10am – 8pm

Saturday 27th September 2008

The Assembly Rooms, High Street, Glastonbury, Somerset, UK

Dear Friend,Date as postmark / email

We are so excited to be able to announce this Crystal Skull ‘Mini’ Conference.

It is also our great pleasure to be able to have Joshua Shapiro with us for what we hope will be an amazing event.

Our aim is to allow you to come and experience a taste of what we plan to present as a 2 or 3 day Crystal Skull Festival here in 2009.

Many skull caretakers and lightworkers have felt for a long time that an event like this should be brought to the UK, and what better place to bring all these beautiful beings and energies together than in Glastonbury? Considered by many to be ‘the heart centre’.

It is intended that this day will bring many crystal skull caretakers together with their respective ‘skull families’ to share information, meditations, experiences and music through working with these amazing creations. The format of the day will include the opportunity to sit and listen to a number of speakers and there will also be a couple of meditations along with some sound work at various points throughout the day. There will also be opportunity for questions and answers with the speakers at the end of each talk, but most importantly you will have time to interact with the caretakers present and their amazing crystal friends, so that you can experience for yourself the essence of the crystal skulls.

Confirmed Speakers are as follows: -

Joshua Shapiro – Opening. Including the Crystal Skull Festival song, setting the energies for the day and introducing the other speakers.

This will be followed by a lecture and slide show from Joshua

Sue Kitts – Will share with us how to connect, activate and work with Crystal Skulls

White Elk Woman – Sharing experiences of living & working with Crystal Skulls and their off-world counterparts, plus the story and energies of the Crystal Skull Message Cards

Other confirmed Caretakers present on the day: -

Wendy (Arctres) - and her skull Chuen-Blue Monkey

Martine Alexis – a local caretaker, clairvoyant and healer

Kim Mustoe - has over 80Crystal Skulls, the majorityof which have worked with the Mitchell-Hedges Skull

Felicity Gabriel – Healer, Counsellor, Transpersonal & Clinical Hypnotherapist and Guardian to 40 Crystal Skulls

Gillian Ellis - Guardian and channeller of many skulls, including being Co –guardian of an Ancient Jade Skeleton; AS-K-RA

The Speakers - will be bringing some of their own Crystal Skulls (Heads) and they will be available to interact with throughout the day

Although there is some kind of ‘plan’ to the day, it may well just take its own course, as is often the case when ‘working’ with the Crystal Skull Collective - things can just simply unfold in all manner of wonderful and unexpected ways. All we hope from you is that you will allow yourself to enter with an open heart and mind and share with us in what we expect to be a fantastic day of love, light & crystal skull consciousness

There will be an on site café serving reasonably priced refreshments plus hand made falafels and cakes (some organic, vegan & gluten free). If this does not suit your tastes then you are in the centre of town and free to take your pick of a number of other ‘eateries’.

Please note-the venue can only be accessed by stairs / steps.

We anticipate this being a very popular event and seats will be limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Please fill out the Booking Form attached to secure your space/s. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Thank You.

If you have any queries regarding content / suitability / bookings please call Sharon on 01634 – 270307 or email

Alternatively you can contact the person that sent you this information. You should also be receiving a further attachment with profiles of those attending, along with relevant websites and further contact details.

Please note - With new laws in place we will be bringing a disclaimer for you to read and sign before the conference commences. If you would like to see this before booking, please email on the above address. Thank You

If we are forced to cancel for any reason, either a full refund will be given or an alternative date/venue.

If you are unable to attend the event for any reason a refund can only be made if we are able to re-book your place.

Love, Light & Unity from The Crystal Skull Conference Team

To book your place... Please detach along the dotted line, fill out and return the part of the form below. Thank You


Please return this booking slip as soon as possible along with payment (ideally by 31st August). Places must be booked in Advance please.


I would like to book …… place/s for the Crystal Skull ‘Mini’ Conference September 27th 2008

Name/s. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Contact number/s…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


The Conference Cost - £40 per person

I enclose a cheque/postal order for the total amount of £….……. Made payable to: White Elk Woman

Signed ……………………………………………………………Dated.……………………………….

Please return booking form and payment ASAP to the following address: Mystic Mouse. PO Box 33, Rochester, Kent. ME1 9EL