- You joined the Main Room. ( 12:33 PM ) -
- Your chat permission has been enabled. ( 12:33 PM ) -
- Junita Lyon joined the Main Room. ( 12:37 PM ) -
- David Willis\ joined the Main Room. ( 12:44 PM ) -
12:45 PM
Hi David
Hello Christine
12:45 PM
David Willis\
12:45 PM
Hi all
12:46 PM
there's a few things that will load when you come in...might take a moment
- Sue joined the Main Room. ( 12:47 PM ) -
- Liz Diamond joined the Main Room. ( 12:47 PM ) -
- Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker joined the Main Room. ( 12:48 PM ) -
Catherine Devlin
12:48 PM
To test audio Tools / Audio / Audio Setup Wizard
12:49 PM
hi Liz...Veronica
- Joan Halliday joined the Main Room. ( 12:49 PM ) -
Junita Lyon
12:50 PM
Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker
12:50 PM
Hi everyone
Catherine Devlin
12:50 PM
We can hear you Veronica
Junita Lyon
12:50 PM
12:50 PM
can hear you :-)
Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker
12:50 PM
Ok I can't hear you guys
Liz Diamond
12:52 PM
HI all. just oof to grab a coffee before we start
12:52 PM
Catherine Devlin
12:52 PM
Nice idea Liz
- Pierce J joined the Main Room. ( 12:53 PM ) -
12:53 PM
she's a wonder!!!
12:53 PM
Catherine Devlin
12:54 PM
Yes, a wonder all right
Junita Lyon
12:54 PM
Pierce J
12:54 PM
12:55 PM
yikes! OPen up the side doors eh?
Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker
12:55 PM
There already open
12:55 PM
Junita Lyon
12:55 PM
- Sue 1 joined the Main Room. ( 12:55 PM ) -
- Ian Hall (Pineview Residental Care) joined the Main Room. ( 12:56 PM ) -
- Theo Utzinger joined the Main Room. ( 12:56 PM ) -
- Peter Opitz joined the Main Room. ( 12:56 PM ) -
Junita Lyon
12:56 PM
Hi everyone
- Sally joined the Main Room. ( 12:56 PM ) -
Pierce J
12:56 PM
if your audio can be switch from webcam to headphones how about line in
- Keith pita joined the Main Room. ( 12:57 PM ) -
Peter Opitz
12:57 PM
Hi everybody, lovely day today
Catherine Devlin
12:57 PM
Hi Peter
12:57 PM
hello Peter...where are you joining us from?
Pierce J
12:57 PM
sure I just look at the audio and line in is an option
Junita Lyon
12:57 PM
beautiful here but inside working had a bad storm last night I am in Bairnsdale
Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker
12:57 PM
Hi Peter it certainly is a beautiful day in Qld
12:58 PM
you can also do it ith a stereo set up
- Sue 1 left the Main Room. ( 12:58 PM ) -
Peter Opitz
12:58 PM
why am I not surprised Veronica
12:58 PM
Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker
12:58 PM
Peter Opitz
12:59 PM
12:59 PM
Hi Sue - did you get in OK?
Is your headset working ok?
12:59 PM
Junita Lyon
12:59 PM
All shy
Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker
12:59 PM
Cut out the old bit
12:59 PM
12:59 PM
haha !
12:59 PM
Yea I'm fine I can hear okay just distracted!
Peter Opitz
12:59 PM
12:59 PM
Excellent - enjoy - bye all
- Sally left the Main Room. ( 1:00 PM ) -
Keith pita
1:00 PM
Hi All from Toronto
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
what's the time there?
1:00 PM
late eh?
1:00 PM
Keith pita
1:00 PM
Toronto NSW
Catherine Devlin
1:00 PM
- Beryl Sales joined the Main Room. ( 1:01 PM ) -
Catherine Devlin
1:01 PM
They're all advanced here
- Vivian Evans joined the Main Room. ( 1:01 PM ) -
- Mark Ahn joined the Main Room. ( 1:01 PM ) -
- normintura joined the Main Room. ( 1:01 PM ) -
Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker
1:01 PM
Hi Viv
Catherine Devlin
1:01 PM
hee he
Vivian Evans
1:02 PM
- Kate Orr joined the Main Room. ( 1:02 PM ) -
Liz Diamond
1:02 PM
Junita Lyon
1:02 PM
Hi Viv
Vivian Evans
1:03 PM
I am interested to see Jing as I use lots of other screen capture tools but have not used Jing
Junita Lyon
1:04 PM
Me too Vivian I have heard it is good
Catherine Devlin
1:04 PM
Peter Opitz
1:04 PM
settle there Catherine, just about to click it and you altered it
1:05 PM
Pierce J
1:05 PM
how about A and B?
