No significance is to be attached to singular or plural designations or the use of masculine, feminine or neuter gender in these Bylaws. Each designation or gender shall be construed to include the others where appropriate.



Article 1:Duties of the President

1.1The duties of the Programming and Activities Board (PAB) President shall include but not be limited to:

  1. Serving as Chair at meetings of the PAB.
  1. Serving as a voting member of the PAB.
  1. Serving as a voting member on the ASASU Coordinating Board.
  1. The President is in charge of hiring and firing staff
  1. With regard to the Homecoming Director position, the position shall be filled by March 1st
  2. The President shall hire all paid staff by September 15th of the academic year.the President shall consult with the Assistant Director of Programming and Traditions in the Alumni Office.
  1. Participating in the selection of students for membership on University Boards and committees as described in Title II.
  1. The President has the power to create committees for the purpose of furthering programming and activities on campus.
  1. The President holds primary financial responsibility for the PAB, and must present a drafted budget for the next fiscal year to the PAB Directors no later than February 15th of each year.
  1. Similarly, the President has primary signature authority over all PAB requests for funds. If the President chooses not to sign off on expenditures within seven (7) business days, the request for funds becomes processed. The President has line item veto authority over each budget expenditure, which can be overruled by two thirds (⅔) of the PAB Board of Directors.
  1. The President is also required to act bylaw or budget changeany legislation passed by the PAB Board of Directors, which requires his/her signature.
  1. The President is to serve as the voice of the PAB to the ASU campus community.
  1. Serve on the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) committee for positions on the PAB Board of Directors.
  1. Make three (3) recommendations to the Graduate and Professional Student Association for positions on the PAB Board of Directors.

1.2Grounds for impeachment of the Programming and Activities Board President are

limited to:

  1. Neglecting to meet with the Association Coordinating Board.
  1. Neglecting to meet with Event Planners and the Dean of Students.
  1. Failure to approve/disapprove request for funds within five [5] business days
  1. 5 out of 8 votes by the Board of Directors is needed for impeachment.

1.3The process of replacing the PAB President is limited to:

  1. The Vice-President has immediate priority to become President for the rest of the

academic year.

1. The Vice-President must accept or decline the position of President with 48 hours.

  1. If the Vice-President accepts:
  1. The Vice-President positions opens up for two weeks from day of


  1. The Board of Directors follow the selection process for top

candidates outlined in Article 4. The Board of Directors have

complete and final rights in appointing the interim Vice-President.

  1. If the Vice-President declines:
  1. The President position opens up for two [2] weeks.
  1. The Board of Directors follows the selection process for top candidates

outlined in Article 4. The Board of Directors have complete and final

rights in appointing the interim President.

Article 2:Duties of the Vice-President

2.1The duties of the Vice-President of the PAB shall include but not be limited to:

  1. Assuming the duties of the PAB President in his/her temporary absence.
  1. Succeeding to the PAB Presidency in case of permanent or prolonged vacancy in that office.
  1. Serving as a voting member and vice-chairperson at PAB meetings.
  1. Serving as the PAB representative to the Fall Passport Planning Committee.
  1. Serving as an ex-officio member to the USG Senate and GPSA Assembly, and can designate attendance responsibility as necessary.
  1. Serving as the Chair for the Co-Sponsorship Appropriations Committee.
  1. Serving as budgetary manager of PAB, with the following responsibilities:
  1. Distributing monthly reports on the financial status of the PAB to the rest of the board.
  1. Retaining records of all PAB accounts.
  1. Recording all budgetary transactions.
  1. The above clause shall not be construed to mean that the Vice-President has veto power over-expenditures.
  1. In the event of an over-expenditure the Vice-President shall hold the transaction with the approval of the President and notify the PAB Board of Directors by:
  1. Requesting a special session of the PAB. A special session can be in person or via electronic vote.
  1. If a special session is not deemed necessary by the PAB President, then the item shall be entered for discussion into the agenda of the next PAB meeting.
  1. Administering the oath of office to all PAB Board Directors and staff.
  1. The Vice-President has the following offices under his or her supervision:
  1. The Public Relations and Marketing Department.
  1. The Vice-President must hire a Director for each department no later than September 15th of each year.
  1. Participating in the selection of students for membership on University Boards and Committees as described in Title II.

