Mental Health, Dementia & Neurological Conditions
Meeting Notes – Mental Health Improvement Group 10/09/2014
Mental Health, Dementia & Neurological ConditionsMental Health Improvement Group Meeting10th September 2014
South West House, Taunton
Meeting Notes
Adrian James (Chair), Justine Faulkner (Network Manager), Anna Bilham, Christina Grey, Andrew Dayani, Gavin Thistlethwaite, Iain Bowden, Iola Davies, Jo Hammond, Andy Haytread, Nicky Hayward, Ruth Hall, Ellen Wilkinson, Katherine Godfrey
1. Welcome & Introductions
Adrian James (AJ) welcomed the group and introductions were made.
2. Minutes of last meeting
The group confirmed that all actions following the last meeting had been met or were to be discussed at this meeting.
3. CAMHS Update
Justine Faulkner (JF) updated the group on where the SCN is at with the CAMHs work and also the launch event on 15 October. JF explained that in the South West region there are a large number of young people needing access to Tier 4 care outside the region which has raised concerns. Anthony Farnsworth, Regional Director, has been chairing the national review of Tier 4 and the South West was identified as an outlier in regards to the number of people going out of area. The overarching aim of the work is to provide commissioners with a tool for developing CAMHs. Mapping of CAMHS service provision was carried out across the region to obtain a holistic view of what exists currently in CAMHS. A working group made up of clinicians and commissioners developed a commissioning framework with contributions from service users across the region.
Next Steps
The commissioning framework has been developed which includes innovative best practice, descriptions and examples of what good looks like, and detailed mapping. The CAMHS launch event is being held on 15 October and will be chaired by Anthony Farnsworth, and following that the SCN will facilitate CCGS and specialist commissioning in implementing the commissioning framework across the region.
Benefits of the process are already being seen; collaborations between specialised commissioning and local CCGs are starting to take place. Relationships between CCGs are also improving .Providers are also starting to develop a relationship through the CAMHS work group and are now keen to operate as a whole system in the South West.
Action: JF to invite the group to the launch event on 15 October.
4. Rehab Event Update – Ruth Hall, Quality Improvement Programme Manager, SWSCN
Ruth Hall presented an update on the rehabilitation workstream following the event held in July. Discussions were had around implementation and delivery, and how the workstream applies to physical and mental health.
Action: RH to circulate framework to commissioners and flag as being applied to physical and mental health
5. SCN Update
v Clinical Senate AJ updated the group on the Clinical Senate. The Senate have met and deliberated on 3 occasions; HIV, Minor Surgical Services, and complex care thresholds between various services. Within the last Senate meeting the most important mental health element was the issue around liaison services and ensuring these are part of every general hospital; this was one of the recommendations of the Senate. Two future topics are in the mix for mental health; achieving Parity of Esteem and IAPT services. In addition, Senates have now taken on the role of NCAT.
v South West Mental Health Alliance Iola Davies has stood down as Alliance Chair, and the Alliance are grateful for her support and energy. Iain Bowden (IB) informed the group that the last MH Alliance group was held at the end of July. In Iola’s absence, IB’s role will be to co-ordinate the work of the alliance. The next meeting is being held on 1 October to clearly identify roles and responsibilities and tackle getting better membership on the steering group.
v IAPT JF informed the group that she, Alex Stirzaker, and CCG colleagues are looking to refocus on IAPT and proposed re-establishing an expert reference group for the South West. The group would pull together Commissioners and Providers, and the SCN will also carry out a mapping exercise of services to get a shared understanding of what already exists. The group agreed this proposal to reconvene the IAPT Expert Reference Group.
Action: IAPT Expert Reference Group to be formed and meet before Christmas
6. Any other business
v Zero Suicide Project AJ confirmed the project has received funding until June 2015 in order to get up and running. Dr Ed Coffey led on the work in Detroit and will be speaking at the Zero Suicide Steering Group on Friday. There were discussions around suicide prevention measures e.g. education, e-learning, apps
Action: All to pass on information of colleagues who may be interested in attending to AJ to ensure they are invited to the launch event on Wednesday 8 October.
v Liaison
The SCN will revisit the mapping of liaison services across the region to ascertain what changes have taken place since the publication of the SCN liaison guidance.
v Perinatal Mental Health Jo Black sent apologies to the meeting.
v Mental Health Intelligence Network Fay Beck has joined the SCN as an Analyst and is looking into the data to create a dashboard for the region and bring along to the next MHIG group meeting to discuss useful indicators.
Action: Add Mental Health Intelligence Network to the agenda for the next meeting.
v Parity of Esteem JF updated the group on Gayle Bridgman’s parity of esteem work stream in Gayles absence.
Action: GB to invite the group to the Smoking Cessation Conference on 11 November
v Crisis AJ informed the group that we are continuing to get the whole of the South West signed up to the Crisis Concordat; Gloucestershire have formally signed up and are being met with to take work forward.
7. Any other business
v Iola Davies (ID) requested whether there was any potential to do some work around personality disorder.
Action: ID to present at next meeting re: national challenges and how to take things forward
v Christina Grey (CG) informed the group that the Chief Medical Officers report was launched yesterday focussing on Mental Health and encouraged all to read. It addresses the issue of public mental health and also parity of esteem.
v Date of next meeting – 19th November 2014, South West House, Taunton (10am-12.30pm followed by lunch)
Action: Provisional dates for next years meetings to be discussed at the next meeting.