City of Baldwin City, Kansas

Minutes of City Council Regular Session

December 1, 2014

A Regular Session of the City of Baldwin City Council was held in the Baldwin City Public Library, 800 7th Street, Baldwin City, Kansas on December 1, 2014. The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Marilyn Pearse presiding.

Councilmembers in attendance: Christi Darnell

Kathy Gerstner

Shane Starkey

Councilmember absent: Jason Mock

Ken Wagner

Staff in attendance: City Administrator Chris Lowe

City Clerk Anna Marie-Keena

Community Development Director Collin Bielser

Finance Director Brad Smith

Public Works Director Bill Winegar

Police Officer Bruce Elliott


A. The Draft Minutes of the November 3, 2014 Regular Meeting were considered and approved.

B. An Appropriation Ordinance No. 2014-11B: Claims Against the City for Goods Provided and Services Rendered was considered and approved.

C. An Appropriation Ordinance No. 2014-12A: Claims Against the City for Goods Provided and Services Rendered was considered and approved.

D. A purchase of 2015 Police SUV vehicle was considered and approved.

E. Resolution 2014-19 authorizing street closure for Festival of Lights Event was considered and approved.

Council Member Gerstner moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Council Member Darnell seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was passed, 3-0.


A. 2014 City of Baldwin City Employee Health Fair

The City Clerk presented a report on the employee health fair. The City will continue to seek ways and means to provide employees with additional opportunities to improve employees’ personal and professional performance.


Council Member Starkey provided the City Council with an update of the latest Community Development Committee Meeting.


A. Resolution 2014-18 adopting the Douglas County Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Mitigation Plan was considered.

The Douglas County Emergency Management Plan was presented to the Governing Body. The plan identifies strategies to mitigate the impact of disasters. Ryan Wolkey, Douglas County Emergency Management, was present to answer any questions. Motion by Gerstner, seconded by Starkey, to approve Resolution 2014-18 adopting the Douglas County Multi-Jurisdictional All-Hazards Mitigation Plan. Motion carried. 3-0.

B. Ordinance No. 1320 amending the 2014 “Standard Traffic Ordinance for Kansas Cities.” was considered.

The City Clerk provided the Governing Body with the amended Standard Traffic Ordinance Motion by Gerstner, seconded by Starkey, to forward the Ordinance 1320 to a second reading. The motion passed 3-0.


Councilmember Starkey reminded everyone there would be a Community Development Committee Meeting Monday at 4:00 p.m., City Hall


Bill Harmon, 399 1700 Road, spoke in favor of reviewing the current building permit fees.


A. Motion by Gerstner, seconded by Darnell, to recess into Executive Session for 15 minutes to discuss Land Acquisition. The following person to be in attendance: City Administrator. Motion Carried 3-0.The meeting recessed at 7:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m. Motion by Starkey, seconded by Gerstner, to authorize the City Administrator to execute a contract for purchase of property at 700 High Street. Motion carried 3-0. Motion by Gerstner, seconded by Darnell, to authorize the City Administrator to execute a contract for purchase of property at 211 Highway 56. Motion carried 3-0.


Motion by Starkey, seconded by Gerstner, to adjourn. Motion carried 3-0.The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Anna-Marie Keena, CMC

Approved by the Governing Body on December 15, 2014

Baldwin City Council Regular Session Minutes

December 1, 2014