2.2The impeachment of the Programming and Activities Board Vice-President is

limited to:

  1. Neglecting to meet with the Association Coordinating Board
  1. Neglecting to meet with Event Planners and the Dean of Students
  1. Failure to approve/disapprove request for funds within five business days.
  1. 5 out of 8 votes by the Board of Directors are needed for impeachment

2.3The process of replacing the PAB Vice-President is limited to:

  1. The Vice-President position opens up to any association member for two weeks from day of impeachment.
  1. The Board of Directors follow the selection process for top candidates outlined in

Article 4. The Board of Directors have complete and final rights in appointing the interim Vice-President.

Article 3:Programming and Activities Board Directors

3.1The Programming and Activities Board shall be composed of the PAB President and Vice-President, three (3) directors appointed representing the GPSA, representing Graduate Students, and three (3) appointed directors representing the USG. representing Undergraduate Students. Their responsibilities include, and are limited to:

  1. Impeachment and/or removal of the President or Vice-Presidentby five (5) out of eight (8) votes, and as dictated by the constitution.
  1. Assisting the President and Vice-President in developing programming goals.
  1. Enacting and approving legislation for changes in the bylaws. The Board of Directors shall draft all necessary amendments to the bylaws. Only the Board of Directors may make official recommendations to amend and approve the bylaws by a majority vote [⅝]
  1. Amend and approve budget proposals from PAB President by a majority vote.
  1. Without Board of Directors approval, Organizational account lines cannot be changed. In the cases urgency, approval can be made by a special session

Approve allocation of co-sponsorship

F. The Board of Directors have the power to call an Executive session at any

time. An executive session can be in person or via electronic vote.

  1. The Board of Directors are to make budget recommendations for the

following year with a written explanation of decisions to the new board by

March 1st.

  1. In the event that either or both the USG and GPSA do not appoint Board

of Directors by Spring Commencement, the Programming and Activities

Board President and Vice-President have complete power, authority and

voting rights over all otherwise indicated Board of Director rights,

responsibilities, duties, etc. The President and Vice-President shall retain

such privileges until both USG and GPSA have successfully appointed

Board of Directors.

Article 4:Executive Officer NominationProcess

1.The rules and regulations of electingthe Executive officers [President and

Vice-President] of the Programming and Activities Board [PAB] are set forth, and are

herein the combined work of the Board of Directors of the PAB along with the

President and Vice-President as duly appointed members. The definition of the Board

of Directors is also intended to include the President and Vice-President. The

following process is to be carried out by the PAB Board of directors in conjunction

with the ASASU Elections Director.

2. The President and Vice-President shall be nominated and elected on the same ticket.


  1. Application packets to run for the ticketed race for President or Vice-President should be made available no later than the third week of February of each academic year.
  1. Applicants should complete their applications by the deadline set by the Board of

Directors, usually four [4] weeks after applications are made available.

  1. The current President and Vice-President, in conjunction with the Board of Directors

should then choose an appropriate date to screen applications.

  1. On a separate day, interviews shall be organized for ticketed candidates all applicants,for the Board of Directors to nominate a maximum of two [2] candidates per office to be placed on the official PAB ballot. Board of Directors nominations are final and

will be the only nominations used in the general election on the PAB ballot.

  1. The nomination and electionof the Executive officers should be finalized soon enough to

allow the President-elect and Vice-President-elect sufficient time for shadowing current

officers, training, and meeting orientation.

4.2 Eligibility

  1. Any Association student who meets the course load and GPA criteria are eligible.
  1. Undergraduate students carrying a cumulative GPA of 2.33 and enrolled in at least six [6] credit hours are eligible to see executive office with the PAB.
  1. Graduate students who are enrolled in at least three [3] credit hours and are in

good standing are eligible to seek executive office with the PAB

  1. Only applicants with complete applications will be considered and interviewed.
  1. Completed applications will also have the required three [3] references and two [2]

letters and two [2] letters of recommendation.

  1. One letter of recommendation should be from someone who has had experience in advising the candidate in a programming setting.
  2. One letter should be from any other person the candidates sees fit to properly asses the candidate.
  1. Those who write letters of recommendation are permitted serve as written

references as well.

  1. Applicants may seek only one office at a time. Applicants may not apply for both President and Vice-President.

4.3 Selections Process

  1. Applicants who meet the initial requirements should fill out and return the packet to the

ASASU Administration Business office by the deadline date. This meeting shall be

announced publicly by the ASASU Elections Director.

  1. All members of the Board of Directors will convene on the given date to review all

Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates prior to the interview date.

