Somers Town Neighbourhood Forum

Monday 05 December2016 18:30 – 20:00

Somers Town Community Centre

Present: Slaney Devlin (Chair), Jaimie Denholm (Secretary), Emma Morgan (British Library), Fran Heron, John Wood, Herman Tribelnig, Lil Scott, Wendi Priolo, Helia Evans, Stephen Portlock

Apologies: Michael Parkes, Cllr Roger Robinson, Cllr Paul Tomlinson, Cllr Samata Khatoon, Richard Harrison (Regent High School), Diana Foster, Jeanne Thompson, Alan Spence


Welcome and Introduction

Emma Morgan: We will have news on the British Library development site in the New Year (2017).

1 Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan was submitted on 28 November 2016.

2 Central Somers Town CIP

The judicial review was submitted on 25 November 2016. The two grounds for the review are as follows: (1) There was no mention of policy CS4 (Area of More Limited Change) in the Camden Council Draft Local Plan. (2) There was no needs assessment of open space in Somers Town.

The crowdfunding campaign is due to go live online on Wednesday 07 December 2016.


3 Camden Council Draft Local Plan

Some modifications suggested by the Forum have been included in the draft Local Plan including:

Inclusion of STNF as important partners in Somers Town (they missed us out).

Amendment of policy E1:“The Council will secure a strongsuccessful and inclusive economy in Camden...”

para 6.80, additional sentence:“Tree planting should, as a minimum, offset the capacity of trees lost as a result of the development to absorb carbon, taking account of the time needed to reach maturity”.

map 4: show British Library as a listed building.

policy CC4:• developments that include biomass boilers or CHP (combined heat and power) and connections to existing decentralised energy networks (whereby the increased capacity is not already covered by an existing AQA); [require air quality assessments]

The examiner is not happy with Camden Council’s approach to the protection of open space, particularly on estates.

The Council will be consulting on main modifications to their Plan. This is now likely to be in the New Year (2017).

4 HS2

The Select Committee Report is due on 12 December 2016. HS2 will go to the House of Lords in January 2017 seeking royal assent.

5 Other Developments

Chalton Street Market: The BEET Group met with the officer from Camden Council responsible for markets who discussed the current policies and priorities of the council.

Crossrail 2: The second round of the consultation for Crossrail 2 has been delayed.

The planning application for 42 Phoenix Road would like to present to the Somers Town Neighbourhood Forum.

42 Phoenix Road – Duncan Pittway would like to come and talk to the Forum in the new year. Slaney to arrange.


Future meetings may have to be in a different venue as STCA have to fill a £27k rent shortfall in coming months. Emma Morgan to see if she can book a room in the British Library for next meeting.

2017 Dates (Venue TBC)

Monday 09January 2017, 18:30pm

Monday 06 February 2017, 18:30pm

Monday 06 March 2017, 18:30pm

Monday 03 April 2017, 18:30pm

Monday 08 May 2017, 18:30pm

Monday 05 June 2017, 18:30pm

Monday 03 July 2017, 18:30pm