Revised Interim Evacuation Plan for the Engineering Complex - Featheringill Hall (FGH), Jacobs Hall (JH) and Wing 3

January, 2005


In the sections that follow, emphasis has been placed on classrooms and seminar/conference rooms located within the new Engineering Complex. This plan is still considered interim until construction in the general area of the building is complete.

The Engineering Complex consists of three connected buildings and the room numbering approach that has been taken applies to the complex as a whole (e.g., Room 200 is a conference room/classroom located in Featheringhill Hall, while Rooms 211 and 298 are classrooms located in Wing 3 and Jacobs Hall, respectively).

In the information that follows, we have used a “quadrant approach” for each of the three (3) connected buildings as a basis for defining specific locations. For example, Room 200 is located in the SE quadrant of FGH, while rooms 211 and 298 are located in the SE quadrant of Wing 3 and the NE quadrant of Jacobs Hall, respectively.

As soon as we can, we will provide maps with this plan. It is our intent to post evacuation directions in each classroom and laboratory, as well.

Also, within the Complex, people will be directed to the closest exit/stairway which may not be immediately visible (unless this route would take them through closed and opaque fire doors). For this reason, instructors are encouraged to locate stairways and exit points in advance and to become familiar with the designated assembly locations.

General Guidance

In the event of an evacuation, do not use the elevators.

Students should note who is near them when the alarms sound and alert the instructor if anyone is missing on the outside.

Assembly points must be at least 50 feet from the building.

Do not congregate near response units and activities.

Suggested Assembly Areas

lawn in front of McTyeire (South of the Center for Health Services)

lawn behind McTyeire (South of the FreeElectronLaserCenter and the Center for Health Services)

Stevenson Courtyard (East of Jacobs Hall)

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area (West of Wing 3)


There are eleven (11) exits from the Engineering Complex that could be used in the event of an emergency. One of them, the Western Breezeway exit from Jacobs Hall, is not recommended given the construction near this exit. The following ten (10) exits are available:

Tower Lobby Exit – SE quadrant of FGH; persons using this exit should proceed to the front lawn of McTyeire

SW FGH Exit – SW Exit of FGH; persons using this exit should proceed to the lawn behind McTyeire

SW Wing 3 Exit – accessed through Stairway 2; persons using this exit should proceed to the lawn behind McTyeire

NW FGH Exit – Exits to walkway/drive N of FGH; persons using this

Exit should proceed to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

Stairway 4 Exit – NW FGH quadrant, accessed through

Stairway 4; exits directly to the outside just east of FGH NW Lobby Exit; persons using this exit should proceed to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

Classroom 129/Lower Auditorium Exit – NW quadrant of FGH just E of Classroom 129; exits to walkway N of FGH; persons using this exit should proceed to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

Classroom 138 Emergency Exit – NE quadrant of FGH; exits to walkway/drive N of FGH; persons using this exit should proceed to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

NE FGH Exit – NE quadrant of FGH; exits to walkway/drive N of FGH; persons using this exit should to proceed to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

Eastern “Breezeway” Exit – NE quadrant of JH; accessed through Stairway 5; exits to Stevenson Courtyard

Stairway 6 Exit – NE quadrant of JH; accessed through Stairway 6; exits to Stevenson Courtyard

Stairway Locations (Signs Posted at Each Stairway Entrance) and Exit Points:

Five (5) Stairways – One (1) Open Stairway Leading to the 1st Floor Atrium

Area (S1)

One (1) Enclosed Stairway Leading Directly to the

Outside (S4)

Three (3) Enclosed Stairways With Short Distances to

Exits (S2, S5 and S6)

(there is no S3 stairway; plans changed and it was not constructed)

S1 open stairway leading to FGH Atrium; closest exit is the Tower Door; persons using this exit should proceed to the lawn in front of McTyeire

S2 located at the southern end of Wing 3; exits to the walkway between the Engineering Complex and the Free Electron Laser Center; persons using this exit should proceed to the lawn behindMcTyeire (note - Stairway 2 cannot be accessed from the 3rd floor of FGH)

S4 located at the NW end of FGH; exits directly to the outside (driveway area); persons using this exit should proceed to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

S5 located near the NW end of JH; exits to the JH breezeway and to the Stephenson Courtyard. Persons using this stairway should not turn left and exit through the western breezeway. Rather they should turn right and exit through the western breezeway exit to Stevenson Courtyard

S6 located at the NE end of JH, persons using this stairway should proceed to the Stevenson Courtyard

Fire Doors

There are nine (9) sets of fire doors in the Engineering Complex. When smoke is detected and/or the alarm is sounded they will all close automatically. Four (4) sets have windows, but the other five sets are opaque. This complicates matters in that, in a few cases, taking the shortest route from a classroom to a stairway/exit would require going through opaque doors without an opportunity to observe in advance the situation on the other side. In these cases we will provide a route that does not take people through opaque fire doors.

