D-ATV Update from W6HHC
D-ATV News Update from W6HHC
Robbie-KB6CJZ and I teamed up to test our first
DATV station (DVB-S) over the long Labor Day
week-end (September 7 for those outside U.S.).
We then worked together to publish another DATV
article for the local OCARC newsletter to report
initial testing results of this station we had planned.
The title of the article is:
"TechTalk #77 – DATV Testing Report – Part 1”
The article can be found at either:
I hope that some of your readers may find this
article useful. Special thanks to Stefan Reimann
DG8FAC of SR-Systems in Germany for quickly
and patiently answering my many many questions. Ken W6HHC
Send me your D-ATV News..
Plug and Play 2.4 GHz Transmitters
If you are interested in getting on ATV with a 2.4 GHz FM
transmitter I have them for sale. The transmitter has an output
of about 9 watts and will sell for about $1500 plus shipping
depending upon the configuration you need. If you are interested
in a transmitter you can send me an email and we can talk.
Please be advised that the demand for the 2.4 GHz Plug
and Play ATV Transmitters have caused a delay of6 to8
weeks for delivery on future orders. And the transmitters
will be sold only to Licensed Amateur Radio Operators.
25watt 70 cm ATV Transceiver
I have a P.C. Electronics 1 watt transceiver driving an amplifier
brick and developing25 watts plus output.
It is priced at $500 plus shipping
Wireless Mic's with PTL
I have several of the Memorex WirelessMicrophones that were
sold at "Target" and then modified by W6KGE to include a PTL
(Push to Look) and written up in the "Amateur Television Quarterly".
Target has since discontinued the mic but there still may be some
in your local stores.
I am selling the Memorex mic's for $25.00 plus shipping unmodified
and $59.00 plus shipping with the modifications already made.
900 MHz ATV downconverters
I have a number of 900 MHz downconverters for sale at $50.00
each plus shipping.
For Sale:
Amateur Television Repeater Controllers
ATVC-4 Plus is Intuitive Circuit's second generationAmateur
Television repeater controller.
Some of the many features that the ATVC-4 includes are:
* Five Video Input Sources
* Four Mixable Audio Input Sources
* Non-volatile Storage
* DTMF Control
* Beacon Mode
* Robust CW Feedback
* Password Protected
* And Many More Features
For example a major new feature is four individual sync detection
circuits allowing for true priority based ATV receiver switching.
Only $349.00
Contact: Intuitive Circuits, LLC 3928 Wardlow Ct., Troy, MI - (248) 588-4400
To go right to the ATVC-4
To go to the main page
Anyone looking to buy, sell or trade ATV Equipment are
welcomed to send your ad(s) for publication to:
ATV Guide
Scheduled Program Guide for ATV
7:00 PM PDST
Oregon Amateur Television Association
Net held every Monday starting at 7:00 PM
listed under "repeater streaming"
using it's repeater's call W7AMQ
11:00 PM PDST
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table at (0700 UTC Tuesday)
12:00Noon PDST
Torbay Amateur Television & Microwave Group
Group Activity Night
Every Tuesday at 2000 to 2200 UTC
under GB3TB Repeater
6:00 PM PDST
Every Tuesday (0200 UTC Wednesday)
under repeater streams WR8ATV &
8:30 PM PDST
WB9KMO Net Night Santa Barbara, CA
Every Tuesday at (0430 UTC Wednesday)
the goto members streams and look
for WB9KMO
8:00 PM PDST
W7TED Repeaters Net Night
Every Tuesday (0400 UTC Wednesday)
11:00 PM PDST
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table (0700 UTC Wednesday)
11:00AM PDST
Chat Night, GB3ZZ
Every Wednesday at 1900 to2100 UTC
BATC.TV streaming video then go to
member streams as well as
6:00 PM PDST
C.A.T.S. Net
Net held every Wed.
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST (0200 UTC Thursday)
8:30 PM PDST
Silicon Valley ATV Group
Net held every Wed. K6BEN RPT
Not currently Streaming
Anyone in the area is welcomed to check-in
on 145.51 MHz simplex Talk-in freq.
11:00 PM PDST
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table (0700 UTC Thursday)
12:00Noon PDST
Torbay Amateur Television & Microwave Group
Group Activity Night
Every Thursday at 2000 to 2200 UTC
under GB3TB Repeater
6:00 PM PDST
B.R.A.T.S. Net
Net held every Thurs.
