Civil War Scrapbook

In class project

Final Project Due: May 17, 2013

Objectives: Design a scrapbook illustrating several causes and effects of the Civil War.

Due Dates: Final Scrapbook Project will be due May 17, 2013. NO LATE PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. .

What you must include:

  1. Cover Page with Title, your name and date.
  1. Information page with ways that the North and South differed at that time in U.S. history (social, political, and economic differences).
  1. Information about 2 important people in the civil war in paragraph form. People you may choose from include: Robert E. Lee, Abraham Lincoln, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Clara Barton, Ulysses S. Grant, Jane Addams, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sojourner Truth
  1. A detailed map showing how the nation was divided and the political boundaries of the United States at this point in history (vs. 50 states that we have today). You may choose to show either the Compromise of 1820, 1850 or 1861 (pick one). Just be sure to label your map with the correct year.
  1. Information about the Underground Railroad. This can be in any format that you choose—eg. Pictures, stories, maps and letters, etc.
  1. Information about 3 of the major battles of the Civil WarThis can be in any format that you choose—eg. Pictures, stories, maps and letters, etc. (choose from Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Antietam, Vicksburg, or Gettysburg).
  1. A paragraph about the Emancipation Proclamation
  1. Bibliography of Resources (minimum of 3 resources).

Research Resources: We will be using EBSCO, your social studies book, library encyclopedia, and other library book, among others. See the attached bibliography sheet to make sure you are you are keeping track of your references correctly. You will lose points if you do not use the correct format.

**Also remember that plagiarism is not allowed and will earn you a zero. Make sure to use your own words!**

Materials for Scrapbooking: I will provide construction paper and glue as well as some map outlines. Pictures/Drawings will earn you points in the creativity/presentation department. You do not have to buy anything. The emphasis is on content and presentation, not on spending money to purchase what someone else has made.

Rubric for Grading:

Requirements / Points / Subject Grade / Score Earned
Cover Page with Title, your name and date / 5 / SS
Information page with social, political, and economic differences / 15 / SS
2 important people in the civil war / 20 / Writing
Detailed map showing how the nation was divided and labeled with the year / 10 / SS
Information about the underground railroad / 20 / Writing
3 of the major battles of the Civil War / 30 / SS
Paragraph on the Emancipation Proclamation / 10 / Writing
Bibliography of Resources (minimum of 3) / 15 / SS
Presentation(Neatness) and Creativity / 20 / SS
Total Points / 145

**Please note that plagiarism is not tolerated. If you do not use your own words you will earn a zero on the section(s) you plagiarized. If you like something your read you must quote it (“ “).**

I, have discussed the expectations for this project both in class and with my parents. I understand the project is due no later than May 17, 2013.


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