2014 - 2015 Site-Based Decision Making Committee
Roster & Meeting Dates
Link Elementary School
2014-2015 Campus Improvement Plan
Spring Independent School District
Campus Mission Statement
To develop healthy and resilient students at Link Elementary. We will provide opportunities to be successful both academically and socially in a rapidly changing world.Campus Vision Statement
“Every child, every day.”
Required Position / Committee Member NameChair Person / Monica Lewis
Teacher / EuforNoguera
Teacher / Hayley McGraw
Teacher / Patricia Whiteside
Teacher / Heather Hoyland
Teacher / Cynthia Valdez
Teacher / Martha Palmer
Non-Teaching Professional / Vernecca Day
Parent / YasminArrez
Parent / Tijuana Nolan
District Representative / Jennifer Johnson
Community Member / Deacon John Love (Greenspoint Church)
Business Partner / Mary Ellen Salas (Children’s Museum)
Title 1 Instructional Specialist (not required) / La”Kisha Williams
Instructional Specialist (not required) / Rosemary Chicca
ELL Coordinator (not required) / Heather Gutierrez
District Parental Involvement Coordinator
(not required) / Tranita Carroll
2014-2015 Meeting Dates
Location / Date / Meeting TimeLink Elementary / June 6, 2014 / 9:00 a.m.
Link Elementary / August 27, 2014 / 3:30 p.m.
Link Elementary / December 12, 2014 / 9:00 a.m.
2014 - 2015 School Year Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary
Data Sources Reviewed:- Week 9 District Enrollment Report Appraisal Matrix Title 1 Parent Surveys
- Mizuni Reports Professional Development Data (Eduphoria) STAAR Data
- E-School Reports Gallup Surveys (Staff & Student) DFA & CFA Data
- TAPR 2013-2014 Student Council Questionnaire IStation Data
- 13-14 Manning Tables Campus Star Chart AR Data
- TELPAS Data Resource Allocations Title 1 Sign In Sheets
Area Reviewed / Summary of Strengths
What were the identified strengths? / Summary of Needs
What were the identified needs? / Priorities
What are the priorities for the campus, including how federal and state program funds will be used?
Demographics /
- Students don't migrate out.
- Teacher to student ratio below state average and district average.
- Teacher ethnic population is similar to student ethnic population.
- ADA is maintaining a consistent rate. No more than 3% of student absent.
- Attract more male teachers to mirror student population.
- Attract and create more ESL certified teachers to mirror student population.
- Decrease number of males and African Americans in SPED.
- Attract more male teachers to mirror student population.
- Attract and create more ESL certified teachers to mirror student population.
Student Achievement /
- Administrative conferences.
- Curriculum Conferences
- Differentiated Instructional Block
- Instructional Coaching
- Parental Involvement activities offered
- Vertical Alignment
- Resources/Instructional Technology
- Vertical Alignment – all subject areas to increase student achievement through consistent instructional objectives and practices, through the tracking of students across grade levels.
- Variety of instructional resources to enhance student engagement to increase student achievement. (Title 1 Intervention staff/consultants). Focus on SPED and African American students.
School Culture and Climate /
- Commitment to quality work.
- Feeling of encouragement
- Student voice is heard on campus through the student council and surveys.
- Staff voice is heard through campus committees.
- Increase additional opportunities for staff voice to be heard.
- More extracurricular activities for students.
- Provide more leadership activities for students.
- Increase opportunities for staff voice to be heard, through surveys, committees, etc..
- Students –
Increase opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities (Ex: Academic, sports, Fine Arts), leadership opportunities for students, and field experiences. *($3,000) - Increase safety measures.
- Increase student attendance to 98%.
Staff Quality/ Professional Development /
- Weekly News
- Staff Incentives
- Retention Rate
- Communication of Campus Expectations
- Gallup Survey
- Staff needs assessment survey
- Training of culturally responsive practices
- Conducting needs assessment
- Increase opportunities for staff training in the areas of effective instructional practices, classroom management, and parental involvement. (Local and Title 1 funds).
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment /
- Differentiated Instructional Block for all students daily.
- Curriculum Conferences to support teachers instructionally.
- Accelerated Reader
- Curriculum Nights
- RTI Processes
- Instructional Coaching
- Breakfast Club/After School Tutorials/Saturday School tutorials
- Instructional Push-ins and pull-outs
- Lead Forward Resources
- Campus Committees
- Instructional Technology
- Culturally Responsive practices.
- Increase training opportunities on effective instructional practices, classroom management, and ways to engage parents to increase student achievement. (Estimate: $2,000 – Parental Liaison)
- Increase training opportunities on instructional technology usage and lessons to increase student achievement, engagement, and STAAR scores in all content areas and grade levels. (No funds needed).