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EST (0200 UTC Firday)
7:00 PM PDST
San Bernardino Microwave Society Meeting
Next meetingOctober 1st
Meeting are held on the first Thursday of the month.
October- Dick K6HIJ- Miss match errors in
noise figure measurement.
November- Rein W6SZ- Using WSPR and
JT modes on microwaves: results.
December- Doug K6JEY- visit from a
manufacturer and program on USB Power
Meeting start @:
7:00to 9:00 PM PT Starts @ 0300 UTC to 0500 UTC Friday
You can watch the SBMS Meeting on the
The METS ATV Repeaters as well as or the
ATN-CA Repeaters in Southern California or
them go toATV Repeatersand
click onW6ATN or try
then click on option #1 or #2
11:00 PM PDST
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table (0700 UTC Friday)
1:00 PM PDST
GB3GG, Grimsby Amateur Television Group Net
Every Friday at 2100 ZULU
11:00 PM PDST
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table (0700 UTCSaturday)
11:00 AM PDST
Oregon Amateur Television Association
Every Saturday starting at 11:00 AM
listed under "repeater streaming"
using it's repeater's call W7AMQ
12:00 NoonPDST
Spanish/English Net
Argentina/CAATV Net
Held every Saturday
AC6RB and Friends,everyone iswelcomed
and found under the W6ATN
Repeater stream
6:00 PM PDST
M.A.T.S. Net
Held every Saturday
9:00 PM to 10:00 PM EDST (0200UTC Sunday)
DB0HEX, Mount Brocken/ATV in Germany
Round Table at (0930 UTC)
11:00AM PDST
GB3ZZ Chat Night
Every Sunday at 1900 to 2100 UTC
Streaming video go to members stream
and look for GB3ZZ
and as well
12:00 Noon PDST
Torbay Amateur Television & Microwave Group
Group Activity Night
Every Sunday at 2000 to 2200 UTC
under GB3TB Repeater
Proposed Upcoming Live Webcasts
on the BATC.TV Streaming Video
KA9UVY, Bob is active mostly morning during weekdays
And all hours weekends.
Hepburn tropo forecast page:
ATV DXers post their CQ's and Reports to the ATV logger page:
Hawaiian Beacons for the West Coast provided by. "KH6HME"
144.170 MHz
432.075 MHz
1296.34 MHz
Other Streaming ATVVideos
Washington State RACES Station
W7EMD Ustream.TV
KD6ILO Mobile Camstream
KD6ILO ReMoTeV IP via Ustream
Used as a second feed if his Camstream
is being used for something else.
K8DMR's Camstream
not in operation at this time
WB8LGA's Camstream
Links to other camstreams and Google ATV Maps
And location to view the ATCO ATV Net
Severnside Television Group
N6GKB's Tower Cam in Yucca Valley, CA .
And Back-up for the AC6RB Camstream
The ATV Newsletter can not be held responsible for the content
of any website, web stream or link listed in the publication.
If you have a scheduled Net or Event on your Streaming Video
that you would like listed in the "ATV Guide" please send your
information to:
Acres Electronics, ZL4TAO
ATV Gear
ATV Google Map
Help Page.
My home page
The Fastscan ATV Google map
Amateur Radio Victoria
Amateur Radio Victoria/VK3FCE
Associated Radio Amateurs of Long Beach, Inc.
Club Station located on "Queen Mary" W6RO
ATCO Newsletter
Amateur Television Quarterly
ATV Mobile Website
ATV Newsletter (Back Issues Only)
Baltimore Radio Amateur Television Society (BRATS)
British Amateur Television Club Forums
British Amateur Television Club Website (BATC)
CQ-TV Magazine, View Back Issues and the Place to Subscribe
Cameras on Mountain Tops
Chesapeake Amateur Television Society (CATS)
CQ-TV Magazine, view back issues and the place to subscribe
DATV/Digital Amateur Television Primer, G7LWT
And another location you can download bask issues
of the "ATV Newsletter"
Dutch Digital Amateur Television Site
Many Ham Radio Links
Amateur Television Electronics Projects ATV/DATV
Hamoholics, 2E0GYZ
Historical TV & Radio Website
Intuitive Circuits, LLC
ATV Repeater Controllers
On-Screen ID Overlay and home page
Italian ATV, IK1HGI
Web Site for the first Italian ATV contact to the
Spanish/English Net
Las Vegas Radio Amateur Club
Microwave Experimenters Television System (METS)
Mini-kits Hi-Tech RF Kits and Components
MNFAT Minnesota Group/KB0OZN
N6HOG's Weather Web
Oregon Amateur Television Association-Portland
P.C. Electronics
Salem Amateur Television Associations-Salem
San Bernardino Microwave Society (SBMS)
Severnside Television Group
streaming website
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
WA6NUT's page
HF with FFT-TV
WWATS, Western Washington Amateur Television Society
If you have an ATV Streaming Video or ATV website that you
would like to have listed in the ATV Guide please send your info to:
The ATV Newsletter can not be held responsible for the content
of any website, web stream or link listed in the publication.