Catherine Devlin
1:05 PM
Trust you Pierce
1:05 PM
Vivian Evans
1:05 PM
Just choose one Pierce
and we are aware now with the chat :-)
1:05 PM
Pierce J
1:05 PM
will be starting windows 8 next term
Ian Hall (Pineview Residental Care)
1:05 PM
1:06 PM
Joan Halliday
1:06 PM
1:06 PM
Google Earth
1:06 PM
Printing webmails
- Mervyn Hayman-Danker joined the Main Room. ( 1:07 PM ) -
Vivian Evans
1:08 PM
Everyone is shy today Georgina :-)
- Doreen Pitman 2 joined the Main Room. ( 1:09 PM ) -
Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker
1:09 PM
I cant hear Liz
Mark Ahn
1:09 PM
Email, emails photos attached
Mervyn Hayman-Danker
1:09 PM
Sorry I was late in setting up!
Catherine Devlin
1:09 PM
No worries Mervyn
Liz Diamond
1:09 PM
Sorry if my mic is not working - I have been having trouble with it
Vivian Evans
1:10 PM
Excellent Liz great resources with How to Sheets Tricky though as websites do update ad change rapidly. I like using Screenr to create videos
1:10 PM
Vivian Evans
1:10 PM
Good idea Peter
Junita Lyon
1:10 PM
I use screenr as well love it great for step by step for visual learners
Ian Hall (Pineview Residental Care)
1:11 PM
B)Print screen (r)
Vivian Evans
1:11 PM
screenr good too that it has a 5 minute limit
then not toooo long
1:11 PM
1:11 PM
the snipping tool in 7 is good too!
Vivian Evans
1:12 PM
it can be hard to explain an error so showing participants how to do a screen capture tool to report errors as Peter suggested
Junita Lyon
1:12 PM
The snipping tool is a fantastic tool I
Vivian Evans
1:12 PM
i a great idea
Catherine Devlin
1:12 PM
Did that recently with someone who couldn't log into one of our sites - only to discover they were on a completely different website
Vivian Evans
1:13 PM
Capturing brainstorming in a virtual classroom like here and now
Junita Lyon
1:13 PM
I also use the snipping tool email attachment and sent snips straight to colleagues
Pierce J
1:14 PM
print screen will only capture the enitre window/screen - nothing outside of the current view
Mervyn Hayman-Danker
1:15 PM
Is there anything available for Tablets- iPad etc! Have great interest and therefore need help to make our clients awareof the easy way to manage their computer needs!
Theo Utzinger
1:15 PM
Pierce J
1:15 PM
print screen is only at screen resolution
Keith pita
1:15 PM
Alt + Print screen will capture the active window instead of the full screen
Pierce J
1:16 PM
i think the ipad version is the power button and the down volume at the same tine?
Vivian Evans
1:16 PM
Yes mine looks like prt sc - it is weird that it doesn't acknowledge that anything happens
Theo Utzinger
1:16 PM
iPad http://thehowto.wikidot.com/print-ipad-screen
Junita Lyon
1:16 PM
Mervyn you know if you press the start button on the start button and on off button on your ipad it will screen capture
Liz Diamond
1:17 PM
My screen came up with a notice that my complentary Snagit had expired
Catherine Devlin
1:17 PM
For MAC Apple key ⌘ + Shift + 3
Or 4 to capture an area
1:17 PM
Pierce J
1:17 PM
Alt+Print Screen will capture the ative window
Junita Lyon
1:17 PM
my message sounded garbled excuse me
Mervyn Hayman-Danker
1:18 PM
Thanks - however being a Mac user - shift/3 whole screen or Sfift/4 to select!
