President Johnson convened the work session of the Colonial Board of School Directors at 7:35 p.m. in the Colonial Instructional Television (CITV) studios in Plymouth Whitemarsh High School (PWHS) on May 18, 2009.

Board Members Present: Lenore Bruno, Tom Davis, Gary Johnson, Kelly Jowett, Hope Luken, Steven Slutsky and Mitch Zimmer.

Board Members Absent: Susan Moore and Dr. William Ryan.

Also Attending: Dr. Vincent F. Cotter, Superintendent; Dr. MaryEllen Gorodetzer, Assistant Superintendent; Joseph P. Bickleman, Chief Financial Officer/Board Treasurer; Cassandra DeLong, Director of Pupil Services; Andrew Boegly, Chief Information Officer; Terry Yemm, Director of Operations; Richard Hartz, Director of Human Resources; John Quinn, Director of CITV; Kim Newell, Assistant Director of CITV; David M. Sherman, Community Relations Coordinator/Board Secretary; and students receiving awards, their friends and families.

Mr. Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance and announced that the Board had met in executive session on April 22, April 29, May 13 and May 18 to discuss legal and personnel issues. He added that the Board is scheduled to hold an executive session on May 21.

Mr. Johnson asked Dr. Cotter to present the students to be honored. Dr. Cotter introduced Music Department Chair Tonia Kaufman, who teamed with teachers Irene Guerriero and Amy Larue to present the music awards. Dr. Cotter then invited CITV teacher Chris McWilliams to the podium to present CITV students who won television production awards. Art teacher Candy Maggioncalda then presented students who were recognized for achievement in art and photography. See attachment A for a complete list of student award recipients.

Dr. Cotter added that a large number of students will be recognized for academic achievement on Thursday. He stated that District students on the elementary, middle and high school levels have enjoyed success in competing in regional, state and national competitions which speaks to the overall quality of the academic programs in the District.

Minutes: Mr. Johnson asked if Board members had any questions or comments on the minutes of the Board Work Session of April 13; the Finance Committee of April 15; the General Meeting of April 16; the Special Meeting of the Board on April 29 and the Human Resources Committee and the Community Relations and Student Life Committee of May 6. See enclosures #1 through #6. Mr. Johnson stated that the minutes of the Facilities Management and Transportation Committee of May 13; the Finance Committee of May 14 and the Curriculum Committee of May 18 should be available for review on Thursday evening. There were no questions or comments from the Board.

Financial Reports: Mr. Johnson asked Board members to examine the financial reports on the list for approval on Thursday evening. They included the Budget Transfers, the Bond Fund Report, the Capital Projects Report, the General Fund/Federal Program Bills, the Capital Reserve Fund, the Food Service Bills/Cafeteria Report, the Outstanding Investment Report, the Cash Flow Summary, the Comparison of Taxes Collected, the Real Estate Tax Escrow Report, the Reconciliation of Cash Accounts, the Budgetary/Deficit Status Report and the Treasurer’s Report for the month ending April 30 as shown in enclosures #7 through #18.

Public Comments on the Agenda: None.

Staff Report: Dr. Cotter reported that on Thursday evening, Plymouth Whitemarsh High School Principal Dr. Monica Sullivan will report on the Summer Bridge Program and the new Ninth Grade Orientation Program at the high school.

Old Business: None.

Correspondence: Mr. Johnson reported that the Board will act Thursday on a request to accept a $5,000 grant from the TD Bank Charitable Trust Foundation to be utilized toward the purchase of books, technology resources and to provide support to other worthwhile library programs at Conshohocken Elementary School. See enclosure #19.

Mr. Johnson stated that the Board will also act Thursday on the renewal of dues to the Pennsylvania School Boards Association for the 2009-2010 school year. See enclosure #20. Mr. Johnson noted that there would be no increase from the current dues.

Superintendent’s Report: Dr. Cotter led Board members through his report that included the Personnel Report and Substitute List, and the Extra Duty/Extra Pay List. See enclosures #21 and #22. He stated that the Personnel Report and Substitute List contains 22 actions including three resignations, five leaves of absence, five returns from leave, one new position, three completed assignments, two extensions of assignment, two replacements and an awarded contract. He added that there were five substitutes included. Dr. Cotter reported that there was one coaching assistant at Colonial Middle School and a weight room supervisor at PWHS listed on the Extra Duty/Extra Pay List.

New Business: Mr. Johnson reported that on Thursday the Board would elect a Treasurer for the 2009-2010 school year. He stated that the Pennsylvania School Code requires School Boards to do so during the month of May each year. He noted that Joe Bickleman is recommended at an annual rate of $9,984.

Mr. Johnson also noted that the Board is required by the Pennsylvania School Code to establish a salary for the Board Secretary for the 2009-2010 school year. He stated that the salary is recommended to be $4,888.

