Genetics Lesson Module

Introduction: Modern technology is changing the way we look at genetics by: increasing our knowledge of the human genome, new tests for genetic disorders, and giving us new tools to solve crimes. Everyday the field of genetics is growing as scientists find new and novel ways of applying the methods and technology that modern molecular genetics has given us.

Grade Levels: 6-9

Standards and Benchmarks:

Lesson Plan 1- Introduction to DNA- Function and Structure (Standard 2.4, 3.1, 3.2)

Lesson Plan 2- Homozygous and Heterozygous Traits- Create-a-Kid or Create-a-Monster Activities

Lesson Plan 3- Human Genetics- Looking at your own traits

Lesson Plan 4- DNA Mutations- Become a Genetic Counselor

Lesson Plan 5- Karyotyping Scavenger Hunt

Lesson Plan 6- Wyoming CSI- The Case of the Crown Jewels

Overall Objectives:

  1. Appreciation of the technology used to study genetics
  2. Awareness of genetic disorders
  3. Understanding of homozygous and heterozygous traits
  4. Understanding what a karyotype is
  5. Appreciation of DNA testing and its use to solve crimes

Expectations of prior knowledge: Cell structure and function

Estimated Time: 5-6 class periods

Standards Covered by this Lesson Module

Standard 1.2- Levels of Organization in Living Systems: Students model the cell as the basic unit of a living system. They realize that all functions that sustain life act within a single cell and cells differentiate into specialized cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.

Standard 2.1- Students research scientific information and present findings through appropriate means.

Standard 2.2- Students use inquiry to conduct scientific investigations.

• Ask questions that lead to conducting an investigation

• Collect, organize, and analyze and appropriately represent data.

• Draw conclusions based on evidence and make connections to applied scientific concepts.

• Clearly and accurately communicate the result of the investigation.

Standard 2.3- Students clearly and accurately communicate the result of their own work, as well as information obtained from other sources.

Standard 2.4- Students recognize the relationship between science and technology in meeting human needs.

Standard 3.1-Students explore the nature and history of science.

A. Students explore how scientific knowledge changes and grows over time, and impacts personal and social decisions.

B. Students explore the historical use of scientific information to make personal and social decisions.

Standard 3.2-Students explore how scientific information is used to make decisions.

A. The role of science in solving personal, local, and national problems

B. Interdisciplinary connections of the sciences and connections to other subject areas and careers in science or technical fields

C. Origins and conservation of natural resources, including Wyoming examples

Lesson Plan 1: DNA- Function and Structure

Objectives: The students will be able to describe DNA and have an introduction to the study of genetics.

Materials and Preparation: Reading materials and worksheets, pen or pencil

Reading material: From the Blueprint to You (NIH Publication 12 pages), companion worksheet for the reading activity, and activity worksheet (What’s your DNA alias?)

Background Information:

Reading materials: From the Blueprint to You (NIH Publication 12 pages) is a reading assignment that is a brief guide to genetics and current research in this field. This activity covers a great deal of information and the teacher should feel free to pick passages from the reading assignment that are age appropriate for their class.

Detailed Description of the Activities:

Activity 1: Teachers can either read From the Blueprint to You to the students or break the students into groups to read the article. The students can each read a paragraph aloud to their groups. While they are reading they will complete Activity 1:From the Blueprint to You Worksheet. Activity 1 will be assessed by completing the companion worksheet for the reading activity.

Activity 2: Then the students will work on the ‘What’s Your DNA Alias?’ worksheet. The teacher will have the students write their DNA alias on the board. The students will then compare their DNA alias to the rest of the class.

Attention Getting Questions for Students: What makes you different from everyone else? Does anyone in the class share a common characteristic with you, such as hair or eye color? How much of our visual appearance is dependent on our DNA?

Further discussion questions:

If you could be tested for a gene that caused a serious disease (like one that causes Alzheimer’s) would you want to be tested? What are the implications to your health, family, and insurance if you test positive for a disease gene? How similar is your alias to the rest of the class? Does anyone in the class have the same exact alias?

Lesson Plan 2: Homozygous and Heterozygous Traits- Create-a-Kid or Create-a-Monster Activities

Objectives: Students will learn the difference between a homozygous and heterozygous trait. Students will understand alleles, genotypes, and phenotypes.

Materials and Preparation: Worksheet (Create-a-Kid or Create-a-Monster), pencil or pen, markers/color pencils, and two pennies per student

Background Information:

Definitions of key words (from The Penguin Dictionary of Biology, 10th edition):

Allele-different sequences of genetic information occupying the same gene locus.

Genotype-genetic constitution of a cell or individual, as distinct from its phenotype

Phenotype-total appearance of an organism, determined by interaction during development between its genotype and environment

Homozygous-any locus in a diploid cell, organism, ect, is said to be homozygous when the two alleles at that locus are identical. (For example AA or aa)

Heterozygous-designating a locus, or organisms, at which the two representatives (alleles) in any diploid cell are different. (For example Aa)

Locus-position on a homologous chromosomes occupied, normally throughout a species population, by those genes which determine the state of a particular phenotypic character.