Oat Mtn. News
Oat Mtn. 434 MHz Signals Wane
Some of the ATVers on Oat Mtn. have seen their 434 MHz
signals deteriorate and are not sure what is happening.
I am not as technically minded as others but we might want
to consider that in the past there were at leasttwo times
that Mike Collis, WA6SVT told us that he rotated the
community 70 cm antenna on Oat to favor an areato give
the ATVers a better shot at the repeater.
Mike said that moving the antenna wouldn't affect the other
services using the mountain top community or shared antenna
and most likely they wouldn't even notice.
Maybe someone gotpermission to turn the antenna back
to it's original position. Acheck with the siteownercould
shed some light on the problem.
This weeks Joke:
Got a joke? send it to
Southern California News
Who is Usingthe Repeaters
Since Mike Collis was so kind to give us an update on the
Snow Peak repeater located in Southern California I would
like to give all the new ATVers an idea of who is using the
repeaters.(See Mike's report under "ATN-CA Repeater
Reports" in this newsletter)
Snow Peak Repeater
Number of Users (1)
Keith, N6GKBis the only ATVer on Snow Peak and he has
been watching for a couple years. He has a 434 MHz
transmitter and with the problems Snow Peak has he is
still unable to work into the repeater system. Keith also had
a streaming video from the output of the repeater on-line.
Mount Wilson Repeater
Number of Users(1)
Matt, KI6KHB is the only current ATVer on Mt. Wilson and
I haven't seen much of him. Matt got involved with ATV when
he was 15 years old and that was just a couple years ago.
Mt. Wilson is where Mike Collis WA6SVT spends several
eveningseach weekworking at his jobfor a commercial
television company.
Point Loma Repeater
Number of Users (2)
Robert, KA4JSR is the trustee for his club which owns the
Point Loma ATV repeater. The repeaters call is W6RDF and is
not owned by ATN. Robert is the only ATVer I have seen on
Point Loma in quite some time. There was another ATVer
that works at the base and I can't lay my hands on his call
right now. So that makes two ATVers.
Blueridge (Frost Peak) Repeater
Number of Users (2)
Mark, W6MAF is one of the ATVers on Blueridge and he also
runs the Net each week he isn't called away for his job. Mark
has been taking care of the repeater as well as resurrecting the
link to and from Las Vegas via the Mt. Potosi ATV repeater.
Gary, K6IOJ is also an ATVer on Blueridge but I haven't seen
him for some time but I know he is still there.
Mark mentioned that Mt. Potosi was receiving the link signal
from the Southern Calafornia repeater network via Blueridge
during the net this week.
Oat Mountain Repeater
Number of Users (11)
Iuse the Oatrepeater along with a greatbunch of ATVers.
We have Alan, W6IST who is the custodian of Oat and his friend
Joe, K6TBA who both live in the San Fernando Valley. Then there
is Mike, K6LDK in the Santa Clarita Valley are along with Hank
KI6JL out in Canyon Country. I haven't seen Hank is awhile but
I am sure he is still out there.
Here in Simi Valley we have Chuck, WA6FGK who is our "tower
guy" because he climbs towers forhis job. Nice guy to have
around.We also have Bob, W6KGE and he is one of our
designer/builders. A short story about Bob is that I met him at
my first ATV Open House and Bob was interested in some
downconverterplans I had from an old magazine article. I gave
him the plans and happened to give him a call about a week later
and found that he had built a half dozen downconverters and was
already watching ATV. Bob has since produced several additional
generations of downconverters with quieter noise figures and better
Spencer, N6IWY and Ed, K6UUZ are also on Oat and they both are
designer/builders experimenting with all areas of ATV. They have
built their transmitters as well as some unique antenna designs. And
we also have Bill, KF6GJH. And over in North Hollywood we have
Bob, N6BPU working into Oat. Bob has treated us to video from
his remote controls aircraft.