Family and Community Involvement /
- Parents attend student activities
- Strong partnership with The Children’s Museum
- Partnership with Greenspoint Church
- Communication methods with English and non-English speaking families
- Continue Parent Resource Center
- Avenue to involve parents in decision making (PTO or parent group)
- Increase Parental Involvement
- Increase tracking of community engagement. (No funds needed).
School Context and Organization /
- Campus committees
- Differentiated Instructional Block
- PLM’s
- Curriculum Conferences
- Cheers (Morale and Social Committee)
- Gallup Survey
- Instructional Coaching by administrators and instructional specialists
- Mentor teachers
- More parental engagement in our general ed population.
- Staff training on parental engagement
- Parental Engagement Committee
- Increase staff training on how to engage parents/interact/collaborate with parents (Title 1 funds and Spring ISD personnel utilized – Parental Involvement Liaison).
Technology /
- Reading – Accelerated Reader and IStation
- Network – easily accessible and user friendly.
- Utilization of technology for data analysis.
- More classroom computers
- More SMART boards
- Grant writing opportunities for technology – so create a technology committee
- More training with follow up
1 / 2014-2015 Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary
Is Your Campus Title I: / Spring Independent School District
YES / NO / 2014-2015
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 2: Link Elementary will provide systemic and measurable supports/strategies to students to increase the overall student passing/advanced performance rates, by a minimum of 10% for all student groups to meet and/or exceed safeguard targets, by providing excellent academics, and a safe and secure campus. / School uses school-wide reform strategies that foster a systematic approach that ensures the learning needs of all students are met.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Refine school-wide daily intervention/enrichment block, by working to identify strengths and weaknesses by student, by standard, to increase students making progress, as well as raising the number of students scoring levelIII advanced on STAAR. Title 1 Intervention staff will be instrumental in push-ins and pull-outs.
CNA: (Student Achievement) / CNA
CSP / Instructional Specialists
All Teachers / $0 / Start date: August 2014 / N / During the Year Assessments: CFA and DFA data
End of Year Assessments:
STAAR 2015
Accelerated Reader
DIB forms (Intervention Block documentation)
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 2: Link Elementary will provide systemic and measurable supports/strategies to students to increase the overall student passing/advanced performance rates, by a minimum of 10% for all student groups to meet and/or exceed safeguard targets, by providing excellent academics, and a safe and secure campus. / School uses school-wide reform strategies that foster a systematic approach that ensures the learning needs of all students are met.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
B. In order to reach the district attendance goal of 98%, the Attendance Committee will utilize a combination of attendance incentives as well as individual parent conferences. The school registrar will also check excessive absences weekly to determine intervention. CNA: (School Culture & Climate) / CNA
CSP / Attendance Committee
Non-instructional Data Quality Team / $Funds to be determined
(Activity) / Start date: August 2014 / N / Weekly Excessive Absences Report
Attendance Committee Action Plan
C. To ensure student and staff safety, all visitors will be required to have their govt. issued I.D. scanned upon entering the building, as well as keeping all classroom and exterior doors locked. CNA: School Culture & Climate) / CNA
CSP / Campus Safety Officer
All staff / $0 / Start date: August 2014 / N / Front office Sign in log
Campus Safety Plan
D. All staff will be trained on campus safety procedures. Additionally, the campus crisis team will be trained. CNA: (School Culture & Climate) / CNA
CSP / Campus Safety Officer
All Staff / $0 / Start date: August 2014 / N / Campus Safety Plan
Crisis Plan
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 3:Link Elementary will work to maintain a highly qualified staff by providing opportunities for staff to become engaged in a culture of collaboration, coaching, and professional development with an emphasis on student learning and achievement. / Create a highly effective school that has highly qualified staff that makes learning a priority for all students.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Increase the number of ESL certified teachers by providing study sessions for those teachers on campus who still need to become certified.
CNA: (Staff Quality/PD & Demographics) / CNA
CSP / ESL Coordinator
Administration / Supplemental Pay ($30 per hour) / Fall Date: Sept. 2014
Spring Date:
TBA / N / EOY Documentation of study sessions
B. Provide support to new teachers through campus based mentor/buddy system that allows for peer observation, mentoring, supervision, and coaching.
CNA: (Staff Quality/PD) / CNA
SAT / Campus Mentor Coordinator
Administration / $0 / August 2014 / N / District Mentor Forms
Peer Observation Forms
C. Provide leadership opportunities through rotating grade level representatives each semester to work with administration on various activities throughout the school year.
CNA: (Staff Quality/School Culture and Climate) / CNA
SAT / Administration
Team Leaders / $0 / August 2014 / N / Team Leader Meeting Agendas
D. Continue the use of school-wide campus committees to ensure that staff participate and are involved in the decision making process, as well as conduct a needs survey with staff.
