Week 1

Just like you did in the first week of last semester, it is important now to set-up a solid schedule of good habits that will help you be successful in your classes during this semester, as well. Complete the below items this week and check them off as you finish each task listed here.

  • Read the syllabus for each of your classes and mark all the due dates for the different assignments in a calendar. Keep this calendar updated and in a visible place where you can see it daily. This will help you plan your time and see in advance any upcoming projects that are due so you can prepare accordingly.
  • Using the below grid, track what you do everyday during the first week of school. This will help you determine blocks of time where you have available to study, as well as any time wasters that could interfere with your learning.

Activities / Weekly Total
a. How much time did you use the whole week for sleep?
b. How much time did you need to groom (shower, comb hair, brush
teeth, etc.)?
c. How much time did you use the whole week to prepare and eat
d. How much time did you work the whole week, including travel
e. How much time did you need to attend classes, including
commuting time?
f. How much time did you spend for regularly scheduled events
(church, organizations, etc.)?
g. How much time did you spend socializing with friends, including
phone and computer?
h. How much time did you spend for relaxing?
Total hours for A-F (not including G or H) / =
There are 168 hours in a week (24x7). Subtract the total hours you used for the activities A-F above from 168. The remainder is the number of hours you have available for studying ------> / =
Total hours for G-H represent “time wasters.” Try to keep these time wasters to a minimum and under control. This is where students typically have problems with time management. By minimizing G-H, your schedule has more time for studying!
  • In order to get a feeling for the opportunity to worship freely at GCU and to participate as a member of the Christian community on campus, attend Chapel in the Arena (Mondays at 10:45 am).

Journal Reflection- In the space below, please briefly answer each of the prompt questions.

  1. What do you plan on doing differently this semester than you did last semester? What have you learned about being a better student?
  1. What was the message from Chapel this week and how can you integrate that idea into your daily life?