recovering the Scooter if you fail to return it when agreed upon; (e) all costs, including court costs as well as pre- and post-judgment attorney fees, we incur collecting payment from you or otherwise enforcing our rights under thisAgreement;

  1. Assumption ofRisk

You are responsible for the safety of yourself while operating the Scooter. You hereby state that to the best of your knowledge you are in good physical and mental condition and understand Scooter safetyprocedures. Youvoluntarily assumeallrisk of accidentor damageto yourpersonorproperty which may be incurred from or be connected in any manner with your use, operation or rental of the Scooter.


  1. Release &Indemnification

You hereby release us, our officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents from all claims, demands, actions and from all liability or damage, loss or injury (of whatever kind, nature or description) that may arise out of, or you may sustain, in connection with your use, operation or rental of the Scooter. You further agree to defend, indemnify and hold us harmless, as well as our officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents from all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, including attorney's fees, expenses and costs, of yourself or of third parties (of any kind whatsoever) which may arise out of, or in any manner be connected with, or caused by your use of or operation or

rental of the Scooter. This release and indemnification shall be binding upon your heirs, administrators, executors, and assigns.


  1. Modifications.

No term of this Agreement can be waived or modified except by a writing that we have signed. If you wish to extend the rental period, you must return the Scooter to our rental office for inspection and written amendment by us of the due-in date. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between youandus.Allpriorrepresentationsandagreementsbetween youandusregardingthisrentalarevoid.

  1. Miscellaneous.

AwaiverbyusofanybreachofthisAgreementisnotawaiverofanyadditionalbreachorwaiverof the performance of your obligations under thisAgreement.

Our acceptance of payment from you or our failure, refusal or neglect to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any other provision of this Agreement.

YouagreethatthisAgreementandanydisputearisingtherefrom, aswellasanydisputearisingfrom youroperationoruseoftheVehicle,shallbedeterminedbythecourtsofOrleansParish,Louisiana,and underthelawsoftheStateofLouisiana.

Unless prohibited by law, you release us from any liability for consequential, special or punitive damages in connection with this rental or the reservation of a Scooter.

If any provision of this Agreement is deemed void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions are valid and enforceable.


document carefully before you sign it.

By signing this Release, I certify that I have read this Release and fully understand it and that I am not relying on any statements or representations made by the Released Parties.


Printed Name