Dominate trait- a trait that is completely dominate to another when it is expressed equally in the homozygous or heterozygous conditions. (For example Aa or AA)

Recessive trait- only expressed when the genes determining them are homozygous. (For example aa)

Description of the Activities:

Activity: The teacher will choose to have the students do the Create-a-Kid or Create-a-Monster activity. Students will simulate the inheritance of alleles for physical traits and use those traits to create either a human face or a monster.

Extension Ideas: Discussion questions for the students.

Do any of the faces look the same? If they do not, what features are different? Do any of the monsters look the same? On the other hand, are they all different? Determine which of the traits for your kid or monster are dominate and which traits are recessive.
Lesson Plan 3: Human Genetics- Looking at Your Own Traits

Objectives: The students will learn about human traits. They will learn about dominate and recessive traits. The students will also learn about population genetics.

Materials and Preparation: Students will read ‘It’s all in the genes’ and then complete a human genetics survey on their own traits. P.T.C. paper is needed for the genetics survey.

Background Information: See lesson two for the definition of dominate and recessive traits.

Description of the Activities: The students will read, “It’s all in the Genes” from Human Genetics, Concepts and Applications, 2nd edition, Ricki Lewis. They will then complete their own human genetics survey. Modified from:

Once the students have completed their survey the teacher will go down the list of traits and have the students raise their hands if they have a particular trait. The students will then determine the percentage of students in the class who had a particular trait.

Attention Getting Questions for Students: How alike are we? How different are we from each other? Are there traits that everyone shares? If so, can you name them?

Extension Ideas: Discussion questions for the students.

For each trait determine the percentage of students who had that trait. What other traits could be added to the trait list? Determine the class numbers who have the trait that you have described. Compare your class results to all of the other students who are taking the science class. Determine if the percentage of students with a particular trait change between classes.

Lesson Plan 4: DNA Mutations- Become a Genetic Counselor

Objectives: The students will become familiar with various genetic conditions.

Materials and Preparation: Worksheet (Lesson 2 Mini Symposium Worksheet), access to internet or library

Mini reading assignments from Human Genetics, Concepts and Applications, Second Edition, Ricki Lewis, Genetics Symposium worksheet (Modified from )

Background Information: For this lesson, students will complete four mini reading assignments that will expose them to a variety of genetic concepts. They will also participate in a mini-symposium on genetic disorders.

Description of the Activities:

Activity 1: The students will be put into groups (or asked to work alone) and given the mini-reading assignments. They will be asked to discuss and answer a series of questions about each reading activity. After each group has discussed the mini-readings, the teacher should lead the class in a discussion of the answers the students have to the mini-readings.

Activity 2: Then each student or group of students will be assigned a genetic condition to research (modified from The teacher either assign the condition to each student or have the students pick the condition they want to work on. They will have to give a brief 3-5 minute oral presentation about their genetic condition. Finally, each student will write a brief report about his or her genetic condition.

Attention Getting Questions for Students: We have discussed how genes affect our physical traits. What happens when our genes give us traits that cause disease?

Extension Ideas: Discussion questions for the students.

Mini-reading assignments-

“Dogs and Cats”- Do you think that artificial selection has helped, or hurt dogs

and cats?

“Curious Fragile X Syndrome”- What kind of features does a Fragile X person


“Colorblindness”- What kind of colorblindness did John Dalton have? Do you

know anyone who is color blind? What would a person who is

color blind have to overcome to function in our society?

“The Sun is a Monster”- How will Katie’s disorder affect the rest of her life?

What precautions will she have to take?

Lesson Plan 5: Karyotyping Scavenger Hunt

Objectives: Students will learn about karyotyping and diseases that are caused by abnormal karyotypes.

Materials and Preparation: Worksheets (Karyotype worksheet and Student Karyotyping), pencil/pen, access to library/internet

Background Information: Definitions and background information sheets for teachers to use.

Description of the Activities:

Activity: The teacher will go over the human karyotype presentation with the students. The students will learn the key terms for karyotypes. The presentation will also show the students the karyotypes of a normal male and female. Then the students will see karyotypes from people who have various karyotype abnormalities. By the end of the presentation the students should be able to identify an abnormal karyotype. Then the students will be asked to complete a scavenger hunt activity on karyotyping. This activity will be assessed on the completeness of the students scavenger hunt.

Attention Getting Ideas for Students: How is DNA stored? How many chromosomes does a human have? What is the difference between male and female chromosomes?

Extension Ideas: Discussion Questions for the students

What does the female karyotype look like? What does the male karyotype look like? Do you think that karyotyping is an important technology to identify genetic problems? What medical problems would individuals with these karyotypes face? Can you find the karyotypes for animals other than humans (such as dogs, cats, and horses)? How are they different from human karyotypes?

