Asia Vocabulary
alluvial plain – an area built up by rich, fertile soil left by a river
archipelago – a group of islands
atoll – a circular-shaped island made of coral
boycott – to refuse to buy items from a particular country or company
civil disobedience – the use of non-violent protests to challenge a government or its laws
cottage industry – a home- or village-based industry in which people make simple goods using their own equipment
cyclone – a storm with high winds and heavy rains
de facto – actually; in reality
delta – area where sand, silt, clay or gravel is dropped at the mouth of a river
dynasty – a line of rulers from a single family that holds power for a long time
ecotourism – a type of tourism in which people visit a country to enjoy its natural wonders
endemic – specific to a particular place or people
fauna – the animal life in a particular environment
flora – the plant life in a particular environment
green revolution – the effort to use modern techniques and science to increase food production in poorer countries
insular – an area comprised of islands
megalopolis – huge city or cluster of cities with an extremely large population
minority – a group of people that is different from most of the population
monsoon–seasonal wind that brings heavy rains for several months of the year
nuclear proliferation – the spread of control of nuclear power, particularly the knowledge of how to construct nuclear weapons
outsourcing – hiring workers in other countries to do a set of jobs
Pacific Rim – the countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, particularly Asian countries
plantation – a large farm
sphere of influence – an area of a country where a single foreign power has been granted exclusive trading rights
subcontinent – a large landmass that is part of a continent
subsistence farming – a type of farming in which the farmer produces only enough to feed his or her family
sultan – the ruler of a Muslim country
trade deficit – a situation that occurs when the value of a country’s imports is higher than the value of its exports
trade surplus – a situation that occurs when the value of a country’s exports is higher than the value of its imports
tsunami – a giant ocean wave caused by an earthquake under the ocean floor
urbanization – growth of a city into nearby areas