City Council MinutesAugust20, 2012
The following are subject to modification and are not official minutes until approved by the Governing Body.
AUGUST20, 2012
7:00 P.M.
MayorTerrence D. Spexarth on Monday, August20, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. called the regular monthly meeting of the Colwich City Council to order.
Present were MayorTerrence D. Spexarth, Councilmembers Daniel Thurnau,Jesse McCurry,Kevin Archer, Chase Blasi,with Shawna Glasscock absent.
Staff members present were James Martin, Maintenance Superintendent;Stanley Juhnke, City Attorney; Brett Herrman, Firefighter; Mark Hinkle, Chief of Police; and Diana Brooks, City Clerk.
Mayor Spexarth led the audience, staff and Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were no notices or communications.
Mayor Spexarth solicited citizen comments. Ms. Betsy Anderson, 621 Union Park Cr. expressed concerns regarding the laws regulating dogs running at large and asked the laws be streamlined to resolve this issue. Mayor Spexarth detailed process used for handling complaints, the associated penaltiesand promised to review the processes.
- Public Hearing on the 2013 Budget – motion needed to open and close hearing and approve the request to adopt the 2013 budget as printed and Ordinance No. 647 an ordinance adopting the 2013 budget
Mayor Spexarth requested a motion to open the public hearing.
Councilman Thurnau moved that the Council open the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. Councilman McCurry second the motion. Upon a call vote the motion was approved 4-0.
Mayor Spexarth called for public comments or questions concerning the 2013 budget as published. Hearing none he called for a motion to close the public hearing.
Councilman McCurry moved that the Council close the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. Councilman Thurnau second the motion. Upon a call vote the motion was approved 4-0.
Mayor Spexarth questioned if Council had any additional comments or changes. Hearing none, he called for a motion to adopt the 2013 budget and Ordinance No. 647.
Councilman Thurnau moved that the Council approve the 2013 budget as printed and adopt Ordinance No. 647 adopting the 2013 budget. Councilman McCurry second the motion. Upon a roll call vote the motion was approved 4-0 with Councilman McCurry voting yea; Councilman Blasi voting yea; Councilman Archer voting yea and Councilman Thurnau voting yea.
B.Review of the business license application for a retail shop for catalogue sales of firearms at 221 W. Wichita – Jeffery White
Mayor Spexarth presented Mr. Jeffery White of Prairie Range Supply and stated he was requesting a business license at 221 W. Wichita to do catalogue firearms sales.
Councilman McCurrymoved that the Council approve the business license to do a retail catalogue sale of firearms for Jeffery White at 221 W. Wichita. Councilman Archer second the motion. Upon a call vote the motion was approved 4-0.
A.Heritage Festival
Ms. Mary Ann Morrison presented her report updating the events to be included in the festival celebration.She informed the Council of the inspection the Sedgwick County Food Inspector will perform the day of Heritage Festival. The Council asked the City Clerk to set a meeting with the inspector to review the standards for the festival.
Ms. Morrison presented a program from Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks promoting outdoors activities for children.
B.Park Committee – Mayor Spexarth reported on the installation of the swingsets and mulch stating there was 3,733 tires used in the recycled mulch. Discussion continued regarding the possible installation of a sidewalk from the parking lot to the swing sets. No action was taken.
A.City Engineer–Mr. Ben Mabry, City Engineer, reported that he had nothing additional to report. Mayor Spexarth informed the Council of the ongoing research to move the current crosswalk on the north side of 53rd Street leading to Kraus Grocery. No action was taken.
B.Library - The monthly report was included for review.
C.Fire– Mayor Spexarth introduced Firefighter Brett Herrman who presented the monthly report and stated there was nothing additional to report.
D.Maintenance–Mr. James Martin, Maintenance Superintendent presented a request to rent a crack sealing machine and purchase crack sealing materials in an amount not to exceed $10,000 to begin crack sealing in late September or early October.
Councilman Blasi moved that the Council approve up to $10,000 for crack sealing. Councilman Archer second the motion. Upon a call vote the motion was approved 4-0.
Mayor Spexarth questioned the Council’s desire on the repairing of 5th Street. Councilman Archer requested additional time to research the roller compacted concrete and review work performed in other locations. Councilman Archer reported he received a quote for slurry sealing the streets but had not reviewed it.
E.Police Department–Police Chief Mark Hinklepresented the monthly report. Chief Hinkle reported on a road safety seminar he attended suggesting improvements to street signage.
F.City Attorney– Mr. Stanley Juhnke, City Attorney, reported he attended a seminar on the open meetings law and open records. The emphasis was no texting during meetings, which the Colwich Council abided by.
G.City Clerk- Ms. Brooksreviewed her monthly report, provided a progress report on outstanding projects and reported on the KDHE Environmental seminar she attended and suggested hosting a Hazardous Waste 101 training for the surrounding communities.
Councilman Thurnau questioned the status of the annexations discussed with the City of Maize. Mayor Spexarth detailed the area considered for annexation and expressed concerns regarding various issues including the costs for public safety services and the potential budget impacts for installing utilities. The City Attorney reviewed procedures for annexation and Councilman Thurnau gave a history of the discussions with the City of Maize.
A.Approval of the minutes of the July 16, 2012 Council minutes
B.Approval of the minutes of the July 23, 2012 special Council meeting
C.Approval of Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 12-07-02 and 12-08-01
D.Approval of the July financial report
Councilman McCurry moved that the Council approve the consent agenda A-D. Councilman Thurnau second the motion. Upon a call vote the motion carried 4-0.
Councilmembers Thurnau, Blasi, Archer and McCurry had no additional comments.
Mayor Spexarth reminded Council of educational opportunities available for their consideration being the League of Kansas Municipalities meeting and the Governors’ Water Conference and asked them to notify the City Clerk if interested in attending either conference.
Mayor Spexarth presented a bid from Glass Pro for a new door and two openers at the Library in the amount of $5,607.
Councilman McCurry moved that the Council approve $5,607 for the purchase of a new door and two openers for the Library. Councilman Blasi second the motion. Upon a call vote the motion was approved 4-0.
Mayor Spexarth requested the Council review the penalty fee being charge on utility bills.He sated the current penalty amount did not cover the associated cost of notification, postage and supplies. He stated that after surveying other cities it was determined 10% was the common amount charged.
Councilman Blasi moved that the Council approve the increasing of the utility penalty fee from 2% to 10% at the City Code book update. Councilman Thurnau second the motion. Upon a call vote the motion was approved 4-0.
No executive session was needed
There being no further business, Councilman Blasi moved for adjournment at 8:33p.m. Councilman Thurnau second the motion. Upon a call vote the motion carried 4-0.
Respectfully submitted
Diana K. Brooks, City Clerk