Welcome to Third Grade!!!

We are so excited about this school year and all of us are going to have a GREAT time!!

Policies and Procedures


Each child is given a homework folder with plastic sleeves in the front and back and a ‘return to school’ and ‘keep at home’ pocket on the inside. This is exactly what’s been used in first and second grade, so students should be accustomed to using this method to keep up with their work. The folder is where our student will store his/here homework assignment sheet, a weekly note, and a reading record for every week when appropriate. It should be brought home every night and returned each day. Correspondence will be sent through this folder, so please check it daily. It is the child’s responsibility to fill their folders, bring them home, and return them to school.


Most papers will be graded, but not every grade will be recorded in the grade book. Teacher discretion will be used to make this decision. Points can be deducted for academic behaviors such as cheating, talking during a test, no name on the paper, using the wrong side of the paper, and failure to follow directions. At the end of the nine weeks the lowest grade will be dropped in each subject.

Grade scale:

A 95-100 B 86-94 C 76-85 D 70-75 F 69 and below

Mid-term reports:

Mid-term reports will be sent home each nine weeks. Please sign and return these the following day.

Study guides:

A study guide will almost always be sent home for tests. Please study these with your student. A signed study guide by you is worth 5 points to the test grade.

Weekly notes/Homework:

A weekly notice will be sent home each week. It will have the assignment/homework sheet on one side and on the other, it will cover announcements, items needed for the class, requests for parent volunteers, and academic news for the week. Students are responsible for placing it in their folder as a guideline.

Homework may be assigned every night of the week and is due the next day unless told otherwise by the teacher. Students are responsible to write their own homework assignments down on their Homework sheet in third grade. (This is written on the back of their weekly note, so please leave these in their folders.)

Homework will be checked by the teacher or in class for completion and accuracy. Any homework more than one day late is subject to no credit given. If a student repeatedly fails to turn in homework, playtime will be taken for its completion.

Spelling tests and homework:

Tests are given on Friday only.


Attendance is extremely important in a child’s academic progress.

All students must be in class by 7:55 or report to the office for a tardy slip.

***Any student with perfect/perfect attendance at the end of the grading period may add 2 points to the final grade of their chosen subject.

When an absence is necessary it is the student’s responsibility to get their work. The student will have one day for every missed day to turn the work in. Should you choose to pick up a student’s work on the day of the absence, please contact the office before 12:00 to give adequate time to collect it. We will send it to the office at the end of the day, so it will be available after 3:00.

Extra credit:

In addition to homework, students will be given one opportunity per nine weeks in each subject for up to 100 points. Notice will be given on the weekly note and due the following Friday. Students will also be given an opportunity to correct assignments in class and occasionally at home. Therefore, please do not ask for extra credit at the end of the grading period.

T-Cap: This is the first year that your student will take T-CAP. 15% of the students’ fourth nine weeks grade will be a result of their test. Students scoring ‘Basic” in Reading/Language Arts will be strongly considered for retention.

Snack and water:

Students may bring their own individual snack for the day. We encourage students to bring a water bottle; these will be sent home each Friday for washing. Water bottles are kept at the sink counter instead of student’s desks to protect work and the carpet.

Family engagement:

We strongly encourage you to contact us at anytime via phone, e-mail, Facebook, or by placing notes in the homework folder if you have questions, concerns, or are addressing a request from us (see contact information at the bottom of the page).

Field Trips:

In the fall we will go to Bays Mt. in November; Spring trips include Cooper’s Gem Mine in Blountville, and Natural Tunnel in Duffield, VA.


Along with the supply list, requests will be made at various times when items are needed. These requests may be separate or found on the weekly notes. Box Tops for Education are collected throughout the year and must be turned in in late September and again in April. We encourage you to send them throughout the year. Extra credit is given for every 20 BoxTops.


You are welcome to eat lunch with your child. Please contact the cafeteria with your lunch choice for the day.

Class schedule: These are different and will be distributed by your child’s homeroom teacher.

Related Arts schedule: These are different based on Homeroom

We look forward to our year together and expect great things!!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Our planning time is from 8-845 a.m. You may call us at (423) 272-7651 or email.

Chloe Baugh

Brooke Carroll

Susan Thames

Renee Trent

Thank you for the opportunity to teach your children this year!!

Third Grade Teachers

Please sign and return to signify you have received and understand these policies.

I have read and understand Third Grade classroom procedures for 2017-2018.