Specific Evacuation Guidance

In the following, quadrants are designated for the specific units ie, FGH as opposed to the entire Engineering Complex

1st Floor Classrooms and Conference/Seminar Rooms

Featheringill Hall (FGH)

110 – SW FGH Quadrant – take SW FGH exit to the lawn behind McTyeire

129 – NW FGH quadrant – take SW FGH exit or Classroom 129 exit to the

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

131 – Project Assembly Lab – take SW FGH exit or Classroom 129 exit to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

131A – Mechanical Engineering Classroom – take SW FGH exit or Classroom 129 exit to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

132 – Computer Lab W of Auditorium – take NW FGH exit to the

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

134– Auditorium Middle N FGH – take NW FGH/Classroom 129 and

Tower Lobby exits as appropriate to the Community Partnership

House/Branscomb Quadrangle area and the lawn in front of McTyeire,


136 – Computer Lab E of Auditorium – take NE FGH exit to the

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

138– Seminar RoomNE FGH Quadrant – take NE FGH exit to the

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

Jacobs Hall (JH)

Fluids Mechanics Lab - NW JH Quadrant – take Eastern Breezeway exit to

Stevenson Courtyard

Structural Engineering Lab - N end JH – take Eastern Breezeway exit to

Stevenson Courtyard

Wing 3

112 – Energetics Lab – take lab exit the lawn in front of McTyeire

118 – Student Society Projects Lab - take SW FGH exit or Classroom

129 exit to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb

Quadrangle area

2nd Floor Classrooms and Conference/Seminar Rooms

Featheringill Hall (FGH)

200– Conference Room SE FGH Quadrant – take Stairway 1 to Tower

Lobby exit to lawn in front on McTyeire

201 - Computer Lab SE FGH Quadrant – take Stairway 1 to Tower Lobby

exit to lawn in front of McTyeire

202 – Computer Lab SW FGH Quadrant – take Stairway 1 to Tower lobby

exit to lawn in front of McTyeire

203 - EECS Computer Laboratory W Middle FGH Quadrant - take Stairway

4 to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

204 - Network Theory Laboratory S Middle FGH Quadrant - take Stairway

1 to Tower Lobby Exit to lawn in front of McTyreire

208 - Microprocessors (I and II) Laboratory SW FGH Quadrant - take

Stairway 4 to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb

Quadrangle area

209 – Seminar Room SW FGH Quadrant – take Stairway 1 to Tower lobby

exit to lawn in front of McTyeire

210 - Digital Electronics Laboratory SW FGH Quadrant - Take Stairway 2

to the lawn behind McTyeire

246 - EECE 235 Laboratory SW FGH Quadrant - Stairway 4 to the

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

257 – Conference Room NE FGH Quadrant – take Stairway 4 to the

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

Jacobs Hall

265 – Conference Room SE JH Quadrant - take Stairway 1 to Tower Lobby

exit to lawn in front of McTyriere

270 - Computer Laboratory SW JH Quadrant - take Stairway 6 to the

Stevenson Courtyard

273 - Conference Room/Library SE Middle JH Quadrant - take Stairway

6 to Stevenson Courtyard

296 – NW JH Quadrant – take Stairway 6 to Stevenson Courtyard

298 – NE JH Quadrant – take Stairway 6 to Stevenson Courtyard

Wing 3

211 –SE Wing 3 Quadrant – take Stairway 4 to the Community Partnership

House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

244 – Seminar Room NE Wing 3 Quadrant – take Stairway 4 to the

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

224 - Radiation Effects Laboratory SW Wing 3 Quadrant - take Stairway 2

to the lawn behind McTyeire

226 - Instrument Laboratory SE Wing 3 Quadrant - Stairway 2 to the lawn

behind McTyeire

228 - Sipher Research Laboratory S Wing 3 Quadrant - Stairway 2 to the

lawn behind McTyeire

238 - Speech Research Laboratory NW Wing 3 Quadrant - take Stairway 4

to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

239 - Conference RoomNE Wing 3 Quadrant - Take Stairway 4 to the

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

3rd Floor Classrooms and Conference/Seminar Rooms

Featheringill Hall (FGH)

300 - Seminar Room SE FGH Quadrant – take Stairway 1 to Tower Lobby

exit to lawn in front of McTyeire

306 - Seminar Room S Middle FGH – take Stairway 1 to Tower Lobby exit

to lawn in front of McTyeire

308 - Conference Room S Middle FGH Quadrant – take Stairway 1 to

Tower Lobby exit to lawn in front of McTyeire

310 - EECE Senior Design Laboratory SW FGH Quadrant – take Stairway

1 to Tower Lobby exit to lawn in front of McTyeire

313 - Seminar Room SW FGH Quadrant – take Stairway 1 to Tower Lobby

exit to lawn in front of McTyeire

335 - Research Laboratory S Middle FGH Quadrant - take Stairway 4 to the

Community Partnership House/Branscomb Quadrangle area

337 - Embedded Computing Systems Laboratory S Middle FGH Quadrant -

take Stairway 4 to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb

Quadrangle area

342A – Management of Technology Department Conference Room take Stairway 4 to the Community Partnership House/Branscomb

Quadrangle area

349A - Conference Room SE FGH Quadrant – take Stairway 6 to Stevenson


Jacobs Hall (JH)

360 - Human Machine Teaming Laboratory SE JH Quadrant - take Stairway

6 to Stevenson Courtyard

373 - Research Laboratory E Middle JH - take Stairway 6 to Stevenson


375 - Distributed Computing Systems Laboratory S JH - take Stairway 6 to

Stevenson Courtyard

Wing 3
