Supervisor: / Date commenced:
Responsibilities & communication / / na
I am familiar with the Griffith University OHS Website and safety policies.
My OHS responsibilities have been discussed with me, and I agree to comply with requirements.
I am familiar with the Griffith University OHS Website outlining responsibilities for academic and general staff.
I know how to find a list of local health & safety contacts (LHSC) on the Griffith website.
My LHSC whom I can contactto report any unsafe practices and advice is:
Safety information specific for ENV can be found at:
Emergencies & first aid / / na
I have been made aware of the Griffith University ‘Emergency information’ website.
In the event of an emergency, I know to call GU Securityon 7777
(Alternatively; 3735 7777 for the Nathan campus or 5552 7777 for the Gold Coast campus)
I know how to find a list of building/floor wardens on the Griffith website.
I know that my local Building/FloorWarden is:
I know the exit route and meeting point in case of fire or other emergency evacuation.
Near Security Office at the Circuit, or at the back of N78 at the carpark
I know how to find a list of first aid officers on the Griffith website.
In the event that I require first aid assistance, I would contact:
I am aware of the requirement to report all incidents, injuries and illnesses on GSafe Incident Reporting.
OHS inductions & training / / na
I understand that I must complete: 1) Health & Safety Induction; 2) Annual Fire Safety Training;3) Manual Tasks/Office Ergonomics; 4) other role specific modules as necessary (e.g. General Biosafety)
I understand it is recommended I complete:1)Practical Hazard & Incident Management; 2) Wellbeing for Work & Life.
I understand that I need to be inducted into the laboratory where I work.
n.b. keys to laboratory spaces may not made available until the induction has been completed
Authorisation from element managers or their nominees may be required before keys are supplied
I understand that I may receive additional induction and/or training if I require access to certain spaces / equipment, or undertake fieldwork, etc.
I agree to follow my group’s rules and procedures for out-of-hours work.
Hazards & risk management / / na
I understand the risk management process.
I agree to complete/review risk assessments relevant to my work (with assistance from my Supervisor, co-workers and other relevant people, e.g. Laboratory Manager, Radiation Officer), prior to the commencement of activities.
I understand that I can be asked to stop work if I am working in an unsafe manner which could result in personal injury or to people around me.
GU health & wellbeing / / na
I have viewed the GU ‘Health and Wellbeing’ web pages, and have been advised of the GU staff/student counselling program.
If pregnant or trying to fall pregnant, I understand that I or the unborn child may be at higher risk from exposure to certain conditions (e.g. cold temperatures), chemicals (e.g. teratogens), biological or radiation hazards, and that additional safety precautions may need to be followed.
Working from home / / na
I understand working from home is a temporary arrangement that is discussed and agreed with my supervisor.
If working from home, I understand that I must complete the Manual Tasks/Office Ergonomicstraining module, and a self-assessment of my home work station. Any deficiencies identified in the self-assessment will be remedied before I commence work.
Travel / / na
I have viewed the GU ‘Absence on Official University Policy’ and understand the need to follow procedure for myself (and any staff/students under my supervision) so that insurance, for example, is not forfeited.
on Official University Business Policy.pdf
Signature (inductee):
Print Name:Date:
Signature (trainer/supervisor):
Print Name:Date:
Noise:Will staff/students be exposed to prolonged excessive noise in the regular course of their work.
Vaccinations and immunisations:Will staff/students require vaccinations/immunisations in order to conduct their work safely? Examples can include: overseas travel; field work; working with animals; working with blood, body fluids or biological reagents.
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Hep A/B, Polio, Japanese encephalitis, Rabies, TB, etc.
Volunteers:Will volunteers be working on any projects? (Volunteers are non-Griffith staff who are not insured by any other organisation.) Examples can include: field work; laboratory work.
Volunteer must complete the “Volunteer Staff Member Registration Form”
Fieldwork:Will staff/students be required to undertake field work?
Be familiar with harmonised guidelines developed for ARI, EFRI and ENV
Ensure Fieldwork Risk Assessment (FWRA), medical information, and volunteer (if applicable) formsare completed and approved prior to departure
Heavy metals / poisons / schedule 8 substances:Will staff/students be required to work with heavy metals, poisons or schedule 8 substances? Is health surveillance required?
lead, acrylonitrile, asbestos, benzene, cadium, creosote, crystalline silica, arsenic compounds, inorganic chromium, inorganic mercury, isocyanates, organophosphate pesticides, pentachlorophenol (PCP), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),thallium, etc.
Lasers:Will staff/students be required to work with Class 3 or greater lasers (e.g. some confocal microscopes).
Chemicals: Will staff/students be required to work with chemicals?
Aspects to cover in laboratory induction would include: safe storage and handling; labelling; registers; access to ChemWatch for MSDSs; purchasing procedures; waste disposal; emergency equipment, personal protective equipment (PPE); safety showers; eyewash stations; spill kits
Undertake chemical risk assessments prior to commencing work with chemicals
Biologicals: Will staff/students be required to work with biological agents?
Does work come under aegis of DAFF Biosecurity (formerly AQIS)?: formal training; QAP accreditation
Does work require physical containment facilities (PC1-3)?
Ergonomics and manual handling:
Laboratory safety:
v1.4: 15February 2016, Copyright Griffith University 2016.
Prior permission of Griffith University required before use of document outside Griffith University context.