Santiago Peak Repeater
Number of Users (13+)
Santiago is the hub of the repeater network and all repeaters
are linked to it. When Santiago fails all the other repeaters operate
as a local repeater.
AC6RB, George works into Santiago andhe pioneered streaming
the output of the repeater via Camstream several years ago.
George continued with his use of the Internet and today he
has established a Net with his friends in Argentina called
"Spanish/English Net" which is fast becoming an International
Net with ATVers checking infrom Italy, France and Japan.
Gordon West, WB6NOA also works into Santiago. You might
know Gordon for his "Software & Book Education Packages"
for Ham Radio. Gordon always has great newsfor the Net each
week ranging from new productsand upcomingevents.
Gary, W6KVC produces the San Bernardino Microwave Society
meeting and links it to Santiago so we all can attend their
meeting each month. I have to add that Gary sets-up a portable
station each month for the meeting and has the best picture
into Santiago of all the ATVers on the repeater. Maybe we
can get Gary to tell us how he does it.
Al, W6WYN works into Santiago from San Diego and I think
he has the longest haul of all ATVersfor distance.
Merv, KO6E works in from the Santa Monica area.
WB6KJJ, Ed works in from thecity of Orange, Don, KE6BXT
works in from Mission Viejo.
From the San Bernardino/Riverside area there is KA6JJH Ted,
KD6OMV Norm,N6ESW Mike, KA6DPS Dave and WB6HYH
Tom. And N6HOG, Barry works in from the Glendale area.
There are a couple new faces I have seen on the network
but I don't have their calls or names since I haven't made
contact with them, yet. I did say Hello to Ken, KB6EVR
during the net this week. I think Ken has been involved in
ATV for some time and is just getting back on the air.
That is about it with the exception of a couple clubs that
come on from time to time to test their stations.
If I have overlooked anyone it is not intentional and I apologize
in advance.
Mike Collis WA6SVT the owner of all the ATN repeaters
doesn't have an ATVstation so I didn't count him. Sometimes
he does key up the repeater on Mt. Wilson while he is at work.
ATN-CA Repeater Report
Snow Peak Repeater Up-Date
Mike Collis WA6SVT sent me a couple emails up-dating
the condition of Snow Peak. I thought I had misplaced
the first email and Mike sent me the second. Since then
I found the first. Here are parts of Mike's emails:
Snow Peak:
The 2441.5 MHz input works including audio, the noise you
are hearing from a staion on the Snow Peak Repeater via
other repeaters like oat or Santiago is the 2417 MHz link
receiver picking up a WiFi link at 2424 MHz, they are
11 MHz wide and the lower edge of their signal is getting
into our audio subcarrier.
We are only protected to 2417 MHz as primary and above
that secondary. The FCC will protect our primary but not
our secondary part of the channel. Perhaps, I could move
down a bit but stay within our 17 MHz wide channel to
stay clear his QRM. The link was last year tried higher in
the band but QRM to either our 2441.5 MHz input or
QRM to Broadcast Auxillary Service (news links from
choppers and trucks to Santiago on ENG channel 8, 9,
and 10 took place so he went to 2424 MHz to cause the
least disruption and has declined to go to 5.2 GHz band
for the link.
And this from Mike's first email about the 434 MHz problem:
The 434 receiver works but we have intermod now due to
three LPTV station tied together on the same antenna with
less than required filtering. I am in contact with the offending
stations. I plan a trip as soon as it can be arrainged with the
various parties to resolve it. Perhaps for now I should just
unplug the 434 RX to stop the repeater chatter and
stations can use the 2.4 input.
Thank you Mike for keeping us informed.
Repairs Needed for the ATN-CA Repeaters
1.Establish link from Mt. Potosi
Mt. Wilson:
Oat Mtn.:
1. Replace plastic wire ties with appropriate fasteners.
2. Tune 2.4 GHz link dipole for better SWR. It would be a
good idea to sweep the 1200 MHz antenna at the same
time as well.
Santiago Peak:
1. Remove KC6UQH's call and Palomar from the W6ATN
repeatersID's (late spring early summer08when the new controller is installed)
2. Look into weak signal getting into one of the inputs.
3. Find intermittent receive problem for link from Oat Mtn..(1/24/09)