The Petis Law Community Impact Foundation is a not-for-profit committed to leaving the community in a better place than we found it by contributing to agencies who:protect and support the well-being ofthose injured by others; who promotethe sustainable enrichment ofour housing market; and who encouragesocial equity and economic growthwithin local businesses and nonprofits.

We receive a large number of requests from well-deserving entities and unfortunately, we cannot provide aid to them all. Please understand that by submitting an application, you are not guaranteed that you will receive a grant. Additionally, please understand that if you received a grant in the past, that we cannot guarantee a grant in the future.

We anticipate giving out Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for the Spring 2018 grant application season. Grants may be given in Five Hundred Dollar ($500.00) increments. GRANT APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THANAPRIL 30, 2018. Grants will be given aroundMay 30, 2018.

To be considered for grant assistance, the requesting organization needs to meet the following criteria:

  1. By law, we can only make grants to registered, tax-exempt nonprofit organizations;
  2. The grantee must be a nonprofit/tax-exempt organization in Northwest Colorado;
  3. The grantee’s project must align with one of Petis Law’s three practice areas: Personal Injury, Business Law, and/or Real Estate;
  4. The recipient will not re-grant funding to other individuals/nonprofits;
  5. Submit your most recent balance sheet and/or profit and loss statement (or an explanation as to why you do not have one); and,
  6. Grant applications must be submitted bythe deadline indicated abovefor currentfunding cycle.

If you have missed the grant deadlines and need funding immediately, please visit our “Emergency Grant Application” for consideration for emergency assistance.

Grant Application Procedures:

  1. Please fill out the Request for Funding Form found below.
  2. With your submission, please include a cover letter that describes your project, as well as any additional materials that you believe will be helpful in considering your application.
  3. Grantees may be asked to give a brief presentation either before or after the project is complete and inform the Board of Directors on how the funds will or have impacted the organization/project.
  4. Please submit your cover letter, Request for Funding Form and any additional materials to . In the subject field please enter, “Request for Funding for [organization/project name]”.

** As you are completing your application, if you need more room to answer a question, please include additional sheets of paper.

Request for Funding Form

Organization Name:Organization Name

Mailing Address:Street Address/PO Box, City, State, Zip Code

Physical address- (if different from mailing address):Street Address, City, State, Zip Code

Main Phone:Ex: (999) 999-9999

Website (If applicable): Click here to enter text.

Primary Contact for this Application:First Name, Last Name

Title: Ex: Manager

Email Address:

Organization Information

Is the organization a registered tax-exempt 501(c)(3)?Yes ☐No ☐ (please provide copy of your IRS tax exemption)

Federal Tax ID Number: Federal Tax ID Number

Describe the requesting organization’s mission/purpose:Click here to enter text.

Request Summary

Requested Amount: Ex: $1,000.00

Request/Project Title:Click here to enter text.

Describe specific purposes and objectives for which any grant funds awarded from this foundation will be used (e.g., specific equipment, overall project funding, etc.).

Click here to enter text.

Why do you believe a grant to your organization would further our foundation's mission and thepriorities of our foundation?Click here to enter text.


Briefly describe any formal or informal collaborative ventures your organization has established (or will establish)with other entities serving similar purposes that may be relevant to this grant request.

Click here to enter text.

How will Petis Law Community Impact Foundation be recognized through this donation?

Click here to enter text.

Project Background

If this grant request relates to an ongoing project or program, how long has the project or program been operating?Click here to enter text.

Project Finances/Timeline

Project budget total (U.S. dollars)Click here to enter text.

If granted these funds, when do you expect the funds to be exhausted?Click here to enter a date.

Other Project Funding

List other sources that may fund this project. Include other pending grant requests, providing entity name, amount requested, and current status of each. If these sources do not fully fund the project, what other sources of funding will your organization pursue?Click here to enter text.

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