Ch / Topic / Course Tasks / Key Skills / Experiences & Outcomes
11 / Ratio
P96-103 /
  • Ratio Practice online
  • CFE book – Alcohol
  • CFE book – Recipes (chocolate cake)

12 / Volumes
P104-112 /
  • Mathsrevision.com S1 Volume + S1 Practice
  • Challenge & Breadth - Suitcase designCovers volume, area and money
(Cfe level 2 3rd Programme folder shared area) / Find the volume of cubes and cuboids by counting and use of formula.
Find volume of liquid in ml and litres.
Solve problems involving all of the above, sometimes with the use of a calculator. / MNU 2-11c
I can explain how different methods can be used to find the perimeter and area of a simple 2D shape orvolume of a simple 3D object.
Choose appropriate units and formulae to solve
practical problems involving 2D and 3D shapes. e.g.
Find the volume of a cube/cuboid/triangular prism. / MNU 3-11a
I can solve practical problems by applying my knowledge of measure, choosing the appropriate units and degree of accuracy for the task and using a formula to calculate area or volume when required.
Use formulae to find the volume of a simple
composite 3D shape. / MTH 3-11b
Having investigated different routes to a solution, I can find the area of compound 2D shapes and the volume of compound 3D objects, applying my knowledge to solve practical problems.
13 / Money
P113-124 / Cfe book:
  • Money Matters 1- PUT IN FOLDER
  • Money Matters (2-5)
  • Saving Energy
/ Managing and budgeting money.
Introduction to wages and deductions,
(including Net Income).
Hourly rate, piecework, bonuses, overtime,
salaries annual, weekly, monthly.
Explanation and use of deductions.
Knowledge of what the deductions are for and
what they go towards paying
Hire Purchase and loans/mortgages / MNU 3-09b
I can budget effectively, making use of technology and other methods, to manage money and plan for future expenses.
Net Income has been introduced to Level 3 / MNU 4-09b
I can source information on earnings and deductions and use it when making calculations to determine net income.
14 / The Circle 2
Active Assessments:-
Circle time /
  • Practice online
See attached investigation the goat problem / Choose appropriate units and formulae to solve
practical problems involving 2D and 3D shapes. e.g.
Area of circles using formulae. / MNU 3-11a
I can solve practical problems by applying my knowledge of measure, choosing the appropriate units and degree of accuracy for the task and using a formula to calculate area or volume when required.
Use formulae to find the area of a simple
composite 2D shape. / MTH 3-11b
Having investigated different routes to a solution, I can find the area of compound 2D shapes and the volume of compound 3D objects, applying my knowledge to solve practical problems.
15 / Time
P133-144 /
  • Loop cards - Time ( tray in Base )
  • Dominoes – 24Hr clock ( tray in Base )
  • CFE book ‘Deliveries’
  • CFE book – Time zones
  • CFE book - Timetable
  • CFE book – Stopping distances
/ Time intervals in 12hr and 24hr time, using a counting on method to state how long an event takes.
• Examples could involve overnight time periods.
Solve, intuitively, basic time-distance-speed problems (whole hours only).
• I walk at an average speed of 4 km/hr.
How far will I travel in 3 hours ? / MNU 2-10c
Using simple time periods, I can give a good estimate of how long a journey should take, based on my knowledge of the link between time, speed and distance.
Solve, using TDS formulae, basic time-distance-speed problems including half and quarter hours. e.g.
• I walk an average speed of 4 km/hr.
How far do I walk in one and a quarter hours ?
• A plane flies at 320 km/hr. How long will it take to cover a distance of 800 km ?
• A car travels 80 miles in one and a quarter hours. Calculate its average speed.
Simple time-distance-(speed) graphs. / MNU 3-10a
Using simple time periods, I can work out how long a journey will take, the speed travelled at or distance covered, using my knowledge of the link between time, speed and distance.