Keith pita
1:18 PM
hold down Alt and then tap the Prt Scr button
Junita Lyon
1:18 PM
I meant if you click the start button and on off button at same time on IPad you will take a screen cut
Pierce J
1:18 PM
i use IrfanView
Keith pita
1:19 PM
I use Irfanview too
Junita Lyon
1:19 PM
My friend showed me irfanview yesterday Pierce it was very easy
Catherine Devlin
1:19 PM
Vivian Evans
1:19 PM
(01)I put mine into word
Pierce J
1:19 PM
i use word if i don't need to edit the image
1:20 PM
Can't find clipboard
Vivian Evans
1:20 PM
www.screenr.com for creating screen capture videos
Pierce J
1:20 PM
clipboard is another name for where things are stored when you copy them
1:20 PM
Pierce J
1:21 PM
before you paste
Keith pita
1:21 PM
The clipboard is just an area of memory. You don't 'see' it as such. You Cut/copy to it and then Paste from it. Pasting is like a rubber stamp
Vivian Evans
1:21 PM
Step 1 - select Print Screen button
Pierce J
1:21 PM
the clipboard is temporary memory
Vivian Evans
1:21 PM
Step 2 - Go to Start menu, select program e.g. Word
Step 3 Right click and paste in the word program
1:21 PM
Junita Lyon
1:22 PM
Vivian Evans
1:22 PM
You should see an image on your document
Catherine Devlin
1:23 PM
Junita Lyon
1:23 PM
downloading irfanview B)
Vivian Evans
1:23 PM
I use the Snipping tool daily for all sorts of reasons
Print screen makes large files
1:23 PM
Liz Diamond
1:23 PM
beware of the red teddies Junita
Pierce J
1:24 PM
(win 7) Start > Search box > (type) snip
1:24 PM
oh great
that's helpful
1:24 PM
Junita Lyon
1:24 PM
love snipping tool create a PPT and add a heap of photos and make a collage add a logo then snip instant cool photo for advertising
David Willis\
1:25 PM
Great utility
Keith pita
1:25 PM
It only came out with Vista
Pierce J
1:25 PM
you've also got the screen shot tool in blackboard
Vivian Evans
1:26 PM
All programs/Accessories/Snipping tool
Junita Lyon
1:26 PM
Drag it out onto your task area
Also if you are adding a photo to your PPT just right click copy then paste straight to PPT without clogging up your computer
1:28 PM
Pierce J
1:28 PM
thumbs up to that
Alt +Print Screen and paste to PPT
1:28 PM
Junita Lyon
1:28 PM
So you dont have to save it to your computer but can still use the picture
Vivian Evans
1:29 PM
Here is a link to a video on how to use the snipping tool on Youtube (WARNING an add plays loudly at start) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIDRXlmifiU&feature=related
Junita Lyon
1:29 PM
I use it to make headings for our newsletter by using PTT and snipping tool
- Joy joined the Main Room. ( 1:29 PM ) -
Catherine Devlin
1:30 PM
Glamour queen
Peter Opitz
1:30 PM
Veronica Currie Qld/ACT Networker
1:30 PM
Excellent ta
Mervyn Hayman-Danker
1:31 PM
good tool(y)
Junita Lyon
1:31 PM
Have a bit of fun with it
Catherine Devlin
1:31 PM
That looks like a shark
Liz Diamond
1:31 PM
and if snip is not in my accessories?
1:32 PM
Catherine Devlin
1:32 PM
What are you using Liz?
Liz Diamond
1:32 PM
Peter Opitz
1:33 PM
I have Faststone on here, no Snipper tool
Liz Diamond
1:33 PM
I have only 8 things to choose from in my accessories
Catherine Devlin
1:33 PM
You have to download it I think Liz - check here: http://xpsnipping.codeplex.com/releases/view/55484
Liz Diamond
1:34 PM
OK thanks
1:34 PM
Vivian Evans
1:35 PM
Sometimes I use a combination of Print Screen and then use the snipping tool to show that
i.e. to use menus
1:35 PM
Junita Lyon
1:35 PM
You can bring them in as a image
Vivian Evans
1:35 PM
You Save on the snipping tool
Keith pita
1:36 PM
A good source for safe free snipping (screen capture) tools is Gizmos at http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-screen-capture-tool.htm
Junita Lyon
1:36 PM
good thinking 99
1:36 PM
Liz Diamond
1:36 PM
1:36 PM
screen hunter
include mouse
1:36 PM
gif png jpeg
1:37 PM
me too
1:38 PM
Pierce J
1:38 PM
i see you can use the snip tool to capture an active window, however it can't capture the start menu as it is only acitve while it is selected
Peter Opitz
1:39 PM
Ok then, not a problem
Junita Lyon
1:39 PM
I created this flyer using snipping tool
Peter Opitz
1:39 PM
FastStone Capture
Pierce J
1:40 PM
i think pasting onto the blackboard you can just paste directly from the clipboard
Vivian Evans
1:40 PM
Some people like a printed version too
Liz Diamond
1:41 PM
a handout reinforces the learning
Pierce J
1:41 PM
i haven't tested it yet but I am looking at Ezvid
Vivian Evans
1:42 PM
I didn't know you could right click and paste a snipping tool here onto the whiteboard here in Blackboard - another use
Keith pita
1:42 PM
I've found good 'how to' YouTube videos, downloaded them and then put them on peoples USB sticks or computers
Peter Opitz
1:42 PM
Edit command isn't active here Pierce. Tried a capture of the walking crowd last slide, no go. Not to worry