Basildon AC
AGM, Coaches Meeting and Team Managers Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21st February 2017 7.00pm to 9.00pm
- Apologies of Absence:
Sarah Ambrose, Keith Bottjer, Laura Scott, Leigh Cann, Peter Rixson, Martin Brown, Katie Allason, Steve Surety, Ellie Meadowes, Sue Houchell, Ron Clatworthy, Dave lumm, Matt lumm
- Attending:
Eammon Martin, Nick Wetheridge, Vespa Ellis, Linda Hartnett, David Findley, Bryony Findley, Mandy Wetheridge, Steve Reynolds, Rick Bullis, John Munday, Amanda Dodge, Amanda Skeggs, Ingrid Ives, Caroline Horden
- Chairman Report:
Eammon commented on how the club has developed during the past seven years whilst he has been in his post as Chairman, however, due to work and life style commitments he has not had as much free time to dedicate to his role and is happy to step down if there was a successor. Nick raised the option that Steve Reynolds would be in a position to take over the post. This was seconded by Wendy Tydeman and put to the vote all agreed and Steve Reynolds has duly been elected as chairman.
We as a club thanked Eammon for all his time and the dedication he has given to the club over his time in his post. He bought in many changes to the club and leaves it in a better position than when he started. Eammon has agreed to be the clubs President for the next two years in accordance with the club constitution.
- Treasurers report:
Nick Wetheridge explained how improvements in recording income had been made and now shows more precisely where we are bringing in funds. This has been supported by the work Val Surety has done, which although incurred extra work, has made a difference. (See attached form for complete breakdown of figures for the past year).
Changes for 2017 - Steve Reynolds has requested electronic payments in the future be authorised by 2 out of 3 nominated people who will email sanctions to the treasurer.
Legal documentation to be drawn up for payment to outside coaches as they must provide invoices. Birkett Long who already donate £1.000 will be asked to check documentation.
- Appointments:
The following people were nominated and seconded and agreed for election or re-election -
Chairman – Steve Reynolds
Treasurer – Nick Wetheridge
Secretary – Wendy Tydeman
Membership Secretary – Val Surety (assisted by Vespa Ellis)
Coaching – Eammon Martin (assisted by Nick Wetheridge)
Team Managers at the meeting were asked if they wished to continue and all agreed.
Linda Hartnett to continue as Catering Manager
Not all positions have been filled and Wendy Tydeman will send out a list showing all roles that are vacant. These roles will be advertised and we will also speak directly to individuals for some posts.
Role profiles to be sent out and put on the club web site explaining exactly what the roles and responsibilities of each role are. These will also be posted on club wall as we have done in the past.
- Club House Project:
Nick Wetheridge has applied for a £150,000 grant from Sport England Facility Funding which was available from 1st February 2017. The Basildon Athletics application went in on the 3rd February and the club should hear within the month if we have been successful to proceed to the next stage of the process.
If successful, the funding would allow the club to erect a club house. The final plans to the club house will be subject to the funds we have raised. From a planning perspective the main issue we had with the project is the water supply and drainage, however, the club is working with Morgan S the builders of Basildon Sporting Village and also with the assistance of Warrnicks the drainage supply has been identified from the technical ground works plans. Nick will update the committee on any progress.
- Pole Vault Project:
Nick Wetheridge confirmed that Steve Surety applied to England Athletics and was successful in his bid for £10.000 for poles including storage and coaching. He has purchased 20 pole which are at the club.
Mitch Etheridge will be joining the club as the lead Pole vault coach. He has many years as a successful athlete and competed for Basildon in the past. He is currently completing his qualifications and will be around from April. Rob Thickpenny has also agreed to come along as a senior Pole-vault coach to support and advise at sessions proposed (possibly once a month). Going forward we want coaches who are interested in coaching Pole-vault to work with Mitch and Rob.
Nick also advised that he put in a bid for £2000 in a Dragon Den style event held at Active Basildon Awards and was successful and will be using these funds for coaching and also the link in with two local schools which we are doing.
- Presentation Evening:
Nick/Wendy Suggested date is Saturday 25th March. Mandy Wetheridge to look at various venues for this event moving away from the Holiday Inn as refreshments quite expensive. Alternative venue allowing us to bring our own drinks and refreshments. Val requested the certificates to be ordered so she can get started on writing them out.
- Track Discipline:
Nick raised the concerns of recent months of how track discipline was not as good as it had been in the pass. Some of the things highlighted was athletes warming up around the track in the opposite direction. The correct use of the word ‘TRACK’ and action to be taken by athletes and jogging on the inside lane.
Training times are currently school years 5/6 are 6-7, then we have a second young groups starting at 6.30-7.30 and remainder of the club from 7.00-8.00. Older athletes can come down at 6:30pm to start their warm up but should not commence full training until 7pm. All coaches were asked to remind all athletes of track discipline.
A track etiquette leaflet and sign to be produced and distributed and displayed.
- Membership 2017
Val advised that membership renewal was due for 1st April and has already circulated a request for the club subs which need to be paid seperatley to her. In accordance with UKA request to raise the England athlete registration fee all members have been advised of the new rate.
- SAL Amendments:
The changes proposed by the SAL league for the 2018 season were discussed and as a club we voted for option 2 ‘Move to divisions of 18 teams, with four matches of 6 teams in each match, and a buddy system to pair of teams’. Nick has informed the league of the clubs chosen option.
- Team Managers 2016 overview:
Main comment was the issue of athletes not responding to TM text, emails, Facebook request to compete. Also athletes who had agreed to compete not appearing on the day of competion.
It was discussed that as it stands members when they join are informed they are required to compete and they agree to the terms by signing the membership form, unless there is a valid reason in which case there may be an exception to the rule. But this is agreed between the coach / athlete / parent and Team Manager.
The club fully supports the team managers any issues they need to let the coach know the situation if the athletes are no shows or not responding to requests.
- Team Managers and Coaches Agreement for track season 2017:
Team Managers should approach the coaches to see what events the athletes should be considered for, as the coach will know more about the athletes coaching plan and any other competitions/races they are doing, for example other higher level championships and school competitions. We don’t want to over use athletes. As a club we fully support our coaches.
- Coaching Issues:
Amanda Dodge raised the issue over still being short of throws coaches. We have made enquiries for throws coaches but so far unsuccessful. To help solve this we will be inviting Flying coaches down to work with both coaches and athletes to help resolve this situation.
Lack of equipment from the centre as many throwing equipment (shot and discuss) weights are missing from the store room. It was agreed the club would approach the centre to request replacements for missing equipment.
Caroline raised a point re medical information being passed on to team managers and coaches when new members start at the club. Vespa will send out full details and abbreviated details will be on the registers.
Bryony and Dave raised the issue of some of the athletes being given the opportunity to receive some coaching in field events so if they were asked to participate in a field event at a league competition they have a basic understanding of the event.
It was raised that some track athletes receive field events coaching at their school as when they take part in the schools cup competition they have to do one track and one field event so the club may not be aware.
- Relaying of the track:
Club have been advised the track will be relayed. We are awaiting dates from the Basildon Sporting Village. Once we know the proposed date the club will take action to provide or suggest alternative training venues. One suggestion is for the centre to mark out a grass track or alternatively request for possible grass track on the back field as we have had in the past.