Mr. Johnson stated that Board Policy #004.1 and Administrative Regulation #004.1 required the Board to appoint two student representatives to the Board. He added that Stephen Pepper and Stacey Wong were recommended, and that the Board will interview them prior to Thursday’s meeting.

Mr. Slutsky reported that the Board would act Thursday on the adoption of a Proposed Final Budget for the 2009-2010 school year. See enclosure #23. He stated that there were some revisions from the 2009-2010 Preliminary Budget, including a reduction in the Pennsylvania Tax Relief Revenue Account and an increase in the number of homesteads/farmsteads qualifying for tax relief. He added that the new tax relief calculation results in an assessment reduction of $248. Mr. Slutsky also noted that the estimated Fund Balance for June 30, 2009 was reduced to $10,233,825. He stated that the Proposed Final Budget totals $92,852,000 which includes a tax increase of 2.0 percent. He stated that the increase is considerably lower than increases reported by other school districts throughout the county and surrounding area. Mr. Slutsky emphasized that the Proposed Final Budget is a balanced budget as previous budgets have been. He added that the $10,233,825 Fund Balance is a result of the financial prudence exercised by the District and stressed that the District is on solid financial footing. Mr. Slutsky stated that the budget is available for public viewing on the District’s Web site or by requesting a copy in the administrative office.

Mr. Slutsky stated that the Board would also act Thursday on the designation of one or more banks to serve as depositories for school funds per the Pennsylvania School Code. He added that Wachovia is interested in continuing to serve as the District depository.

Mr. Slutsky reported that another action item for the Board on Thursday is the approval of a list of investment banks, savings and loans and trusts recommended for solicitation of interest rates on school investments during the 2009-2010 school year. See enclosure #24. He emphasized that despite the current downturn in the economy the District funds are extraordinarily safe.

Mr. Slutsky stated that the Board would also act Thursday on the recommendation to continue using Barbacane Thornton to conduct an annual audit of the District’s finances. See enclosure #25. He stated that the firm is quite thorough in its review. Mr. Slutsky stated that there would be no rate increase for the coming year.

Mr. Johnson stated that Board action is needed on Thursday to approve the list of preliminary federal program allocations for the 2009-2010 school year. See enclosure #26.

Mr. Johnson reported that the Board is requested to act on several special education issues on Thursday. They include a Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Special Education Cost Plan in the amount of $850,000 for the 2009-2010 school year, see enclosure #27; two renewal contracts with the Lincoln Center at a total cost of $860,428, see enclosure #28 and a negotiated settlement agreement and renewal contract.

Mrs. Luken stated that Board action is requested Thursday on several contracts. The first is a renewal of the AESOP, automated substitute caller and attendance management system for the 2009-2010 school year. See enclosure #29. The second is a renewal of the license for My Learning Plan for instructional users at a cost of $7,155. See enclosure #30. Third is a renewal of the Connect Ed caller system at a cost of $3.00 per student annually. See enclosure #31. Mrs. Luken noted that a three-year contract is sought. The fourth and final contract is an annual agreement with Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit for data processing services at a cost of $42,318. See enclosure #32.

Mr. Davis stated that the Board is asked to act Thursday on one conference request. The request is for PWHS nurse Ceil Manta to attend the National Association of School Nursing Conference in Boston, Mass. from June 25-28. See enclosure #33.

Mr. Zimmer reported that Board action is needed on Thursday regarding three field trip requests. The first is for one PWHS student to attend the Best Buddies Conference in Bloomington, Ind. See enclosure #34. He noted that attendance at the conference is mandated under the organization’s charter. He also stated that appropriate permission and waiver forms have been received from the parents. The second request is for the Conshohocken Elementary School second grade to attend the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, N.J., on May 26. See enclosure #35. Costs are assumed by the parents. The final request is for a Colonial Elementary School Odyssey of the Mind Team to attend the OM World Competition in Ames, Iowa from May 27-30. See enclosure #36. All costs are paid by the participants.

Mr. Johnson stated that the Board would take action Thursday on a resolution approving an Act 319 Trail Easement regarding the Erdenheim Farm property that is being preserved as open space.

Mr. Johnson report that two bids require Board action on Thursday. The first is for a series of instructional items. See enclosures #37 through #43. The second is for the replacement of an emergency generator in PWHS. Mr. Yemm explained that there were two emergency generators in the

high school and the one to be replaced is in the east wing. He reported that the generator to be replaced

is 55 years old and can no longer be repaired. Mr. Johnson stated that the recommended vendor is Barry J. Hoffman at a cost of $36,484. He stated that copies of both bids are available for public inspection.

Solicitor’s Report: None.

Committee Reports: None

Public Comment: None.

There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

David M. Sherman

Board Secretary