Lesson Plan 6:CSI Wyoming- The case of the Crown Jewels


  • Identify a need for DNA restriction analysis
  • Model the concept of DNA restriction analysis
  • Apply DNA restriction analysis to the identification of DNA fragments
  • Work cooperatively to analyze the results of the DNA restriction analysis

Materials and Preparation:Adapted for middle school students from: See the Case of the Crown Jewels Background worksheet for teachers.

Materials needed:

Five scissors

Five sets of envelopes labeled Suspect #1, Suspect #2, Suspect #3, Suspect #4, and Crime Scene DNA

Instructions for each envelope (labeled DNA Instructions)

Five rolls of tape

Five poster-size charts as shown on the DNA Instructions sheet

Background Information: See the Case of the Crown Jewels Background worksheet for teachers.

Description of the Activities: Students will follow the instructions for the Case of the Crown Jewels activity to determine which of four suspects stole the jewels.

Attention Getting Questions for Students: How many of you watch CSI? Today you will be the forensic expert and solve a crime.

Extension Ideas: Have the students find article in the new paper where they use DNA to solve a crime.

Discussion questions: This process is often referred to as DNA fingerprinting. Why do you think this term is used? Why use DNA as evidence? What purpose do restriction enzymes serve? Does a match of the suspect DNA fragments with the crime DNA fragments mean the suspect is guilty? Why or why not?

Extension Activities

1. Genetic Timeline- Teachers can select from the genetic timeline events that are covered in the lesson plan to create a time line around their classroom. This activity will help the students realized that the scientific process takes years and is not accomplished over night. This activity could also be done by asking to students to create their own timeline of major events in the study of genetics.

Website for Genetic Timeline:

2. Bikini Bottom Genetics- These worksheets are included in the module are a review for the students of genetic terminology and calculations.

Website for Bikini Bottom Genetics:

4. Isolating DNA- See worksheets at end of lesson module.

5. Running a Gel- See worksheets at end of lesson module.

6. Haplotype Testing- Ancestor testing of the students so that they can learn about current technology used in molecular biology. Individual students will not receive their own results, instead the class will learn the percentages of students who’s ancestors came from a given area.

Additional Background Information and Resources

Additional background information:

Genomics and Its Impact on Science and Society, The Human Genome Project and Beyond, U.S. Department of Energy Genome Programs:

Unit Handouts:

Lesson 1- Blueprint to you reading activity and worksheet

What’s your DNA alias? Worksheet

Lesson 2-Create-a-Kid or Create-a-Monster worksheets

Lesson 3- “It’s all in the Genes” from Human Genetics, Concepts and Applications, 2nd

Ricki Lewis, Human Genetics Survey worksheet, modified from:

Lesson 4- Mini reading assignments from Human Genetics, Concepts and Applications, Second Edition, Ricki Lewis, Genetics Symposium worksheet (Modified from )

Lesson 5- Karyotyping definitions worksheet and presentation for teachers, Karyotyping scavenger hunt worksheet for students.

Lesson 6- Case of the Crown Jewels Background worksheet for teachers adapted from:

Definitions for key words: The Penguin Dictionary of Biology, 10th edition



Activity 1: From the Blueprint to You Worksheet

What does DNA stand for?

Draw a picture of DNA.

What is a Genome?

Between two humans how identical, is their DNA?

How much variation allows for millions of possible differences?

What are Proteins?

Name the four nucleotide “bases” that make up DNA:

What nucleotide is substituted for URACIL in mRNA?

How many amino acids are there?

Draw a picture of how proteins are made. Then describe the process in your own words.

What is the Human Genome Project?

How long did it take to sequence the entire human genome?

Define the following and use each of these words in a sentence:










Teacher: Joan E. Bennett

Subject: Human Diversity

Grade Level(s): 7 8 9 10

Target Audience: Biology I, Life Science

Materials Needed: white paper, colored pencils, markers

Class Time: 45 minutes

Brief Summary: Students flip a pair of coins to determine what genotype and what phenotype their child will have for 29 given traits. They then draw a picture of their kid based on their coin flip phenotypes.

Student Objective(s): Students will learn the difference between a genotype and a phenotype. They will demonstrate that recombination of gametes (coins) will result in the formation of unique individuals.

Integration (tying it all together): Discussion Questions: 1.) Does your child resemble anyone else's in class? Why or why not? 2.) Can you think of instances in your family or a friend where the offspring look very different from the parents? 3.) What do you think would happen to the variety of children if we made one parent homozygous dominant (or recessive) for all the traits?

Description of Activities: 1.) Give each student a worksheet, a packet containing the 29 trait descriptions, and a piece of white paper. 2.) Help them determine the sex of their child by having them flip their 2 coins. A head/tail combination will represent a female and a head/tail combination will represent a male. 3.) Then demonstrate the first flip for face shape and show them how to draw that on their paper to begin creating their kid. 4.) Have them work in groups of two as they work through the 29 flips to create their child. 5.) Hang the finished pictures and discuss what this lab has shown them.