CNA: (School Culture/Climate) / CNA
SAT / All staff / Local/Activity Funds
(amt. TBD) / August 2014-June 2015 (monthly) / C / Committee Meeting Agenda Documentation
Completed CIP
Gallup Survey (Oct. 2014)
Campus Survey (April 2015)
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 4: To increase student achievement in Indices 1-4, Link Elementary will provide monthly Professional Learning Meetings, as well as weekly Curriculum Conferences/PLC’s for instructional staff throughout the school year to provide curriculum supports, and ensure that the needs of all learners are met. / Intentionally target professional development strategies that ensure teaching staff, as well as others who support learning, are prepared to address the needs of all learners.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A.Improve student achievement in Index 1-4, by providing relevant professional development through campus based Professional Learning Meetings (PLM’s) monthly. Additional focus/strategies will be on AA students and SPED to meet system safeguards, and increase the percentage of students making progress.
CNA: (Student Achievement/Curriculum Instruction and Assessment) / CNA
CSP / Instructional Specialists
Accountability Specialist
ESL Coordinator
Title 1 Staff / (Put supplies amount here) / August 2014 / N / DFA Data
CFA Data
B. Provide ongoing professional development opportunities for staff on implementation of the new Math TEKS. This will be donebi-weekly during Curriculum Conferences/PLC’s, to support staff through curriculum coaching and effective lesson design.
CNA: (Staff Quality/PD & Curriculum Instruction and Assessment) / CNA
CSP / Instructional Specialist
Accountability Specialist / Local Funds
Title 1 budget: / August 2014- May 2015 / N / All Assessment Data
C. Provide follow up staff training on the integration of technology into instruction during PLM’s (Professional Learning Meetings).
CNA: (Staff Quality/PD & Technology) / CNA
CSP / Campus CTE teachers / $0 / August 2014 / N / PLM sign in sheets
D. Provide additional Literacy staff development in order to increase student achievement, through Pearson (Consultant – Suzy Page), during 12 touchpoints throughout the year.
CNA: (Staff Quality/PD &Curriculum Instruction and Assessment) / CNA
CSP / Instructional Specialists
Literacy Consultant
Administration / Title 1 Budget: ($10,500) / August 2014-April 2015 / N / All Assessment Data
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 5: Link Elementary will utilize various methods, resources, and specialty personnel to address the academic and social needs of our diverse population of learners. / Address the needs of students by staffing our campus with highly qualified staff that has the experience and the knowledge necessary to address the unique contextual issues inherent to our campus.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Additional Title 1 Intervention staff will be added to address the needs of at risk students as determined by assessment data, to maximize small group instruction tailored to meet the needs of each student.
CNA: (Demographics/Student Achievement) / CNA
CSP / Title 1 Staff
Administration / Title1 budget: ($103,023) / August 2014-June 2015 / N / Student Assessment Data
(STAAR, CFA, DFA, IStation, DIB (Differentiated Instructional Block documentation, flexible grouping)
B. Continue partnership with Junior Achievement/ mentorship program for students and teachers to address character education, social skills and bullying.
CNA: (School Culture and Climate) / CNA
CSP / Administration
Counselor / $0 / August 2014-May 2015 / N / Junior Achievement campus dates
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 6: Link Elementary will employ various strategies and increase opportunities for parents to become actively and productively engaged on campus, by providing a minimum of three school functions per semester for the 14-15 school year. / Use meaningful and variousparental involvement strategies that engage all parents in supporting student learning that occur in the home and at school.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Increase parental engagement through a variety of activities sponsored by the Title 1 dept, such as, Curriculum Nights, Parent workshops, opportunities to serve on campus/district committees, etc…
CNA: (Family/Community Involvement) / CNA
CSP / Counselor
Title 1 Staff
Campus Committees / Title 1 budget: $239
Local/Activity funds / August 2014 / N / Title 1 sign in sheets
B. Foster a positive learning community through the increase of parent/community volunteerism.
CNA: (Family/ Community Involvement) / CNA
CSP / Counselor
Administration / $0 / August 2014-
June 2015 / N / Increase number of volunteer applications and volunteer hours obtained.
C. Increase community partnerships, including The Children’s Museum.
CNA: (Family/Community Involvement) / CNA
CSP / Counselor
Administration / Title 1 Budget: $8900 / Sept. 2014-April 2015 / I / Sign in sheets
D. Work to create a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) or Parental Engagement Committee on campus with the assistance of the district parental engagement coordinator, Link Parental Liaison and parents.
CNA: (School Context and Organization/Family and Community Involvement) / CNA
CSP / Parental Involvement Liaison
District Parental Involvement Coord. / Title 1 budget: Parental Involvement Liaison ($2000) / Sept. 2015 / N / ?
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 7: Link Elementary will provide opportunities at least once per grading period for teachers to plan collaboratively through the use of vertical alignment sessions to ensure that students are on track in the current level, and prepared for subsequent grade levels socially and academically. / Create a transition plan that helps smooth the transitional process from one grade level to the next grade level as well as one grade span to the next grade span.