  1. It is mandatory for every member to review each applicant ticket.
  2. If a member is absent from the review process, he or she may not take part in the interviews.
  3. If a member is absent, at lease ¾ of the Board of Directors must be present to conduct interviews.
  4. A scoring rubric must be used to evaluate the candidates in an impartial manner.
  5. The board of Directors must define which type of Rubric to use and it must be approve by ¾ of the Board.
  1. All members of the Board of Directors will meet in the days following to conduct the interviews.
  1. If a unanimous decision cannot be made, ¾ of the Board of Directors must vote in favor of two candidates for each office for the ticket to be placed on the official PAB ballot.
  1. The Board of Directors will make all final decisions for which candidates will be on the

official PAB ballot.

  1. A maximum of two candidates per office will be allowed on the official PAB ballot.
  1. If a nominated candidate removes him or herself from the election, then by a ¾ vote, the

Board of Directors have the power to replace the nomination with another prospective

candidate that successfully completed the application and interview selection process for

either position.

  1. Upon the completion of the selections process, the President-elect and Vice President-elect will be announced at the end of the interview process.


  1. The application review shall be open to the Board of Directors only. The ASASU

Elections Director will be invited to supervise the goings-on.

  1. Only the Board of Directors will take part in the selections process.
  2. No open forum will be provided to the audience.
  3. Only Board of Directors may ask questions.
  4. Each candidate for their respective office will receive the same questions and the same number of questions.
  5. Only one candidate may be permitted in the interview room at one time.
  1. The ASASU Elections Director will attend to the candidates in a separate room than where the interviews are taking place. The Elections Director will escort candidates to and from the interview room and present the candidates for interview to the Board of Directors.
  1. The Board of Directors may choose to convene in a private executive session separate

from the interview room to discuss selections and final decisions.

  1. The final results will be announced after the candidates have all been interviewed and the

Board of Directors have had sufficient time to confer and make a decision.

  1. After the selection is final, all paperwork used to make a final decision should be disposed of properly.

4.5: Election

  1. The PAB election shall be administered solely by the ASASU Elections Department.
  1. There shall be a minimum of two polling sites for each PAB election.
  2. The Elections Department shall train the Poll Workers in the

procedures and security measures applicable to their jobs.

  1. The Security Manager shall not allow untrained personnel to work at Poll


  1. Polling sites shall open no later than (9:00 a.m. and close no earlier than

9:00 p.m. unless designated by the Director.

  1. Each polling site shall be staffed by at least two Poll Workers, one of

whom shall be responsible for security.

  1. Candidate statements shall be accessible by link on the ballot polling site.
  1. On-line voting shall be implemented by the elections Department unless not


  1. If online voting is not feasible, the Elections Director may reschedule voting times and is not required to provide polling sites on campus.
  1. Voting shall be by secret ballot.
  1. Neither absentee nor proxy voting is permitted.
  1. All persons producing evidence of membership in the Association as defined in the ASASU Constitution are eligible to vote. Eligibility is subject to verification.

4.6Tabulation of Results

  1. Following the Election Day, all ballots shall be tabulated through a computer program.
  2. Votes for persons other than candidates shall not be tabulated
  3. If a voter casts more than one vote for any specific PAB Executive office, these votes shall not be tabulated.
  4. When tabulation is completed, the Director and Associated Students Coordinator shall verify the results and shall deliver a copy of the certified results to the PAB Public Relations Director for official publication and announcement.

Article 5:Inaugural Ceremony

4.1An inaugural ceremony for the PAB Executive Officers shall be held annually. The ceremony shall be held between the final posting of election results and May 10th.

4.2The Executive Officers shall take office beginning on Monday, at noon, following the May commencement exercises.

4.3In the event of a contested election, the Election Commission may postpone the inauguration of the contested officers for up to 30 days.

4.4Minimum Ceremonial Procedure

  1. The retiring PAB President shall preside.
  1. The ASASU Chief Justice shall administer the oath of office to the incoming PAB Executive Officers. The PAB Vice-President shall administer the oath to the incoming Directors and the oath shall read:

“I pledge myself to uphold the Constitution and Bylaws of the Associated Students of Arizona State University and Programming and Activities Board, and to serve the student body well by applying to my office my ability, my time, and my initiative, so help me ______.”

Oaths of office of the elected PAB officers shall be administered whenever vacancies occur.

The incoming PAB President may deliver a major address of the ceremony (an inaugural address) after receiving the oath of office.