Action Steps
Title of Event
Overview / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A.Engage staff in cross curricular meetings to facilitate vertical alignment and effective transition between all subsequent grade levels (Ex: PK-K). This will also be supported through classroom observations and the purchase/sharing of effective materials.
CNA: (Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment and Transition) / CNA
CSP / Instructional Specialists
Accountability Specialists
Teachers / Funding amount to be determined based on needed materials
(Title 1 & Activity Funds) / Sept. 2014-May 2015
(Monthly) / N / Agendas and Meeting Notes
B. Work with middle school on the collaborative transition of 5th grade students to the middle school campus through meetings, and parental involvement events.
CNA: (Demographics) / CNA
CSP / Counselor
Accountability Specialist
Administration / $0 / April 2015-May 2015 / N / Agendas and MeetingNotes
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 8: Link Elementary staff will provide opportunities for staff to create, collaborate on, and evaluate student assessments and data, to make sound instructional decisions resulting in increased student achievement. / Incorporate a data-driven instructional process that relies on standardized or statewide testing, as well as classroom and informal assessment tools to provide staff with professional development to assist them in using and generating a variety of data forms.
Action Steps / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Utilize all forms of district/campus informational systems and data to drive instruction and campus decisions. Included but not limited to; STAAR, Index data, PBMAS, IStation, AR etc…
CNA: (Curriculum Instruction and Assessment) / CNA
CSP / Instructional Specialist
Data Quality Team
Accountability Specialist
Administration / $0 / N / All Assessment Results
B. Campus non-instructional and instructional data teams will ensure data accuracy and train teachers on the use of data systems.
CNA: (Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment) / CNA
CSP / Asst. Principal
Accountability Specialist
Instructional Specialist / $0 / N
Campus Objective 8: Link Elementary staff will provide opportunities for staff to create, collaborate on, and evaluate student assessments and data, to make sound instructional decisions resulting in increased student achievement. / Incorporate a data-driven instructional process that relies on standardized or statewide testing, as well as classroom and informal assessment tools to provide staff with professional development to assist them in using and generating a variety of data forms.
C. Monitor individual student assessment data, during Curriculum/data conferences bi-weekly.
CNA: (Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment and Student Achievement) / CNA
CSP / Instructional Specialist
Accountability Specialist
All Teachers / $0 / N / All Assessment Results
Spring ISD Goal
Campus Objective 9: Link Elementary will employ processes and strategies to effectively identify at risk students, and provide data driven assistance to maximize student achievement. / Use structures that address the needs of every child and identify struggling students as well as implement targeted strategies to support student learning through routine data analysis.
Action Steps / Ten School-Wide
Highlight the ones that apply. / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
A. Maintain RTI Committee that will implement and monitor academic and behavioral RTI processes through data analysis, to meet students’ individual needs and consider/utilize all options in general education.
CNA: (Student Achievement) / CNA
CSP / RTI Committee
Counselor / $0 / August 2014 / N / RTI Agendas and Meeting Notes
B. Achievement data in Index 1-4 will increase by addressing subpopulations in need, through in school, small group, daily support, by teachers, specialists, and Title 1 interventionists. Interventions will be based by individual student needs, and by standard.
CNA: (Student Achievement & Curriculum Instruction and Assessement) / CNA
CSP / Administration
Title 1 Staff
Instructional Specialists
Accountability Specialist
All other teachers / General/Local Funds
Title 1 Funds: Already allocated with Title 1 Interventionists and Consultant in Obj. 5 / Aug. 2014-May 2015 / N / STAAR 2015 Data
Physical Education Plan – Elementary Campuses Only
Spring ISD Goal: / In order to meet the intent of 19 TAC 74.32, Physical Activity Programs for Elementary School Students as adopted by the State Board of Education, March 22, 2002.
Students will participate in physical activity for a minimum of either 30 minutes daily or 135 minutes weekly using TEKS-based physical education class or a TEKS-based structured physical activity.
Campus Objective: / Grade Level / Kinder / First Grade / Second Grade / Third Grade / Fourth Grade / Fifth Grade
Minutes per Week
Action Steps / Campus Staff Responsible / Resources Needed
Estimated Cost
Funding Source
# of Full Time Equivalents / Status / Cumulative
Start Date: / Progress Indicator
- All classes will participate in a minimum of one Physical Education class per week for a total of 50 minutes.
A2. Provide students with the opportunity to participate in Jump Rope for Heart, Field Day, and a community Color Run/Walk. / P.E. teacher
Classroom Teachers / $0 / August 2014-June 2015 / N / Teacher Lesson Plans
- All students will participate in 10 minutes of TEKS based movement in music each week.
Ten School-wide Components Key:Page1